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Chewing life with flavor and making it lively often relies not only on the mouth, but also on a heart soaked in the world's fireworks.

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Love yourself first, then love others.

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After reaching a certain age, what can truly make you go far is self-discipline, positivity, and diligence.

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The poorer a person's knowledge, the more they possess inexplicable courage and pride.

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Ordinary life may be full of flaws and regrets. We may not be perfect, but we must have a longing for perfection in our hearts.

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The complexity of human nature makes it difficult for each of us to fully understand ourselves, let alone others.

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No one can bargain with life, so as long as you are alive, you must work hard.

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A comfortable relationship between people is the ability to remain silent or speak at any time.

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Those who are left empty due to giving up must have better things to fill.