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尺寸:長:92cm 寬:36cm

題識:何去謂卻幾唯神 能造微行藏全在我用舍系於時 安分身無辱隨緣 以自怡湛然誌已定笨鳥且先飛。

春天的濕潤空氣被山上傾瀉而下的水霧打散,小水滴抖落在青竹旁青翠的初芽上,新枝輕擺,招搖生機。此畫鳥兒青鳴努力的拍打著翅膀,仿佛掙脫父母懷抱的小孩,證明自己也可以,而家人鳥兒媽媽在看著自己的孩子成長,栩栩如生的畫面生機拂面,如沐春陽,如感春潮。壹句話,這幅《笨鳥且先飛》是豐富想像力的輝煌結晶。而且,這種 按詩意作畫的繪畫方式也就成了中國畫裏特有的創作門道,由於構思巧妙,意境絕佳,所產生的作品絕對是永川館長原創孤品,非常罕見,幾乎件件都可能成為上品,開啟了壹片美術新天地,為中國畫常常復制自己找到了壹條背律,值得收藏。

Huang Yongchuan (1944-2017), a native of Fujian Nan'an. He studied under Huang Junyi and Lin Yushan. He is a famous Taiwanese painter, art history expert and cultural relic connoisseur. He has served as curator of the National Museum of History of Taiwan and President of the Taiwan University of Arts.

Inion: What to say is a few gods. I can make a micro-hidden possession. When I use it, I will be indifferent to myself. I have already decided to be a stupid bird and fly first.

The humid air of spring is scattered by the water mist falling down on the mountain. The small water droplets shake off the green buds next to the green bamboo, and the new branches are lightly swayed. This painting bird Qingming struggled to flap the wings, as if to break free from the parents' arms, to prove that they can, and the family bird mother is watching their children grow up, vivid pictures, such as Mu Chunyang, such as Spring tide.

In other words, this "stupid bird and first fly" is a brilliant crystallization of rich imagination. Moreover, this poetic painting method has become a unique creative door in Chinese painting. Due to the clever conception and excellent artistic conception, the resulting works are absolutely original orphans of Yongchuan curator. Very rare, almost all pieces are possible. Becoming a top grade, opened a new world of cymbal art, and found a way for Chinese painting to copy itself. It is worth collecting.

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尺寸:長:132cm 寬:65cm

題識:長風起 白波搓 欲問星河關 塹連天暗驚 濤擁翠螺 北關濤聲為蘭陽八景之壹 舊地重遊並句壹首


Inion: Long winds, white waves, want to ask the stars and rivers, and even the darkness of the sky, the snails of the sea, the snails of the north, the sound of the eight scenic spots in Lanyang, the old land revisited and the dagger

Huang Yongchuan is not only good at smashing and smashing thousands of feet of waterfalls, but also able to smash the waves after the waves. There is also a pool of water that looks like a mirror in the bay of the bay. It is also a sneak peek. The painting is so dynamic that it is like a wave of slap in the ear, and you can even feel the taste of the sea breeze.

The layout of the whole painting and calligraphy in space has a strong visual impact, and there is no delicate and rigorous part in the atmosphere. The water painted by Yongchuan curator is soft or soft, or moving or static, or quiet or obvious. Its pen and ink rhyme can always be shaped with the shape, open and close freely, never see the traces of carving, and its water is filled with the sound of Leiyin reverberating You can make you feel like you are going to be a favorite.