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首先是服装问题,魏晨和魏大勋穿的是浅色系,白敬亭却穿了黑色,显得有些突兀。令网友更觉蹊跷的是走位问题。虽然有五级台阶,但白敬亭始终站在最高处的 C 位,另外两位没法正常走位。于是网友戏称这种耍心机的做法为「春山学」。下面我们来看外刊 BNNbreaking 的报道。先从标题说起。


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我们在写作中较少用到,但外刊阅读中经常能⻅到它。来自动词 allege,表示 to state sth as a fact but without giving proof「断言,声称」或「指控」。这种断言往往没有给出对应的证据。allege 常用于被动语态,且跟 that 从句或者不定式搭配。

It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.


所以, alleged 表示「被指称的,涉嫌的」。通常和少数几个名词 crime, offence 等搭配。比如,alleged crime「被指称的罪行」。我们来看《经济学人》针对 Google 母公司的一篇报道。

It would also enable Alphabet to get ahead of the Department of Justice (DoJ), which in January sued Google over its alleged monopoly of digital-advertising technologies.

这也将使 Alphabet 在与美国司法部的对阵中占得先手,司法部已于1月提告谷歌涉嫌垄断数字广告技术。


词根词缀 + 四级 + 考研词汇

这个词我们在 那篇刚讲过,不知道大家是否还记得它?misconduct 是指「行为不端」,比如 academic misconduct「学术不端」。

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派生自动词 censor「审查」,所以 censorship 指的是 the practice or system of censoring something 「审查;审查制度」。AI 人工智能的发展带来了一些令人担忧的问题,来看《经济学人》的总结。

All this will raise questions about censorship, objectivity and the nature of truth.



这个名词来自动词词组 cry out,意思是因害怕、惊讶等「大叫,叫喊」。比如 cry out in alarm「惊慌得大叫起来」。不过名词 outcry 意思与之有些区别,指的是 an angry protest by a lot of ordinary people,中文为公众的「强烈抗议,反对」。那「激起抗议」怎么说呢? cause an outcry,或 provoke an outcry。

The closure of the local hospital has caused a huge public outcry.



The 2024 Spring Festival Gala, an event that should have been a celebration of unity and joy, has found itself at the center of controversy. Chinese actor Bai Jingting, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, has been accused of stealing the spotlight during the gala. This allegation has sparked a heated debate among netizens and industry insiders, with the concept of 'Chunshan Studies' emerging, pointing fingers at Bai Jingting for disrupting the stage and causing hardship for the staff behind the scenes.

整段译文:2024 年的春节联欢晚会本应是一场团结和欢乐的庆典,如今却成为争议的焦点。中国演员白敬亭作为娱乐界的知名人士被指在春晚中抢镜,引发了网民和业内人士的激烈讨论。「春山学 」这一概念应运而生,矛头直指白敬亭扰乱了舞台秩序,给幕后工作人员造成了麻烦。


01 steal the spotlight

spotlight 是我们的老朋友了,表示「聚光灯」。在舞台上,聚光灯通常会被投射到主角身上,引导观众追随主角的动向。所以 the spotlight 引申为 attention from newspapers, television and the public 「媒体或公众的关注」。因此,steal the spotlight 不是把聚光灯偷走,而是把观众的注意力「偷走」。这和我们汉语中的「抢镜」或者「抢风头」意思一致。

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02 steal the scene

除了用 steal the spotlight,我们还可以用 steal the scene / show / limelight 来表示相同含义。

Elwood stole the show with a marvellous performance.


03 photobomb

读 Elon Musk《马斯克传》时,遇到了一个新词 photobomb,中文也译为「抢镜」,但跟上面这俩短语不太一样。photobomb 指的是在别人拍照时「乱入镜头」。

He photobombed the actress as she was posing for the press.


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04 hog the spotlight

之前在 咱们还学过另一个搭配。 hog 原本指「肉猪」,可能是猪爱抢食,所以 hog 作动词时表示「在此为动词,表示「独占,把……占为己有」。所以 hog the spotlight 也可以表示「抢镜,大出风头」。

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point fingers at sb

用手指人很不礼貌,这点中外达成了共识。所以 point fingers at sb/sth 意思是 to blame someone or say that they have done something wrong「指责某人,责怪某人」。如果想翻译得更形象,我们还可以译为「将矛头指向某人」。来看《经济学人》的这个例句。

Yet CEOs say the job has got harder. Most point the finger at “disruption”, the idea that competition is more intense.


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当我们把二者的顺序调换,point 变成 pointing,就变出了名词 finger-pointing,意思是「指责」某人。其中,name-calling 也是来自动词词组 call sb names「辱骂某人」。

There followed months of name-calling and finger-pointing.



The Repercussions

The consequences of Bai Jingting's alleged misconduct have been severe. Reports suggest that several staff members lost their bonuses and even their jobs as a result of the disruption caused. This incident has tarnished the reputation of the Spring Festival Gala, a sacred and prestigious event in Chinese culture, causing widespread disappointment and anger among the public.



在英语中,除了 influence, impact 等表示「影响」外,还有很多其他词汇,repercussion 就是其中之一。它的特殊点在于通常用来表示不好的「影响,后果」,英文释义为 an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event。另一需要注意的是,它通常用复数 repercussions。比如,「经济影响」economic repercussions。

词组搭配:have repercussions for sth

如果想表示「对某事产生了负面影响」,那么可以用上这个词组:have repercussions for sth。如果想突出严重程度,还可以加上形容词 serious, enormous 或 tremendous 等。

The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry.


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tarnish the reputation

动词 tarnish,原本表示「使金属等失去光泽」,如果一个人的名誉失去了光泽,意味着名誉受损。所以 tarnish 后来衍生出另一条释义,指「玷污,损害」名誉、形象等。与 taint, stain 等是近义词。「受损的形象」便是 tarnished image。好,我们来看《经济学人》有关香港的一个例句

That has tarnished its appeal relative to Singapore, another entrepot with a common-law legal system, business-friendly regulation and low taxes.



