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Elon Musk had relationships with several women at SpaceX and pestered one to have his children, report says.

翻译:报道称,马斯克在 SpaceX 公司与多名女性有染,并纠缠其中一名女下属为他生孩子。

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重点词汇:pester v. /ˈpestər/

~ sb (for/with sth)to annoy sb, especially by asking them sth many times打扰;纠缠;烦扰

例句:Journalists pestered neighbours for information.


例句:He has been pestering her with phone calls for over a week.

他打电话骚扰她有一个多星期了 。

Years ago, SpaceX founder Elon Musk allegedly exposed himself to a SpaceX flight attendant before offering her a strange quid pro quo — he would give her a horse if she gave him an erotic massage. The company then reportedly paid the woman $250,000 to settle a 2018 sexual misconduct claim against Musk. In 2022, Musk denied the accusation: “If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light.”

翻译多年前,SpaceX 创始人马斯克据称曾向公司的一名空姐暴露自己隐私部位,然后向她提出了一个奇怪的交换条件--如果她为他进行色情按摩,他就送她一匹马。据报道,该公司随后向这名女子支付了 25 万美元,以了结 2018 年针对马斯克的不端指控。2022年,马斯克否认了这一指控: "如果我有性骚扰的倾向,这不可能是我整个30年职业生涯中第一次被曝光。”

重点词汇:allegedly adv. /əˈledʒɪdli/

Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof. 据称;据说;据指控

例句:The suspect allegedly committed the crime.


例句:The company allegedly violated safety regulations.


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重点词汇:quid pro quo n./ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ/

n. A favor or advantage granted in return for something. 交换条件;回报;互惠互利。

例句:The agreement was based on a quid pro quo between the two parties.


例句:He offered to help with her project as a quid pro quo for her assistance on his report.


Now, two years later, more allegations involving Musk’s behavior in his relationships have emerged. The billionaire had relationships with a number of female employees at SpaceX, and pressed others for sexual favors, according to a new Wall Street Journal report, based on interviews with more than 48 sources as well as emails, texts, and records. Musk’s alleged string of sexual encounters, or requested ones, with women who worked for him are nothing short of salacious.


重点词汇string n./strɪŋ/

a series of things or people that come closely one after another一系列; 一连串; 一批

• a string of hits接二连三的成功

例句:He owns a string of racing stables.


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重点词汇encounter n. /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/

~ (with sb/sth)~ (between A and B)a meeting, especially one that is sudden, unexpected or violent(意外、突然或暴力的)相遇,邂逅,遭遇,冲突

• a chance encounter偶然相遇

例句:I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers.


例句:It was his first sexual encounter (= first experience of sex).



