
网易汽车1月14日底特律报道 由中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会、网易汽车和底特律中国工程师协会国际专业委员会(DCEA Tech Council)联合主办的“全球汽车论坛中美对话暨2013全球汽车精英论坛”于当地时间2013年1月13日下午在美国底特律隆重召开。


以下为与会嘉宾 底特律华人工程师协会国际专业委员会主席聂子锋的发言实录:


我们中国有句古语: 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎今天Novi Sheraton会议大厅里萃聚业界精英,老友新朋,在这个星期日的下午,轻松愉快地 共同研讨汽车界热点话题. 的确是一件很有意义重大令人振奋的大事。我谨代表底特律中国工程师协会1600名在册会员和5000多名流动会员,代表DCEA国际专业委员会25个专门委员会对不辞辛苦, 远道而来出席本次论坛的专家们、领导们及媒体的记者朋友们表示最诚挚的欢迎!祝愿各位在底特律的逗留充实而愉快!


此外、本次论坛的成功举办得到了DCEA国际专业委员会、理事会、顾问团的积极支持和协同努力。在此,我代表论坛组委会和我本人,对各位的团队精神、日以继夜舍弃节假日休息的努力工作,对各位付出辛勤劳动表示最衷心的感谢!(ask to wavehands to everyone.)

朋友们, 科学技术无国界,汽车文明更是一片自由的疆土,DCEA专业委员会与网易汽车及中国贸促会汽车委员会,强强联合,充分发挥各自优势,联合主办“2013全球汽车精英论坛”,延续首届论坛的未尽话题,以“中美对话:协作共促汽车工业走向繁荣”为基调再次拉开帷幕,旨在推动美中两国汽车技术交流,学习解读美国汽车业先进企业管理运营理念,提升两国汽车产业交流与合作水平,并在中国本土汽车制造商与留美汽车精英人才之间,搭建沟通与互动的桥梁,为两国汽车产业共同发展做出贡献。

Happy New Year! Everyone,

Dear speakers and panelists, ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the 2013 Global Automotive Experts & executives forum.

In2012, also exactly on the day prior to the opening of NAIAS, we hadsuccessfully held the first Global Automotive Experts & Executives Forumsjointly with NetEase Automotive. One year later we are gathering hereagain with a new strong partner – Automotive Committee of China Council for thePromotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

At the 2012 Forum, with the theme of “Competition &Cooperation: A Win-win of the US-China Auto Industry”, we discussed several hotissues In the past year, many new challenges and opportunities haveemerged in the automotive industry.

With these issues in mind, as a continuation of the 2012 Forum,the theme of this year has been chosen to be: "US-China dialogue: Synergy:Propel the Auto Industry into Prosperity". Compared with last year,more extensive topics will be addressed, including electrical vehicles,communication between cars, unmanned vehicles, and the future direction andstrategies of US and China's auto market.

Theworld is moving further towards globalization while the innovation of scienceand technology is brewing new breakthroughs. In the tide of globalization, howcan companies adapt, and improve their technology, quality and efficiency? Thishas become a topic in front all of us. In this year’s forum, we are going tohave 9 worldwide first-class speakers and 7 panelists, ranging from top executives from China and US leading OEMs, seniorexecutives from financial institutions, leading experts in the automotiveindustry, and leaders from mainstream and specialized media.

We plan to hold this forum each year as anannual event and do hope it will become a “bridge” to connect US and China withscientific and engineering entities, and especially automotive industries,which are seeking international cooperation and development.

Thankyou to all speakers and experts for sharing their knowledge with us. Thank youall for your time.

With this, My best wishes to the forum and all of you! Thank you.