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This exhibition hall takes temple as the design inspiration. Temple architecture is a kind of space and design beyond daily life. It is not only beyond daily aesthetic experience, but also a profound insight and re-interpretation of daily life. Integrating the gravitas and stability of the temple into the modern exhibition hall design is a wonderful practice of super daily design. Super daily not only pay attention to the outer formal beauty, but also pay attention to the inner spiritual connotation. Through design, we try to make viewers re-examine their own lives and discover the beauty and meaning that have been neglected. In these fast-paced, high-stress times, ultra-everyday design offers us a way to get back inside and find peace.

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Through the use of symmetrical design, steps, colonnades and other elements, the Hanger exhibition hall successfully breaks the framework of the traditional exhibition hall, creating a solemn and full of modern space. In such a space, visitors can not only enjoy high-quality furniture, but also experience a spiritual enjoyment beyond the daily life.

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As an architectural form, temple has its unique interpretation in different cultures and times. Mies van der Rohe's New National Gallery in Germany has created a Parthenon-like example of modern architecture with modern materials such as steel and glass. The minimalist style of the building not only shows the refinement and elegance of modern architecture, but also conveys a serious and peaceful atmosphere in the space, which echoes the solemn and mysterious of the classical temple. The design of the Hangar exhibition hall takes space and order as the theme, cleverly integrating the elements of nature and order, which is undoubtedly a modern interpretation of the design concept of the temple.

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The 32 vertical columns support the whole space, subtly weakening the facade and greatly improving the circulation between the Spaces. The overall structure of the space looks more light and transparent, which not only creates a lofty and dignified atmosphere, but also interprets the theme of space and order.

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These orderly colonnades skillfully guide visitors through the space, and the arrangement of colonnades and spatial layout complement each other, so that visitors can constantly discover new perspectives and scenes in the process, so that the encounter between visitors and products becomes a chance encounter, through the colonnade, visitors can find interesting people and things behind the colonnade.

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The symmetry and balance of space layout and the simplicity and purity of material selection all reflect the pursuit of order. At the same time, through the introduction of natural light and the embellishment of green plants, the exhibition space is full of natural breath and vitality. Not only does the exhibition hall itself become a work of art, but also provides a perfect background for the furniture display. In such a space, every piece of furniture has been best presented, and its texture and beauty have been fully displayed.

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Hanger exhibition hall design boldly put a natural courtyard into the building, nature and order collision, the use of 4 trees, 4 groups of plants, 12 stone lights to form a rich courtyard and roof garden space, combined with stairs, make the whole space ups and downs, Hanger furniture products are also around the space ups and downs to expand.

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As a hot spot before the development, these four big trees really add no small charm to the exhibition hall. When visiting the exhibition, visitors are easily attracted by these green plants, which not only bring a natural atmosphere to the space, but also become a beautiful scenery in the exhibition hall.


And those glowing stones add a touch of mystery to the whole space. They are interspersed throughout the space, sprinkled on the steps and roof, as if to guide visitors. When visitors visit the exhibition hall, these luminous stones are like jumping street lights, and shuttle through the space like fireflies, adding a lot of fun and surprises to the whole process of viewing the exhibition.

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The conversion of light and dark in the light gives people a mysterious atmosphere and a sense of scattered space in the space flow line and visual experience, arousing people's curiosity to explore. Special light and shadow create a special atmosphere, design to abandon the conventional home space lighting creation techniques, the lighting design from the top to the ground, the use of artificial lights from the bottom to simulate the sunset or early morning light sense, to create a mysterious atmosphere.

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The combination of space and order, the blend of nature and humanity, let us feel the charm beyond the daily. The change of light, the guidance of the colonnades, and the plants and glowing stones that intersperse them make us feel like we are in a dream world. Here is not only the display of furniture, but also the intersection of design and life.

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