桑之未 汽车流通行业分析师 中国汽车流通协会专家委员会成员

By Sang Zhiwei Expert and Member of the Committee of China Automobile Dealers Association(CADA)(The English part is translated by Memory MA

2017年1月,上汽集团开始着手组建上汽奥迪销售公司之时, 1月13日,上汽集团总裁陈志鑫、上汽大众汽车有限公司销售与市场执行副总经理贾鸣镝接到奥迪中国总经理魏永新书面致函,希望上汽严格遵守之前约定,不要单方面启动销售公司组建。

与此同时, 奥迪中国正在全力准备奥迪股份公司管理董事会主席施泰德访问一汽集团的行程,德国奥迪与一汽集团签署《一汽、奥迪十年商业计划》也处于最关键档口。



魏永新在致陈志鑫、贾鸣镝函中提及:“我曾于2016年11月30日写信将奥迪方面关于经销商诉求的立场告知所有一汽- 大众奥迪经销商和中国汽车流通协会。 同时,我们也确认了中断与“经销商网络和销售渠道”相关的上汽-奥迪谈判工作。到 2017年3月底之前,这一约定将继续有效。一汽-大众奥迪经销商在上次谈判时态度非常明确,坚决要求严格遵守该约定。这一点得到了奥迪中国方面的确认。在此也请您继续坚定不移的遵守我们之间达成的一致约定”。

在施泰德访问一汽,德国奥迪与一汽集团签署《一汽、奥迪十年商业计划》的关键节点上, 上汽的任何举动都会引起不必要的敏感反应。魏永新致函表达了对上汽单方面启动上汽渠道建设不满,这也使得上汽奥迪未来合作的前景蒙上些许不确定性。

2017 年 3 月底上汽奥迪销售渠道、奥迪经销商与奥迪中国的谈判将会重启,关于销售渠道的走向,最大一种可能性就是奥迪牵头,组建奥迪AG、上汽奥迪、一汽奥迪三方合资的销售公司,一汽奥迪经销商将会成为奥迪经销商,未来无论上汽生产的奥迪、一汽生产的奥迪、德国生产的奥迪,都需要通过这个家销售公司批发、奥迪经销商负责零售,经销商不再分上汽体系、一汽体系。也有一种可能是奥迪与上汽合作项目长期停摆,仅维持在意向阶段。







SAIC promoted organizing the SAIC-Audi Sales Co., LTD. while was stopped by Audi China

Mr. Wei Yongxin, General Manager of Audi China wrote to SAIC Motors to slam the brake of the SAIC-Audi company establishment on Jan. 13, 2017.

The dealers of FAW-Audi, Audi China, and Audi Board Representative have agreed with the joint venture of SAIC-Audi on Nov. 30, 2016, and Mr. Wei Yongxin signed the meeting minutes and explained that, “Audi AG has suspended the cooperation with SAIC Motors around the sales network and will restart the talks before the end of Mar. 2017. ”

SAIC initiated the restart unilaterally has drawn the attention of Audi investors. Quoted informed sources, on Jan. 13, Mr. Wei Yongxin wrote a restricted letter to Mr. Chen Zhixin, President of SAIC Motors, and Mr. Jia Mingdi, Executive Vice -President of Sales and Marketing and General Manager of SVW Motors Sales co., LTD, to stop the one-sided initiative.

In the letter Mr. Wei wrote,” I have written to all the dealers under FAW-Audi and CADA to show Audi’s attitude towards the dealers’ demand.at the same time, we ensured to stop the related negotiation of SAIC-Audi network and sales channel. The agreement is valid until the end of Mar. 2017. The dealers of FAW-Audi declared their position clearly, and insisted the agreement should be followed strictly, which is also accepted by Audi China, thereby please keep the promise between us firmly.”

The letter Mr. Wei Yongxin wrote showed his dissatisfaction on the unilateral restart of channels construction, which also brought some uncertainty to the cooperation between SAIC and Audi in the future.

Before March end in 2017, the negotiation between Audi dealers, SAIC sales and Audi China will be restarted, and the greatest future possibility of the sales channels should be that, Audi initiated to establish a joint venture which ties up Audi AG, SACI-Audi and FAW-Audi. The dealers of FAW-Audi will be the dealers of the new JV, with all products selling wherever the cars produced by SAIC, FAW or in Germany. Therefore, there will be no factions.

Also there will be another possibility, Audi postpones the cooperation with SAIC for a long time, and the negotiation stays on the contemplation stage.

FAW-Audi contributed a lot to the GDP of Jilin province, thus the cooperation between SAIC and Audi has brought the attention of government there, and the responsible assigned for this have been Beijing to discuss with the department in charge.

Remarks: Organization chart of SAIC-Audi Sales Co.,LTD

Jia Mingdi, SVW's Executive Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, General Manager of SVW Sales Co., LTD, will onboard as the GM of SAIC-Audi Sales Co., LTD

Xin Yu, Senior Director of VW brand, SVW Sales Co., LTD, will act as the Sales Head of SAIC-Audi

Chen Li, Senior Director of VW brand marketing, SVW Sales Co., LTD, will take the Marketing Head of SAIC-Audi

Shen Wansong, Senior Manager of SKODA sales strategy, Director of Network Development, once acted as the GM of Sales Service Centre in South China, SVW Sales Co., LTD, will take the post of Network Development of SAIC-Audi.


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