译者:林志立 作者:Monica Sarkar,CNN

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In August 1947, around 12-15 million people fled their homes from one side of a new border within the former British colony of India to the other. The direction they took depended on their faith: Hindus and Sikhs came together and separated from Muslims.


An estimated 1 million people died along the way, many facing a violent end. It's also reported that about 75,000 women were abducted and brutally raped by people belonging to the opposite faith.


What became known as partition gave birth to a new nation called Pakistan, conceived by a Muslim political party for India's minority Islamic community. But it was fraught with problems from the moment the British hastily drew the borderline.


This took place as Britain, India's imperial ruler, was handing back power to its colonies. The fight to gain independence for India was a tense yet tireless one for political leaders such as Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, Jawarharlal Nehru, who became India's first prime minister, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who became the founder of Pakistan.

英国印度的统治者决定把权力移交给殖民地。对于莫汉达斯·甘地(Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi)、贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawarharlal Nehru)等政治领导人来说,争取印度的独立斗争是一个紧张而不知疲倦的事情,贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁成为印度第一任总理,而穆罕默德·阿里·真纳(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)成为巴基斯坦的建国者

But how exactly was the British colony split into the nations of India and Pakistan? And what led to one of the most harrowing events of the 20th century? Here are some of the key events that led to one of global history's most defining moments.

但是,如何精确地将英国的殖民地分割成印度和巴基斯坦两个国家? 是什么导致了二十世纪最令人痛心的事件之一? 这里有一些导致了全球历史上最具决定性的时刻之一的关键事件。


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Known as the Indian Rebellion, or the Indian Mutiny, the Indian army launches a shocking and bloody nationwide attack on British officers in India.


The attack occurs during the rule of the East India Company, a British corporation originally formed to facilitate trade with the East Indies, which aggravates ties with India through a lack of consideration for local traditions.



Although the mutiny was unsuccessful, the British empire takes over the rule of India from the East India Company.



A political group called the Muslim League is formed to look after the interests of India's minority Muslim community.



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Muslim politician Muhammad Ali Jinnah becomes the leader of the Muslim League. He later goes on to become the founder of Pakistan and becomes known as "Quaid-i-Azam", or "Great Leader".

穆斯林政治家穆罕默德·阿里·真纳(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)成为穆斯林联盟的领导人。他后来成为巴基斯坦的创始人,也被称为“阿扎姆(Quaid-i-Azam)”,或者“伟大领袖”。


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Reginald Dyer

British troops, under orders from commander Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, fire without warning on a peaceful protest of thousands of unarmed Indians in Amritsar, Punjab. Hundreds of men, women and children are killed and many injured, although the actual numbers are disputed between British and Indian authorities.

英国军队,在指挥官Reginald Dyer准将的命令下,在数千名手无寸铁的印度阿姆利则人的和平抗议中毫无预警地开火,数以百计的男人、女人和儿童被杀,许多人受伤,尽管英国和印度当局公布的实际数字存在争议。

Known as the Amritsar massacre, or the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, it is one of the events that spurs lawyer, politician and activist Mohandas Gandhi to focus his efforts on separating India from the British.

众所周知的阿姆利则大屠杀,或者贾良瓦那花园(Jallianwala Bagh)大屠杀,这是一个刺激律师、政治家和活动家莫汉达斯·甘地(Mohandas Gandhi)付出一生的努力将印度从英国独立出来的重要事件之一。


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Jawaharlal Nehru joins and becomes a prominent figure in the Indian National Congress party, which campaigns for independence from the British. He is deeply inspired by Gandhi, whom he met in 1916.

贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)加入印度国大党,成为著名人物,该党发起独立运动。他在1916年会见甘地,并深受他的启发。


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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, becomes the leader of India's independence movement and revamps the Indian National Congress Party.

莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi),更多地被称为圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi),他成为了印度独立运动的领导人,并改造了印度国大党。

Promoting non-violence and civil disobedience, he also begins the Quit India Movement, calling for the British to withdraw from India. Believing in unity, he is wholly against the partition of the country.

促进非暴力不合作(non-violence and civil disobedience)运动,他也开始呼吁英国从印度撤军的退出印度运动。他相信团结,他完全反对国家的分裂。


The British Parliament passes the Government of India Act, which divides the country into self-ruling territories, creating a united federation similar to Australia and Canada. But India still does not have the same independence as these countries.



Following marked differences between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, tensions between Hindus and Muslims rise. Jinnah makes the first demand for a separate nation for Muslims.



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The Muslim League provincial government in Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, makes a call to Muslims for a "Direct Action Day" - ostensibly a day of strikes, although it has been open to different interpretations - to support the creation of Pakistan.

加尔各答(Calcutta)穆斯林联盟省政府,也就是现在的加尔各答(Kolkata),呼吁穆斯林“直接行动日(Direct Action Day)”——表面上是罢工的一天,即使它有不同的解释——支持巴基斯坦的创建。

It ends up becoming a harrowing day of violence between Muslims and Hindus. At least 4,000 people are killed and more than 10,000 injured.



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Lord Louis Mountbatten becomes the viceroy of India, responsible for overseeing the handover of power from Britain to India. He tries to maintain a united India, but the opposition from Jinnah and his supporters forces Mountbatten to reluctantly agree to divide the country.

主蒙巴顿(Lord Louis Mountbatten)成为印度总督,负责监督从英国到印度的权力移交。他试图维持一个统一的印度,但真纳和他的支持者们推动蒙巴顿(Mountbatten)勉强同意分裂印度。


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The plan to partition the Indian subcontinent is announced by then-Prime Minister of Britain, Clement Attlee, to the House of Commons by radio, which is then broadcast to India from Delhi.

印度次大陆的分裂计划是由当时的英国首相克莱门特·艾德礼(Clement Attlee)通过无线电广播在下议院宣布的,然后从印度德里市(Delhi)广播到印度。

Attlee says power will be handed to the Indian people before June 1948, but it happens far sooner than that.

艾德礼(Clement Attlee)说英国在1948年6月将权力转交给印度人民,但这事发生得早于那件事。


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Cyril Radcliffe, the British judge responsible for sketching the line that would divide the nation, arrives in India. He doesn't visit the points where the land will be divided and stays in the country for only six weeks.

负责划分国家的边境线的英国法官西里尔拉德克利夫(Cyril Radcliffe)到达印度。他没有参观将要被分割的陆地,他在印度只待了6个星期。


It's reported that Radcliffe finished drawing the line on this date -- but Viceroy Mountbatten keeps it a secret so the British won't be blamed for any violence.

据报道,拉德克利夫(Cyril Radcliffe)在这一天完成了边境线的划分——但巴顿总督对此保秘密,所以英国不会因为任何暴力事件而受到谴责。


Though planned to take place before June 1948, Pakistan gains independence on August 14, 1947 and India the day after -- ten months before the scheduled date, and without the border finalised.


Jinnah becomes Pakistan's first governor-general.


Before the strike of midnight on August 15, Nehru, appointed India's first Prime Minister, delivers his famous and rousing 'Tryst with Destiny' speech from inside Parliament in the country's capital of New Delhi.



The border line, cutting through Bengal in the east and Punjab in the west, is confirmed two days after India becomes independent. The line is quickly marked on maps using censuses of "minority" and "majority" populations.


An estimated 500,000 -- 1 million men, women and children perish in partition, although this figure varies.


Individual murders are barbaric, often involving disfiguration and dismemberment. "It seems that the aim was not only to kill, but to break people," historian Yasmin Khan would later note.

个别谋杀是野蛮的,通常涉及毁容和肢解。历史学家Yasmin Khan后面注解道:“看起来,目的不仅仅是杀人,而是为了肢解人。”


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