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坐洋币是法属印度支那贸易银圆,俗称坐洋,为清末民初在华流通的外国银圆之一。银币正面为自由女神坐像,背面的装饰图案为麦穗,法文有 “贸易银元”和“法属印度支那”等。银元正面希腊自由女神坐像,这也是“坐洋”得名的因素。“坐洋”的形象虽然与其后英国铸造的“站洋”中持戟武士傲然挺立船头的形象大相径庭,但却丝毫无法掩盖殖民主义者大规模进行经济侵略的野心。

The foreign currency sitting on the ocean is the French Indochina trade silver dollar, commonly known as sitting on the ocean, is one of the foreign silver coins circulating in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The silver coin has a statue of the Statue of Liberty on the front and a decorative pattern of wheat ears on the back. The French words are "silver dollar for trade" and "French Indochina". The silver dollar is the statue of the Greek goddess of liberty. This is also the reason for the name of "sitting in the ocean". Although the image of "sitting on the ocean" is quite different from the image of "standing on the ocean" made by Britain in which the halberd warrior stands proudly on the bow of the ship, it can not conceal the colonialists'ambition of large-scale economic aggression at all.

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Foreign currency is also known as French silver trade in Indochina, one of the foreign silver coins circulated in China at the end of Qing Dynasty. The front of the coin, the statue of the goddess of liberty with seven wreaths of light on its head, and the word "1906", the back of the ear of wheat pattern, for the "A" version of the coin, issued and circulated in the colonies, is a relatively rare species, has a high collection value and appreciation space. This Silver Ocean sits on the ocean. Its diameter is 3.8cm, and its weight is about 24G. The collection is well preserved and has a natural color, both in writing and in design, which is natural, delicate and appropriate in depth. The design is novel, the foundry worker is exquisite, has the extremely collection value.

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With the increasing popularity of the coin market, more and more people pay attention to the collection of coins. Foreign currency sitting on the auction floor is one kind of coins with both artistic appreciation value and investment collection value. The selling price is also rising day by day.

近日,宝隆国际有幸征得法国坐洋币1906年版一枚,该枚钱币直径为3.8厘米。钱币正面中央是手执束棒的自由女神坐像,两侧是法文“REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE”(法兰西共和国),下方是年份1908;背面为麦穗花环,花环上方铸法文“FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE”(法兰西印度支那),中间是法文“PIASTRE DE COMMERCE”(皮阿斯特贸易银)。此币保存较好,不论是文字还是图案,都显得自然细腻,纹饰清晰有致。设计新颖,铸工精湛;具有极高的收藏价值和艺术价值。

Recently, Baolong International has been lucky enough to get the French version of the 1906 edition of the ocean coin, which is 3.8 centimetres in diameter. On the front, the statue of the Statue of Liberty with a bundle stick in hand, on both sides of the coin is the French word "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE" (French Republic), and on the bottom is the year 1908; on the back is the ear of wheat wreath, with the French word "FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE" (French Indochina) cast above the wreath, and in the middle is the French word "PIASTRE DE COMMERCE" (Pia). St trade silver. This coin is well preserved, whether it is text or pattern, it is natural and fine, and the decoration is clear. The design is novel, the foundry worker is exquisite, has the extremely high collection value and the artistic value.




藏品规格:直径:3.8cm 总重24g


Address: 8 floor, Dunhuang building, 777 West Renmin Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong.