
由于珍·古道尔博士近期过度繁忙,不宜长途旅行,身体亟需休养。原定 2018年11月7-8日的成都访问活动不得不遗憾取消,后续若有新的安排,我们会另行发布。


珍·古道尔博士曾说,“ 无论在任何地方,无论任何人,只要你愿意,都能为这个星球变得更好做出一点什么 ”。此次她未能成行,但心中真切牵挂每位支持环保、支持根与芽的朋友,希望大家能一如既往地做有意义的选择和行动,彼此在最好的时刻相聚。




Dear supporters of Roots & Shoots Chengdu,

Because of the very busy schedule of Dr. Jane Goodall recently, unfortunately her health condition doesn’t allow her to do another long journey. Thus, we are sorry to inform you that her visit to Chengdu on the7th and the 8th of November has been cancelled. We will inform you immediately if there are any new arrangements.

We offer our sincere apologies to all the attendees of this event. Please believe that Roots & Shoots Chengdu will carry and bring on more meaningful projects for you.

Dr. Jane Goodall used to say that, no matter where and who, as long as you are willing to, you can make a difference to our planet to be a better place.

This time, Dr. Jane Goodall could not come and meet us, but she truly cares about every person who supports environmental protection as well as Roots & Shoots. She hopes that we continue to make wise choices and good actions, so we can meet each other in a brighter future.

We, once again, apologize for theinconvenience brought by this unexpected change. We will refund those who had already signed up for the afternoon tea of the 8th of November as soon as possible. We hope that you understand and that you will keep supporting us.

Thank you!

Roots & Shoots Chengdu

30th of October 2018


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