本案业主,95后海归,自信而又阳光。机缘巧合了解了我们全程托管的模式,遂邀请观享际 SKH室内设计团队为其打造归国后的第一居所,为未来的生活种下希望,埋下伏笔,留下无限的可能性…

The protagonist of this case is an overseas returnee and born after 1995 and who is confident and positive. He knew the mode of our whole trusteeship by coincidence, so we invite the interior design team named Guanxiangji·SKH to design his first house after his returning, for giving expect for the future life and leaving infinite possibilities…

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Entering this house is just like opening a book. When you are attracted by the book's qualities, you will carefully read it.First of all, people will read the text and then read the information’s rhythm, next, feeling the"five senses", which will let the design and life gradually fusing..

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The wind blows from the sea,

The sun shines on the golden shore,

The girl on the edge of a table is waiting the windis the finishing touch,

They are all quiet, peaceful and full of expectations just as the overall color collocation!

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The different shades of gray were used by living room to contrast with the original floor of the hardcover room, highlighting the key points and creating a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.

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In some of the furniture's color scheme, theorange-colored original skin was chosen. As time passed, the pores of the original skin would be colored by the patina of the years, showing a moistvisual effect, just like baptism by the years to a sunny boy, the house will witness the growth of him after returning to China...

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The entire space is with high and low, staggered,orderly management and taking into account the storage and display functions.From the point to the surface, any objects appearing in the scene arepersonally created by the SKH design team.

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The original leather cabinet at the entrance has also the function of the shoe cabinet. The process of the different color of geometrical shape of the cabinet door is in an echo with the content of the decorative painting, and contrast with the color of painting, which takes a perfect collision between romantic and rational.

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The air is filled with sweet flavor, the blear curtains, the exquisite wall hangings, the placement of the flowers are very elegant, which are ready for the life of two people in the future...

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The whole arrangement presents a modern and rational style of a post-95 boy. The curtains are in an echo of the color of the bed back, the lines are clean and simple, and the match of bedding reveals the romance of Provence...

The sculptural table lamp is arranged in the room, which adds another feeling of fun to the room.

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Parents will come here occasionally and stay here for some days, the room is elegant and stylish, everything is fully equipped, sothey just need to take a simple bag to stay...

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The guest room is the expectation we designed forthis sunny boy, maybe one day it will be replaced by a children's room...














项目名称 | 南京 海玥名都

项目地址 | 南京建邺区月安街11号

设计团队 | 观享际·SKH 设计团队

建筑面积 | 160 ㎡ 浅色户型


项目摄影 | Ingallery TM团队




「 团队奖项 」


2018 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”中国十大当红别墅设计师

2018 光华龙腾奖 中国装饰设计业十大杰出青年提名奖

2018 年度 40 UNDER 中国(南京)设计杰出青年 评委

2018 中国优秀青年室内设计师提名

2018 中国金堂奖 优秀住宅公寓设计奖

2018 中国金堂奖 娱乐空间设计奖

2018 金外滩奖 最佳精装房奖

2017 光华龙腾奖 中国装饰设计业十大杰出青年提名奖

2017 中国人文设计大赛 最佳创意设计奖(住宅公寓类)

2017 中国金堂奖 优秀住宅公寓设计奖

2017 喜舍杯 中国住宅设计总评榜 年度优秀别墅设计奖

2017 台湾六艺奖 居住空间类 金奖提名奖

2017 金创意奖国际空间设计大奖 十大知名设计师奖

2017 第五届金创意奖 国际空间设计大赛 样板房空间设计类创意设计奖

2017 第五届金创意奖 国际空间设计大赛 特聘实战设计导师

2017 艾特国际空间设计大奖 最佳样板房设计提名奖

2017 IDS国际设计先锋榜 住宅空间金奖提名奖

2016 中国芒果别墅空间最佳创意奖

2016 中国金堂奖优秀住宅公寓设计

2016 中国(南京)室内设计新势力榜十佳设计师

2016 喜舍杯·中国住宅设计总评榜年度十佳别墅设计奖

2016 全国第七届筑巢奖

2016 第四届ID+G金创意奖国际空间设计大赛-别墅豪宅空间设计铜奖

2015 中国金堂奖优秀住宅公寓设计

2014 中国金堂奖别墅类优秀作品奖



2013 中国侨汇杯-建E网第一届室内设计大赛 复赛评委

2013 中国年度大师工作营优秀学员席

2013 中国金陵国际家居室内设计师名师堂义工名誉副主席

2013 中国金堂奖购物空间类优秀作品奖

2013 江苏省室内设计陈设设计大奖赛银奖

2012 中国金堂奖别墅类优秀作品奖

2011 年度南京市好享家杯室内设计大奖赛 别墅工程类 一等奖

2011 年度凤凰新势力南京十大室内设计师

2010 年度南京市银牌优秀设计师称号

2007 年度作品收录于第三届中国国际艺术设计观摩展

2007 年度入围于全国室内设计“十大新锐人物"

2005 年度南京市最受欢迎十佳室内设计师

2005 年度第五届江苏省室内设计大奖赛二等奖

2003 年度第四届江苏省室内设计大奖赛 金奖

「 观享际SKH 简介 」

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南京观享际 SKH室内设计 成立于2008年,是一家拥有资深背景、年轻、前卫的设计师团队,引进了国际流行设计的室内设计管理新理念,其专注于别墅、私人宅院、办公空间、展厅等。设计和施工及全程整体托管模式,拥有优质设计施工团队及配套高端材料资源,包括前期概念、施工图深化、效果图、现场施工负责、软装配饰等。从事装饰行业17年期间,累计全国近二十个城市500套装修设计案例,一直坚持个性化的装饰设计,追求时代化的创新意识,工作室正以适合自身、适应时代的前所未有的持续发展态势在装饰业界不断发展。在特色观念的鼓舞下,工作室力争在装饰设计作出自身个性,与其他企业形成差异化。独特的构思和强大的设计后盾创建了鲜明的品牌形象及良好口碑。

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南京观享际 SKH设计团队主要致力于,针对不同客户对空间审美诉求给予最准确的量身定制式设计服务,每完成一整套设计,凸显它价值的最大衡量标准就是它的唯一性和不可替代性;当客户觉得“非你不可”的时候,你的设计的可贵才由此体现,不论是“小小蜗居”还是“豪华别墅”。由客户需求出发进行设计细节到家中每一个成员的生活习惯及方式,才能造就独一无二的、获得客户肯定的设计,通过作品展现的是SKH设计团队对设计创意的执着追求,每个设计作品的命名都代表一段与人文有关的故事