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如果您有一颗孩童的心,欢迎一起来~ 听完Ash的分享也许你也可以为宝贝或自己设计绘本哦~

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《一首光速摇篮曲》 是一本绘本,自称为:“初学者的时空旅行”。由韵律诗和粉笔绘画构成。不论年龄大小,我们不都是时空旅行的初学者吗?



Dear Future, Past and Present Reader,

A Lullaby At Light Speed bills itself as Space-Time Travel For Beginners. It is written in rhyming verse with big pictures - because, younger or older, aren't we all absolute beginners in space-time travel?

This is a book for any age depending on what age you're feeling. So if you're 6, much of what it says might be news to you. And if you're 60, you can enjoy being 6 again!

But let's start at the beginning.

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《一首光速摇篮曲》 的绘画过程



The Making of A Lullaby At Light Speed

Quite a few years ago, I wrote a poem for my then-7-year-old daughter, XiaoXian. The poem set itself the (admittedly somewhat ambitious) aim of explaining the entire Universe to a young mind.

At the time, she wasn't very interested in it. The poem, that is, not the Universe!


Some time later, I rediscovered the poem and realised how much more involving it would be if, of course, it was illustrated. And also how much more interesting it might be if it did not have a traditional narrative but rather explored its setting as a child might if she was given unlimited freedom to do so. Spontaneously. Unplanned. Moving from one thing to the next, discovering what was in front of her nose. Except this playground encompassed all of Space and Time. In this sense, ALALS is more a series of 'thought-experiments' as opposed to a typical story.


So, I started doodling. The doodlings began to take form and become cohesive images. At the same time the poem was edited, re-written, simplified and co-ordinated with the drawings. But I still did not know how to illustrate it with the right feeling. Ink on paper, watercolour, oilpaint, coloured pencils - I tried them all. None felt quite right. Too light, too heavy, too normal, too slow ..

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As it happened, the answer was right in front of me all along. We had already painted one wall of our apartment with blackboard paint and we would use the wall to learn language, songs or simply to depict something - anything! - to be expressed quickly. This seemed a good way to make a book. So we painted more walls to become blackboards until this one room became a cave. A cave in which to explore the Universe.

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Then the work began in earnest. It took about a year and half to do all the drawings, photographing them along the way with the help of my friend ZhangYu, a professional photographer. After each one of these colourful, dust-and-drama drawings was completed and documented, it was wiped clean and, if necessary, the wall re-painted with blackboard chalk to maintain the clean, pure surface.

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Initially, this was quite a sad process - some of the drawings took a week or more to make. But once the flow of work made itself insistent, demanded progress, became hungry for the next, it became a liberating process and kept the work imbued with a freshness. Light and heavy, fast and deliberate, the qualities of chalk and mineral pigment are a joy! It was also somehow 'cleansing' to devote so much time to something so impermanent - a little bit like the 'sand mandala' drawings of Buddhist monks (whereby complex image-patterns are created in great detail using pipetted, coloured sands which, on completion, are ritually swept away).

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Nothing lasts, everything exists.

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The book is now printed. Printed over-sized, hardback, in English with an inserted pamphlet of Chinese translation (This pamphlet is removeable so that the full-size artwork can be enjoyed as you read).

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Uniting concepts of the nature of Space and Non-Space, Time and Non-Time, magical science and practical dreaming, enlightenment and bewilderment.

All, as mentioned earlier, is presented from a child's viewpoint. I take heart in the thought that children know 'everything' and that we ought to remind ourselves not to take away from, not to diminish, their great wisdom in pursuit of our conventional, adult thinking!

我必须谦卑地承认至少两位“思想实验”者给予的灵感。一位是:公元前4世纪晚期的道家思想家庄子所著的《庄子 齐物论》中的庄周梦蝶之典故;另一位是:爱因斯坦16岁时构思的“追逐一束光”(1895)。

I must humbly acknowledge a great debt of inspiration to two 'thought -experiments'. These are: the late 4th century BC "Dream of the Butterfly" by the Daoist thinker we know as ZhuangZi. Along with, "Chasing a Light Beam" (1895) conceived by Einstein when he was a 16-year old schoolboy.

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Seperated by millenia, geography, culture and education, neither of them offers an empirical proof or verifiable conclusion. Both of them offer pleasure in the consideration of outlandish ideas as possible truths yet to be fully understood.

All that is known awaits what is yet to be known.

This then, is something of the process of making a " A Lullaby At Light Speed ".

I sincerely hope the finished book is worthy of the reader.


About the Author


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Ash is a poet/artist. Born in London. Founder of independent publisher - Fifth Floor Farm. The family moved to Shanghai in 2006. He and his wife Huang Xiaokou and his daughter Xiaoxian are currently working and living in Zhujiajiao (an ancient town in the west of Shanghai). His works have been exhibited in Britain, the United States, Australia, and China.His studio was merged with home, therefore merging daily life with artistic creation. Thus, housework becomes both meditative and constructive. And making artworks he considers is just another form of domestic work.

读者评论 : What People Have Said


" Strange combination of sci-fi Daoism and fairy-tale Sciencism!"

" 穿越整个时空的心灵之旅。”

" A journey through the mind via the whole of Space and Time."

" 这里捕捉到一种奇怪的智慧——完美,温和又奇思妙想。"

" There's a curious kind of wisdom captured here - perfectly, gently and whimsically."

" 以科学为依据,以魔法为燃料,以爱为向导。”

" Informed by science, spiced up by magic, guided by love."


" Deceptively simple, hidden depths "

这是一本独立出版的绘本,由五楼农场(Fifth Floor Farm ) 工作室独立出版。于2017年成立,专为我们一家三口绘本项目而设计。


This is an independently published book, brought to you by Fifth Floor Farm, a modest, independent publisher and platform founded in 2017 for the various projects of our family.

ALALS is printed as a limited, first edition of 1000. The book is in English and includes an accompanying Chinese translation pamphlet at the front of the book (removeable so that you can enjoy the pictures as you read the book).



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Firstly, most importantly, my wife XiaoKou ~ for her patience, counsel, support and yet more patience. My daughter XiaoXian, for being inimitable. My friend Zhang Yu for photographing all the drawings over the 18 months they took to make and, without whom, this book would not exist. My friends, too numerous to mention individually, but whom collectively do surely provide the reason to try to do something interesting to share in the first place. And, yes, to the culture of China and the generosity of Chinese people ~ for educating a foreign mind to think differently, act more dilligently and love more heartily!

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