




Dongguan, China

光本是佳美的,眼见日光也是可悦的。 (传道书11:7 )

Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. Ecclesiastes11:7

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Someone asked me, what is the hardest part of private house design? It's not a style .

I said that it is not a style of a certain style, but your understanding of the customer and how to better communicate with them.

In short, you need to understand the needs of the owner at every stage, and then find a way to help him. As for the design content, it should be your reminder that he can be cheerful or smile.

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Some people asked me: "customers often have a lot of life experience, they often have more wealth than us, how can we guide him?"

I said, first of all, do not pay attention to the customer, first find out their gifts and expertise. It is the best way to truly express your views on the profession.

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A dentist can't compete with a dermatologist, and an elite in the IT industry can't learn from basketball players.

Each industry has its own different characteristics, and there is no need for direct comparison between different industries. To put it simply, you can't compete with a professional basketball player, but you should have more expertise in design than he does.

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When it comes to the stage of life, it is an interesting topic. Although you are about thirty years old, we can grow up early because God has given us the ability to learn and think.

We can think about some of the common characteristics of life at the age of forty, and we can even understand the behavior of people in their seventies and 80s.

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There is a saying in the Bible: "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy4:12 NIV)"

This also tells us that if we understand the truth and seriously walk out, it is a very special individual.

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This also shows that people do not become more perfect when they are older, but only rely on the truth to live out different and more unique temperament.

The owner of the "Order" is in the best years of life. The children have grown up. The couple also have their own relatively independent time and their own career.

Light smile, gentle talk, positive attitude, have a good hope for the future.

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In the face of the original type of residential villa, we put forward several key concept of the situation.

It is not only a suggestion for the use of restaurants, but also a promotion of the kind of relaxation and leisure lifestyle in the future.
If after many years, you can remember sitting on that solid wooden windowsill in the hall, in the warm sun......

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Or maybe you remember a book you read somewhere in the living room, and the faint scent of a baked cake coming from the West Kitchen......

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In fact, I would like them to find more beautiful treasures in this family, for each different stages of life to make adequate preparations.

This is destined to be a look and elegant home villa. It will accompany them at different stages of their lives with ease and certainty......

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建筑&室内设计 | 贰壹设计文化

Material supply & Interior Design |21SJ

物料供应&执行 |供道家居

Decoration and Execution |GOLD OUT

项目性质 | 别墅项目

Project Nature |Villa

设计面积 |398

Design Area |398㎡

摄影单位 | 21FM

Photographer | 21FM

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