
So,without further ado,let's get started.

peace out





peace”这个单词,小伙伴们应该都很熟悉,我们每一个人都love peace,并且都希望world peace。那么,“peace out”这个短语是什么意思嘞?它是“再见”的意思!


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1.in peace 和平地;宁静;安详地

2.peace of mind 内心的宁静;明镜止水

3.at peace 处于和平状态

4.nobel peace prize 诺贝尔和平奖

5.peace process 和平进程

6.peace talks 和谈

7.live in peace 和平相处

8.keep the peace 守法

9.make peace 讲和;调解;言和和解

10.peace and quiet 安静;宁静

11.peace treaty 和平条约



peaceful 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的

peaceable 和平的;平静的;温顺的

peacekeeping 维护和平的;执行停火协定的


peacefully 平静地

peaceably 和平地;温和地


peacefulness 平静;温和



pull strings





相信很多小伙伴都知道“pull”有“拉,拔,拖”的意思,而“string”有“绳子”的意思,那么,“pull strings”的意思就是“拉绳子”吗?不是的!它的含义其实是“暗中操控”。有想到它是这个意思吗?



It's all about information, collecting information and knowing what to say and how to manipulate things and pull strings.


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之前有在前面几篇短语解析系列推文中分享关于“catch,take,out of”的相关短语,今天想分享关于“pull”的短语。

1.pull out 离开;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康

2.pull something on someone 在…方面欺骗某人

3.pull down 推翻;拉下来;使……下跌

4.pull up 拔起;停下来;阻止

5.pull together 齐心协力

6.pull in 进站;吸入;提到警察局

7.pull out of 退出;拉出,取出

8.pull off 赢得;脱下;努力实现

9.pull on 穿;戴;继续拉

10.pull back 拉回;撤回;拉为平手;反悔

11.pull through 渡过难关;恢复健康

12.pull away 离开;脱身;拉掉

13.pull it off 圆满完成

14.pull over 开到路边;靠岸

15.push and pull 推与拉

16.pull apart 撕开;扯断

17.pull rod 拉杆;推杆

18.pull at 用力拉;大口喝

19.pull the trigger 开枪

20.pull into 进站



think outside the box





“think outside the box”直译是“在箱子外边思考”,小编不禁在想在箱子外边怎么思考呢?这有些奇奇怪怪。既然感到奇怪,那它自然也不是这个意思,它的含义是“打破常规”。

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1.To generate fresh ideas we have been told to think outside of the box and then jump back in; vision building destroys the box and builds a new one.


2.I tend to jump to past solutions first when designing, but forcing myself to look at multiple other solutions requires me to think more outside of the box.


3.It is important to recognize that a small but significant number of thinkers were willing to think outside the box and were aware of many risks and vulnerabilities.



00:39:20 No, I haven't got a Taser, you retard!

00:39:22 Now fucking help me! - How?!

00:39:24 Think outside the box! - Ha!

00:39:26 Well, I dunno! Distract him!

00:39:30 Slit your wrists! Cut your ear off.



