


今天的这篇采访,我们与就读于温彻斯特公学(Winchester College)NSDA全国现役积分排行榜TOP 15的管泊宁Bob聊了聊。



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成都区域赛Novice 八强优秀辩手与2nd Seed


成都区域赛Varsity 八强优秀辩手与3rd Seed

国赛即兴辩论 1st Seed

厦门区域赛高中组 八强与优秀辩手


四月线上联赛高中组 冠军

五月线上联赛高中组 亚军与优秀辩手

五月线上联赛初中组 八强与优秀辩手

六月线上联赛初中组 季军与优秀辩手

六月川陕区域赛 冠军与最佳辩手

ADAC pre-nats 冠军优秀辩手与1st Seed

线下国赛高中组 十六强与优秀辩手

线下国赛初中组 冠军与优秀辩手

线上国赛初中组 亚军与优秀辩手


On the 17th of August of 2019, a Chengdu debater fresh out of novice attended the first nationals of his life. That tournament taught him many things: the value of friendship, how winning is not everything, and how great NSDA makes their matcha smoothies, yet the most important thing he learnt in those 3 days was how far he still had to go. When he flew back home, he considered for many days where he would be in debate in one year’s time, whether he even would be in debate in one year’s time.

Growth is not something that is felt at an instance, it is an accumulation of maturity that is realized over a gradual period. I grew very much over the past year, but to really encompass and acknowledge it in context, let us look at my point of realization, not just of how far I had to go, but what road I was going to take to get there, the Xiamen regionals on the cryptocurrency topic. That tournament will always be special for me, because that is where I met probably the two biggest inspirations of my future debate career, my current partner, Alex, and my friend and ex-object of admiration, Diego.

The Xiamen tournament was one of last in a busy season. I had just returned from England, and having barely prepared anything, relying solely on my partner’s cases, I did not feel comfortable going to the only other available options, which were Shanghai and Beijing. Coincidentally, one of my coach, Coach Will’s, Shenzhen debaters, Alex, also came to Xiamen. Feeling uncomfortable going into the tournament blind, I arranged a mock debate with him. He destroyed us, mopped the floor with our cases. When the debate ended, all his points still stood, and all our points stood with him. This was a well needed reality check for me, and really hammered in all my problems I tried to ignore in 2019 nationals. There was a gap between good debaters and I, good debaters do good research, I use definitions from Merriam-Webster dictionary. We exchanged cases afterwards, but something felt off: why would I be exchanging cases with someone a whole year younger than me, and why would I be the real benefactor of this exchange. When I went back to the hotel that night, I had trouble sleeping. Not anxiety regarding strong debaters I will face, but self-loathing over the disparity of how well I thought I debated, and how well I actually debated.

The next day was as usual as a tournament goes, good hosting school, good debates, excellent food, though not as good as 2018 TOC. Something bugged me, something deep within one’s mind that one cannot describe. I wanted a trophy, sure, but what I really wanted was to get better. I talked a lot with Alex in our down time, he was, and still is, a nice guy. I saw in him something I did not in other debaters, something pure and visceral. He did not come to get decorated; he came because he liked debating. I had some of the most fun with him, just dissecting evidence and writing fake articles on Wix about how Cryptocurrencies will lead to human extinction (these cards were never used and just produced for entertainment.) After a while together, we naturally became good friends. The feeling did not go under the horizon when the sun did, but it did transform: I was more confident, somehow, of something.

The second day ended just as quickly as the first, but before it really did, there were two finals to watch. The middle school finals were a good debate through and through, but it was just like any other good debate; the high school finals were different. I had heard about the prowess of Diego through word of mouth across the tournament, but it was when I saw him debate that I found his deification, at least in my eyes then, to be justified. His logic and interpretation were immaculate, condensing the debate into neat voting issues that he all clearly won, giving the opposing team not even a glimmer of hope to turn the tide. It was not surprising to see a 5-0 panel for him, made even less surprising by the fact that he was best speaker on day one. There was a gap between excellent debaters and good debaters, good debaters do good research, but excellent debaters reduce that to null with a flurry of indites and counter analysis.

Meeting Alex and Diego made me realize two things, where I wanted to be in the short term, and where I wanted to be in the long term. On the flight back, I turned from self-loathing to self-reflection: how did they reach where they are now, and how do I reach where they will be in the future.

Though the Xiamen tournament represented how my mindset grew, it still did not address the growth in terms of skill that would be needed. I returned to England soon after I returned to Chengdu to finish to schoolyear. Because of my tight schedule, I would be able to make around 6 tournaments every year, certainly insufficient to even scratch the surface of the quota I needed. I missed very many tournaments that season, and had to skip TOC. Sitting in my room in Winchester, I wondered where my career would go, if anywhere.

The COVID-19 pandemic began right around my midterm break. I spent my entire break stuck in my guardian’s house somewhere off Westminster. Here I had time to contemplate, about the future of debate, about my future in debate, about videogame tactics, mostly the third one. It was around this time when I first encountered an important friend and mentor, Elaine. During my spare time, we would analyze the resolution and brainstorm new contentions. It was in my quarantine room that I first conjured the later infamous echo chamber case. When I went back to school, I knew nothing was going to continue normally soon, and it was just a matter of time before I could pack up and return to China. I loved this fact; I loathed this fact. I wanted to be thrown back into debate, but I did not want to be the only one without a compelling case. I contacted my coach and scheduled online classes, for Alex, my ex-partner Jeff, and I.

Important things were learnt over those few online classes, technical things, but also things outside of debate: how to be courteous, or when it is okay to consume dairy products. These classes were my lifeblood in an exhausted semester, waiting to collapse at any command. When I finally did return to China, the classes continued, even in quarantine. We prepped until we thought we were ready, and then after our case was destroyed by our coach, we prepped again until we thought we were ready. This kept going until it was the day of the April online tournaments, when we reached our deadline. Alex and I barely broke into the bottom bracket, and lost in double-octas against a generic Shanghai team. Back to the drawing board.

It was around this time too, that I came into contact, finally, with Diego. Surface level contact, of course, but contact is contact. After a few more tournaments, I showed him my case and asked him to examine its flaws. He tore it apart with necessary and sufficient reasoning, and told me my case had none. My evidence was sketchy at best and completely off topic at worst. It was this dive into analysis that drove me later to think deeper and harder about evidence and its interpretation. I used my cards more carefully, and I made sure to understand what they meant completely before I even dared to transcribe them to others. Back to the drawing board a second time, but this time I had the blueprints for greatness. I had reached my short-term goal, I thought, but it would not, and could not end there.

Growth is not something that is felt at an instance, it is an accumulation of maturity that is realized over a gradual period, there is no other better description I can give of my journey across the spring season. Every tournament, we feel like we are a tiny bit better than before, and before we know it, we are a lot better than before. Alex and I kept marching in middle school, and even when we failed to get a trophy, we failed to give up. Across the span of almost 3 months, we slowly climbed from octafinalist, to semifinalist, not optimal, but not terrible; the spring season was just a warmup, our objective now was nationals.

I am proud to say that nationals this year was probably the hardest I have ever prepped and the most ready I have ever been; I am ashamed to say that most of this happened across a window of but 14 days. Alex and I trained at Harbinger under Coach Jim in preparation for nationals, but just to be sure, I enrolled into a camp supposedly supplying intense preparation. How bad could it be? Bad. Very bad. Diego’s coach, Coach Peter, ran this camp, every day, we would be drilled through exercises of logic, reasoning, and evidence analysis, and every night, we would be “voluntarily advised” into cutting cards and writing blocks until we fell asleep from exhaustion. Every debater there had a roommate, mine just so happened to be Diego. Contrary to popular belief, good debaters are people too. Seeing Diego in this light let me re-examine my relation to him and mine to other debater my own age. It was then when I stopped deifying him, and understanding Diego’s love towards naval history pull closer our distance as well. We got along very well, in fact, after some scrupulous activities on the first night, we decided to work in separate rooms lest our small ltalk impede our progress on writing blocks. It was then, that I felt, that I was finally getting closer to my final objective, nowhere near it, but finally getting closer. Those nights staying up util 2 in the morning to cut cards felt worth it now, those days cramming as much background reading and philosophy into my brain felt worth it now.

Alex and I was the only team to have attended both high school, and middle school nationals. The biggest difference I felt in high school nationals, was the quality of the food, but the second biggest difference, was the quality of arguments. Teams felt much more prepared in high school, with little to no space for indites, and far more focused on the important voting issues, an experience both relieving and painful. The several civil wars Alex and I experienced in high school simply illustrated to us how far we have gone, winning rounds against teams I once thought were far beyond my reach. Growth is not something that is felt at an instance, it is an accumulation of maturity that is realized over a gradual period. That was my period right then and there. We ended high school nationals as a quarterfinalist, what I had expected we will get in middle school. In debate, your team is your family, there is no better illustration of that than what happened at middle school nationals. Without our scouting and group evaluation of opponent contentions, we would have never made it into the semis in middle school, let alone onstage. Growth is not something that is felt at an instance, and it is not something that affects just one.

On the 17th of August of 2020, a Chengdu debater barely into varsity attended the second nationals of his life. That tournament reaffirmed many things for him: the value of friendship, how winning is not everything, and how great NSDA makes their matcha smoothies, yet the most important thing he learnt in those 3 days, was how far he had went. A year ago, he would have asked where he would be in debate in one year’s time. Now he has an answer. In one year’s time, he would become the national champion at offline nationals, and he would not have gotten that far without the support of his coaches, friends, and family.







这次比赛让我领略颇多,我意识到我的辩论之路一定会很漫长。回家后,我也一直追问自己: 我打辩论有没有前途?今后是否还会依旧愿意出现在辩论的赛场上?我能否成为一个更好的自己?


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厦门区域赛是繁忙赛季中的最后一站。我刚从英国返回,几乎没有什么准备,完全依赖于我搭档的 cases。巧的是,Will(我的教练之一)在深圳的学员Alex也去了厦门。我不想盲目参赛,所以就 和Alex约了一场模拟赛 。Alex“ 摧毁”了我们,辩论结束的时候,他的所有观点都稳稳站立,而我们的观点全部被“掰弯”成了支持他的证据。

好一击重锤。这一击让我立刻直面我一直试图忽略的那些问题。 好的辩手会好好收集资料,而我直接拣 Merriam-Webster Dictionary上的定义来使用,这就是我和好辩手之间的差异“鸿沟” 模拟赛之后我和Alex交换了case,心里却异常失落:“为什么我需要和一个比我小整整一岁的辩手交换case,并且这个交换的受益人是大一岁的我?”



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今年学校期中假的时候新冠疫情开始了。整个假期我都困在温莎——我的监护人家里,我用了很多时间思考辩论的未来,我作为一个辩手的未来。那段时间英国疫情越来越严重,回国只是个时间问题。我又可以投身辩论,但是我不想我手上 的case像以前那样失去战斗力。于是我赶紧找了教练、 Alex,还有前搭档Jeff一起开始 了辩论的远程课程。



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第二是团队之间的相互扶持。辩论团队真的是一个大家庭,虽然说努力向友谊和团队的价值而前进会是听起来比较抽象的一个事情。但如果你要量化的话,这其实才是最重要的价值,关键是要有人在你身边支持你,推动你前进。如果没有大家帮助一起收集对手的资料,一起帮助我们分析对手的论点,我们甚至都没有可能进入到半决赛,更不用说进入最后一轮站上决冠的舞台。成长真的不是突然实现的, 其所带来的影响和收获甚至也不是专属于某一个人


第一位我想要感谢的是我的第一个教练Will,他教会了我在辩论中 ,怎么进入到这个community,怎么好好做研究,怎么初步做分析和研究,仔细审视逻辑。



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作者 | 管泊宁,编辑 | 雨辰,来源 | NSDA全美演讲与辩论联盟