"All human wisdom is summed up in these two words, Wait and hope。人类全部智慧就包含在两个词中:等待和希望。







2020 NSDA春季上海地区原创演讲季军

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以“Body Shaming”为选题





人都是很‘视觉’的,所以交往上会受到这样的影响。这是我在人际中花费心思最大的一个问题。所以我想到,也许我可以谈谈与我的经历相关的‘body shaming’。



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Looking Perfect


A few months ago at a concert in Miami, Florida, where thousands of people gathered for a live pop music feast, a short video played on the big screen of the star stripping herself down slowly and presenting her body honestly to the crowd. That, was the18-year-old musician, Billie Eilish. Instead of wearing evening gowns/tights/or/any outfit that shows any skin (exaggerate), she wears baggy, seemingly unattractive clothes all the time. Why? Billie is making a protest, a refusal of societal judgements on women’s shapes. As statistics from the national bullying prevention center in the UK suggests, 94 percent of teenage girls have been body-shamed. It’s time to realize that we are immersed in an atmosphere permeated with that elusive hostility, and our children are bearing it on their shoulders. And that’s my concern today: body shaming.

So join me as we first examine how it distorts the outside relationships as well as inside thinkings of people in daily lives, second, how we respond to it, and finally, we’ll look at some solutions that can hopefully construct a redefinition.

Body shaming is nothing new. Bias regarding the understanding of beauty has been so deeply ingrained in human society and culture; and its impacts are not just felt by celebrities or super models; body shaming affects your wives, your sisters, and your daughters as well. I could never forget what happened in junior high. I was the heaviest girl in my class, and when the boys wanted to make fun of each other, they accused each other of being attracted to me, as if they are manipulating a weapon of humiliation- to be attracted to a fat girl, who doesn’t harm anybody, gets decent grades on all her tests, and has her own passion for public speaking. I was shocked upon hearing it, then angry, and finally dejected for there’s nothing I could immediately do to change their conversation. I couldn’t stop them or lose weight overnight. I felt powerless. I’m smart enough to solve lots of problems, but I can’t solve this one on my own. Who could’ve imagine that inside classrooms and on playgrounds, words from innocent boys can cultivate doubt and fear in a young girl’s heart. And I’m sure, that I’m not alone.

Yet that doubt doesn’t leave as school ends at 5 p.m., this alarming consciousness stays and you carry it everywhere as you question yourself each time when making even the most trivial decision with your body, whether its during running in the streets, or attempting to reach anything on top shelves. The consequence isn’t just about that uncomfortable moment when body shaming happens, because it penetrates your mind, and attacks your mental health second by second. Three-time Grammy award winning rapper Lizzo says it best in her tweet, that loving yourself doesn’t happen overnight, while self-hate is years of internalized programming resulting from external influences. Indeed, the systemic concept of beauty from the surroundings is shaping the way we view ourselves and, others as well.

I don’t have the perfect body. THERE, I admit it. However, I don’t have eating-disorders, I work hard just like everyone in this room, hoping for a better life. Now, I’m a teenage girl, I have problems with my mom, but something happened one day and got me thinking. One evening, my mom walked in and saw me sitting in front of my desk, and all of a sudden a fight started. It turns out she is not satisfied with my body. She’s worried. She’s afraid that I might not find an optimal job, or a good husband. It seems that all the work I’ve being doing for the past 16 years could be on the same scale with having an attractive body. That’s why she thinks it’s so urgent for me to reshape myself. I’m not going to lie here. I was mad hearing that all my effort on my studies would be useless unless I went on a diet - what she said subverted my plans and dreams. But I love my mother, and I know she loves me. Her words were said with such sincerity, without any intention to hurt me, and yet injected with bias, coming from the person closest to me on earth. What made me feel sad and diminished was not what she said, or that she’s the person telling me this, but the fact that what she said might be true, that appearance, and the figure of your body, are such conclusive factors that when it comes to employment and interviews, and the start of romantic relationships, your shape, can decide the future for you. That seems to be a true principle the world operates under.

And our children respond to that principle in silence. Like many of my peers I wear dental braces for a better look for future - a phrase ambiguous yet intimidating that parents and commercials use to get the kids to the dentists. I’m still wearing them! This lovely treatment for my teeth has been a real blast. That’s means it hurts. To make space, the orthodontist took out one of my front teeth, and the tooth left alone in my mouth cuts my tongue, my facial muscle feels sore. I’m going through the pain most teenagers do as my teeth are pulled slowly to the “right place”. The process was never easy for anyone. When I typed in “how many kids wear braces”, the webpage from a clinic called Kennell orthodontics at the very top of Google’s search result says that over one million teenagers get braces every year, followed so naturally by one sentence that makes me shudder, “Not everyone is born with a perfect smile·” I can only ask myself, what is a perfect smile? It seemed to be a widely accepted fact that people who are born without a textbook shape of their teeth are expected to correct themselves into a way can be considered “looks perfect”. Who is looking? It’s us. We have created an oppressive system without knowing its existence, and we leave that one million teenagers to bend their teeth with expensive metal strings so they can live up to that system’s expectation.

We’ve been struggling for a while. In 1960s, the American poet Sheila Black wrote in her piece “what you mourn”, “the body they tried so hard to fix, straighten, was simply mine, and I loved it as you love your own country· ” It’s time we do the same, to have that noble respect and approval for our bodies as well as others’. And this fight is so far from over.

We are now living in a time when society is in a sprint towards the peak of its efficiencies, where very individual struggles to achieve their full potential, yet in a survey among English girls in 2016, 47% of teenager say the way they look holds them back. That situation awaits to be addressed. Dr. Heather Widdows from Psychology Today magazine says,“ We know we are hurt, and we know we are uncomfortable, but we find it hard to say why.” - that invisible parasite that skews our judgement is bound to decease, and we begin by looking at every individual from a different light. A better one. We begin by focusing on logic, kindness, and power that lies beneath our shell. Because as written by Greek author plutarch, what’s achieved inwardly will change outer reality. and that person you love, whether she’s your daughter, sister, or your best friend, she can grow up and be proud of herself, fully, completely, and be able to love, and run, and speak up, without that haunting fear. Now wouldn’t that, be a perfect look?

Thank you.

采访 | Vivi

口述 | 邹蕙如

撰文、编辑 | 雨辰

来源 | NSDA全美演讲与辩论联盟