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Q: Lin Lin series looks very abstract. Many people can't directly understand the "emotion" and "expression" you convey through the pictures, but need deep understanding. Why do they use this way?

Lin: This series is named after my mother's name "Lin Lin".I created this work because of the autobiographical novel written by my mother, who had retired for many years.When I saw the content, I felt some spark.At the beginning of my work, I used to express some characters and scenes in a concrete way,such as reform and open, the millennium, the Internet , etc.Later, I felt that this era was really far away from me, and I could only imagine and observe that era through colored glass. The untrue of that era was no longer focused clearly. It was out of focus, abstract, isolated and fragmented, and then recombined into that era A specific symbol.

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Q: Since you didn't experience that era, how do you come up with the "specific symbol" of that era in your mind? Is it intuition as an artist?

Lin: for example, when I did the work [1990], I watched a lot of dramas of that era, turned a lot of documentaries, some photographic works, some architectural materials, some novels about that era. The feeling presented to me by that era was that it was very obedient. We were still in that village. The village was very small, but it was very warm. The same living atmosphere was very different View.

In the early 1990s, with relatively simple interpersonal relationship, work and dreams became the biggest topics in the community. With the continuous exchange of traditional letters, telephone has just been popularized, and some electronic equipment has not yet come out, and large-scale demolition has not yet begun. In this work, I choose a little faded warm colors, trying to present the dual characteristics of form and ecology in the contradictory dimensions of space.

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Q: where is the inspiration of this series of works?

Lin Hongjun: Taking the work of [2000] as an example, From the perspective of my mother and her generation, we can see the great changes of the millennium,which called cognitive restart. Since the Internet entered China in 1994,They need to sift through the complicated world which they think is right ethically, good morally, and inclusive and universal in value.It's a strange, collapsing and reconstructing, a little indifferent blue and gray. The world is noisy, but it's no longer warm and kind. Here, my mother's memory becomes the experience of the construction of my work.

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Q: How do you show your mother's "memory"?

Lin: in Proust's reminiscence of the past, he proposed two kinds of memory: voluntary memory and involuntary memory. Among them, voluntary memory is the production of images, conveying the external appearance of things, events and experiences; while involuntary memory is more random, uninvited, and called by perceptual similarity, which is beyond the scope of cognitive memory.

According to Plato or Aristotle, memory is regarded as a means of acquiring sacred knowledge about the ideal world or recording experiential knowledge. The presupposition and understanding of memory in the contemporary era are characterized by objectification, memory and relativism. In my [Lin Lin] series of works, memory representation is a mixture of cognitive memory and emotional memory, trying to use mother's memory as material, opportunity and motivation to transform emotional and imaginative experience in the works.

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又或许,在做作品时的我自己都没能清楚的思绪,回味起来,仍深陷境遇。作品是有灵魂的,它带着你的气息和能量,静下来,读懂 ,你需要时间。

Q: we find that your works integrate such transcendent elements as "time space" and "work life". How is this done?

Lin: in fact, the reconstruction of spatial relations, the addition of the concept of time, and the exploration of the concept boundary to find the feelings of those specific times in the [Lin Lin Lin] series are not new language models. I just make a personal treatment in the existing model, so when we face a work, we have to know its causes and consequences. And this kind of personal feeling has something to do with the life experience of that era and people, so that we can understand that work.

On the one hand, memory is the source of my works, the content of expression and reflection. Memory is hard to define, but everywhere. Are you familiar with this feeling? I don't think that every title will become the brand of the times. What I do now only belongs to the past. I have to put it in a certain context to better understand it. On the one hand, it is the change of people's living situation,Our living environment, including eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping, has undergone drastic changes. On the other hand, freshness and excitement are always pursued and loved by the world's dabblers. As a result, the heart is always difficult to calm down, always caught in the ebb and flow.

Or maybe, when I was doing my work, I didn't have a clear idea and I was still in a deep situation. A work has a soul. It carries your breath and energy. You need time to calm down and read it.


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