第十一届Moot Shanghai决赛暨颁奖典礼于3月12日当地时间下午16:00在上海国际争议解决中心及线上举行。典礼公布了赛事冠亚军、四强、八强、十六强及个人优胜奖。经过历时五天、全球22个国家和地区的60队伍的激烈角逐,悉尼大学一举夺魁,成为Moot Shanghai 2021总冠军。上海政法学院校长刘晓红和华东政法大学副校长张明军为典礼呈现精彩致辞,划上圆满句号。
The Award Ceremony of Moot Shanghai 2021 was successfully held in hybrid mode on March 12, 2021. The ceremony announced the Champion, Runner-up, top 4, 8, 16 teams,and several individual awards.After the heated competition of 60 teams from 22 countries and regions around the world, University of Sydney has finally won the championship of Moot Shanghai 2021. Xiaohong Liu, President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and Mingjun Zhang, Vice President of East China University of Political Science and Law, spoke at the ceremony and announced the successful conclusion of the 11th Moot Shanghai competition.
此次赛事期间,来自全球22个国家和地区的60只参赛队伍共同克服了疫情的影响,经过线下和线上模拟仲裁庭比赛的激烈角逐,波鸿鲁尔大学和悉尼大学代表队脱颖而出晋级决赛。总决赛由ICC国际仲裁院副主席Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab、方达律师事务所合伙人师虹女士和上海仲裁协会主席俞卫峰先生担任仲裁员。经过近两小时的精彩对决,悉尼大学一举夺魁,摘得本届比赛的桂冠。
Moot Shanghai is organized by East China University of Political Science and Law and Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and co-organized by Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). It is supported by the UNCITRAL Regional Center of Asia and Pacific, Shanghai Bar Association, ICC Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, China Academy of Arbitration Law, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Korea Commercial Arbitration Board, and China Legal Education and Career Seminar Series. Dahui Law Firm and Llinks Law Offices are the gold sponsors, and T&C Law Firm and Global Law Office are the silver sponsors. Adaltys, Hui Ye, Dentons, Dorsey, Fangda Partners, King&Wood Mallesons, Junhe LLP, Jin Mao Law Firm, Tiantong Law Firm, Yuanda Winston, and Zhong Lun Law Firm helped to host the general rounds of the competition.
This year, 60 teams from 22 countries and regions around the world overcame the impact of the COVID-19 and provided excellent performance at the competition. After intensely competing for four days, the teams from Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Sydney successfully advanced to the final round. Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Ms Helen Shi, Partner at Fangda Law Firm, and Mr. David Yu, President of Shanghai Arbitration Association, served as the final panelists. After nearly two hours of heated oral hearing, University of Sydney has finally attained the laurel in this competition.
2021年度颁奖典礼于3月12日总决赛稍后时间举办。此次暨颁奖典礼以主持人播放赛事盛况的短片开始,各大律所的代表们纷纷为赛事的团队十六强、团队八强、团队四强及个人优胜位颁奖。国际商会北亚地区仲裁及ADR主任范铭超博士特别向紧急替补出战的上海政法学院二队和替补仲裁员颁发了Moot Spirit Award。
紧随其后,上海国际仲裁中心副秘书长王唯骏、上海律师协会会长季诺、上海仲裁协会主席俞卫锋分别为本届赛事的个人冠军Ana Flávia Sales、亚军Madeleine Bosler以及季军 Shravani Nag Lanka颁奖。华东政法大学副校长张明军揭晓了此次赛事最终的悬念,宣布了本届赛事的团队冠军为悉尼大学。
颁奖仪式按照传统,以全体工作人员及志愿者为第十一届Moot Shanghai谢幕。我们期待更多的法律人关注Moot Shanghai,加入Moot Shanghai,通过我们共同的坚持与努力,让国际法律的舞台上,有越来越多的中国面孔,也让中国企业和公民“走出去”的时候,始终有我们卓越的国际化法律人才陪伴,为其护航远行。
The 2021 Awards Ceremony was shortly held after the grand final hearing on March 12. The Awards Ceremony started with a short video of the competition. Representatives from major law firms presented awards to the top four, eight, and sixteen teams and individual oralist awards. Dr. Mingchao Fan, ICC Regional Director of Arbitration and ADR for North Asia, paid special tribute to Team B from Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and the reserved arbitrators, who both won the Moot Spirit Award for promptly substituting the last-minute drop-out team and arbitrators unable to participate due to conflicting schedules, making Moot Shanghai 2021 a successful competition.
Wang Weijun, Deputy Secretary of the SHIAC, Ji Nuo, President of Shanghai Bar Association, and David Yu, President of Shanghai Arbitration Association, announced the awards for the Best Oralist Ana Flávia, First Runner-up Madeleine Bosler, and Second Runner-up Shravani Nag Lanka,. Zhang Mingjun, Vice President of East China University of Political Science and Law unveiled the final suspense of the competition and announced the Champion of Moot Shanghai 2021 to be University of Sydney.
Approaching the end of the ceremony, Liu Xiaohong, President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and Zhang Mingjun, Vice President of East China University of Political Science and Law, respectively delivered speeches to thank all the institutions and individuals who supported the competition throughout the process. They encouraged all law students to strengthen their legal literacy in the field of arbitration in the future.
As part of the tradition, the ceremony ended with a special tribute to all of the staffs and volunteers who assisted in the successful operation of the 11th Moot Shanghai. We sincerely invite more students to engage in the Moot Shanghai competition in the future. Through our common perseverance and efforts, we wish to encourage the younger generation to participate in international arbitration and turn into the emerging power on the global stage.