
I like all vulgar things. They are traitors in the universe.

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I'm looking forward to the spring evening. The wind blows from one end of the sunset. If you happen to take a walk with your sweetheart by the river, you must hold hands tightly and walk into the whole night.

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I really can't adapt to an acute person. When I see him, I'm eager to confirm my love relationship. If I don't like him, I'll leave quickly.

This sudden surprise and loss, I can not stand.

I still like to let it go, know each other, and get used to the relationship that each other wants to be together.

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It's said that you can buy the naming right of a star and a decent NASA certificate for only ten dollars.

As long as the spender is willing, it's OK to name the unlucky star Er Gouzi.

But no matter how much money I spend, I can't put "mine" in front of your name.

So for me, you are more distant than the stars.

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We talk about the universe explosion from the flowers on the windowsill, but we can't find a chance to embrace.

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I don't know if I still love the person in front of me. I don't know when and why we will never meet again.

I only know that I want to see him, we are very happy together, then all this is worth it.

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Augustine, a famous theologian in the middle ages, said, "what is time? When you don't ask me, I know it very well. When you ask me, I'm at a loss. "

It's the same with the super concept of love. When it's not asked, everyone is very clear. When it's asked seriously, if you think about the theory of various disciplines, you don't know where to start.

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I also want to love you with all my advantages, but disadvantages are like a small tail that can't be hidden. They also want to embrace you.

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Whenever I find that the promise or agreement has not been fulfilled, I will be glad that I didn't hold a very confident attitude at first.

But fortunately, it is just good, looking forward to the moment when it is lost, still sad so sad.

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【图源: collagesoul 】