
Page Executive推出"女性领导力"专题,采访了微软、喜力、安进等亚太区各行各业的女性高管,从她们的分享中一探女性职场的晋升与发展,感受“温柔的力量”。

As part of Page Executive Leading Women series, we want to highlight the professional challenges and career aspirations of the women we work with here in Asia.


本期,我们有机会采访到Hilda Chan,现任孩之宝亚太及中东地区运营VP。她分享了终生学习的重要性,以及如何直面成为女性高管中的种种问题。

In this feature, Hilda Chan, Vice President of Operations for Hasbro in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East, talks about the challenges of being a female leader, the importance of continually learning and upgrading yourself, and the necessity of staying one step ahead. Hilda is one of the inspirational female leaders in Supply Chain & Procurement in Asia helping to pave the way for other women to achieve success and climb the ranks in this field.

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What is your role at Hasbro?


I am currently the Vice President of Operations for Hasbro, covering the Asia Pacific and the Middle East. As the Head of Supply Chain (including Planning, Customer Service and Logistics), I set strategies and partner with global and APAC leadership teams to drive sales, and build new structures and competences to support future growth plans. Moreover, I play a major role to practice and advocate processes and procedures within forecasting and planning. I also manage demand and supply with the global management through efficient capacity and production management. And I work with my team to deliver strong KPI(s) on ageing/excess management, forecast accuracy, DOS reduction and logistics cost improvement.

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How did you become interested in the supply chain / logistics field?

Hilda和大多数毕 业生一样,我并没有一开始就有一个很明确的方向说一定要做什么。因为我学的是工商管理,我比较倾向于去一个规模大一点的行业,并成为成功的商业模式中的一员。我比较幸运,第一份工作是在美国总统轮船,做市场销售执行,也是从那个时候开始接触物流行业。在我接触一些外资大客户的过程里,我学到了越来越多市场销售,以及运输方面的知识。其实在这个行业有很多不同细分,比如物流,供应链需求,制造,仓储以及客服,等等。之后,我就选择要去一家能从头到尾了解物流管理流程的机构,所以我去了飞利浦做需求计划,正式开始了我供应链管理的职业生涯。

Like most fresh graduates, I did not have a concrete direction to which industry or profession I should pursue. With my business management background, however, I was keen to join a sizeable industry leader to be a part of a successful business operative model. I was lucky enough to start my first job in American President Line, a 3PL (service provider), as a Sales & Marketing Executive, where I learned what Logistics is. While learning more about Sales & Marketing, and transportation, I discovered a bigger Supply Chain world when I met my key MNC clients. There are different roles within Supply Chain Management (SCM), such as procurement, supply & demand planning, manufacturing, warehousing and customer services, and much more. From there, I decided to move to an institution where I could learn the complete end-to-end SCM processes, so I joined Philips Electronics as a demand planner and started my supply chain management career.

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In reaching the level of success you have, if anything – what have you sacrificed along the way? Have you experienced any barriers in the journey to becoming a leader?



It would never be a sacrifice if you really enjoy your career. Fortunately, I have very strong support from my family as one could only imagine how tough it would be when you are out of town for almost 40% of your time.

With regards to barriers in the journey to becoming a leader, I would reckon the “lack of breakthrough”. It typically happens when you are promoted from a tactical role to a more strategic position. That could also happen when you focused on the same market or position for too long a period. I strongly encourage mentoring relationships within organisations. Individuals should consistently learn new skills and update skills that are related to their current roles. As always, luck favours the prepared!

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What lesson/story can you share from your experiences that is unique to being a woman?

Hilda我在从事一个医疗器械的区域采购经理的时候,需要为核磁共振系统谈一个氦气合同 。氦气是一个比较特殊的气体,全球只有非常少的供应商能够提供。谈判很艰难,大多数供应商提供的报价都超出原合同20%以上。我意识到区域市场的价格谈判是个人决定的,所以我和总部的供应商管理负责人聊了一下,希望能够签一个全球协议。最终我们接受了5%的价格涨幅且三年内均沿用此价格。其中一个总部高管说,他很惊讶于我居然会直接找总部并提出讨论,同时欣喜于我既顾及到了经常被忽视掉的公司利益,同时考虑了首要成本。


When I was the Procurement Manager for Medical Devices at the regional level, I needed to negotiate the helium contracts for the MRI system. Helium is a special gas that is only available from a few suppliers globally. It was a tough negotiation, and the prices quoted by most of the suppliers were at least 20% higher than the previous contract price.

I realised that the pricing negotiation process for regional markets were handled individually, so I talked to the global level management of those suppliers and suggested a global negotiation deal. Finally, we accepted a 5% increase in price paired with a 3-year fixed rate.

One of the suppliers’ global heads told me that he was surprised I would knock on the global door and ask for direct discussions. He was glad to see how I had balanced both the frequently neglected companies’ benefits and the primary priority of cost factor.

Female leaders have our own traits, especially things like soft skills. We should utilise these qualities such as perseverance, empathy and passion.

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What’s the greatest risk you’ve taken?



The greatest risk that I have taken in my career experience was my move from Hong Kong to Singapore in 2008. The challenge was to close down the Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters in Hong Kong and build a new headquarters in Singapore with my management team. I had to start from scratch and rebuild the whole supply chain team in Singapore, covering planning, customer service and logistics. Apart from the challenge of relocation, my comfort zone was challenged through the culture shock I experienced. We faced a number of team member conflicts due to the diversity of the team, with people coming from all walks of life. It was my first time handling a team of this nature, so there were some learning points for me. With all the challenges we were facing, we were still expected to uphold a seamless customer fulfilment process.

It is true that you will never grow unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, so I’m glad I was able to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.

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What are the traits of leaders you admire?



I would like to use the word “CCTVs” to express my thoughts here. CCTV, as surveillance cameras, are broadly used to prevent crimes. One should never have to worry about CCTV if they are honest by nature. So, the first trait for a leader that I admire most is someone who possesses integrity.

I can probably explain that better, by using my personal leadership brand statement: “I want to be known for being Visionary, Trustworthy, Collaborative and Strategically results-oriented, so that I can Champion customer excellence and drive revenue for my business”.

Leaders who have integrity will likely be authentic leaders who can drive vision and purpose, be decisive, innovative, inspiring, and most of all, be bold enough to take ownership, and keep growing oneself and the team.

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What is the best advice you have ever received?




I was blessed to have mentors during my career growth. There are a few nuggets of wisdom that hugely influenced me.

The first one is related to a gift that I received from my first CEO. Prior to his retirement, he gave me a small wooden board with the inscription: “Beating the competition is relatively easy. But to better yourself requires a never-ending commitment”. Constantly challenging the status quo and investing in your growth are crucial to success.

The second one came from the black belt program: “What you see is not always what it seems”. That gives me excellent insights, especially on critical problem-solving moments. It is always amazing to discover the root causes are not the same as the originally expected “answer” after critical, fact-based analysis. This reminds me to keep at being a good listener. Never jump to conclusions merely based on past experience and perceptions.

The last one is a famous quote: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you make them feel”. As a good leader, you can only achieve through team playing and working with all stakeholders around you. Human dynamics are always essential to the success of any project or task.

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Any tips you’d like to share with anyone especially females wanting to get to the top in business?



I focus a lot on “balancing”: The balance between “working together” and “direct order,” and between “top-down” and “autonomy”. Women in the leadership race are sometimes faced with unfair stereotypes, especially when they are characterised as being too emotional or too cooperative . However, with more females joining the C-suite, it should be more a promising time for females to get to the top in various businesses.

Women should be confident in facing “the brave new world,” since this is an era of innovation and ideas without boundaries. It is also an era to strive for co-operation across different age groups, genders, teams, companies and even industries, instead of purely driving results within a simple hierarchy. The natural qualities of women can bring diversity and inclusiveness to teams, which are critical for the existing global business environment.


More stories of Leading Women will be shared in coming weeks.
