


Have a nice day, everybody, i have successfully verified YOTI with passport, now i am looking forward to get "Free KYC Slot", looking forward ...

祝大家有美好的一天,我已经用护照成功验证了YOTI,现在我期待获得“免费KYC Slot”,期待......

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@tanlocphat83 Don't verify your identity on Yoti before you get a call for KYC invitaton. Nicolas said, you may never be invited to verify your KYC using that method- they are still working on aiming to provide KYC for all Pioneers at no to low cost solution as possible and CT is getting complained from Yoti that many Pioneers are using Yoti to verify their identity before the get KYC invitation - Doesn't make any sense, by verifying your Identity in Yoti before you get called. So, please educate yourself about this situation and spread the message in your community that don't use Yoti app before you get KYC invitation by this method. If you do get called by this method, you can verify your identity withinn 20 minutes. So, let's say no Yoti before KYC invitation!

管理员@FrodeErlend7012对@tanlocphat83的答复: 在接到 KYC 邀请之前,请勿在 Yoti 上验证您的身份。

Nicolas 说,你可能永远不会被邀请使用这种方法来验证你的 KYC——他们仍在努力为所有 Pioneers 提供 KYC,尽可能低成本的解决方案,并且 CT 收到 Yoti 的抱怨,许多 Pioneers 正在使用 Yoti 在获得 KYC 邀请之前验证他们的身份 - 没有任何意义,在您被呼叫之前在 Yoti 中验证您的身份。因此,在您通过这种方法获得 KYC 邀请之前,请了解这种情况并在您的社区中传播不使用 Yoti 应用程序的信息。如果您确实被此方法调用,您可以在 20 分钟内验证您的身份。所以,让我们在 KYC 邀请之前说没有 Yoti!

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