
ZTV WORLD, the international channel of Zhejiang TV Station, launched a series of stories titled “100 Years The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners' Eyes” on July 1. These stories recorded nearly 20 foreigners' experience while studying, living and doing businesses in Zhejiang Province with a focus on Zhejiang's achievements made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the province's footsteps in the 100 years since the CPC was founded. This series of stories has been warmly responded immediately after being aired both online and offline.


Vikram Channa is the vice president of the Discovery Channel and the editor-in-chief for the Channel’s coverage of East Asia and Southeast Asia. He watched the series immediately after its launch as a recommended viewer. He said he felt honored to have been invited to watch the series. He noted that these stories are told from the foreign people’s perspective and are very informative and insightful. He added that to watch this series at the time of the CPC’s centenary is to gain a better understanding of Zhejiang Province regarding its role throughout the history of the CPC.

Vikram Channa(魏克然)




Tim Clancy(江添文)毕业于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学,一次机缘巧合,他作为国际交流生来到浙江大学学习,并选择留在了杭州。如今,他在杭州已经生活了十多年,在这里有了自己的家庭和事业。同时,Tim也是系列节目的嘉宾之一。节目中,他奔赴中国共产党的诞生地嘉兴,探寻了100年前南湖边、红船上的那段重要历史。节目播出后,Tim马上向他的朋友们推荐了这个系列。

Tim Clancy is an Australian hero in the series of stories. He came to Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province to further his study at Zhejiang University after graduating from the University of Technology Sydney. By now he has lived in Hangzhou for more than 10 years. He set up his family as well as his business in Hangzhou. In the ZTV WORLD series of stories, he travelled to the Nanhu Lake of Jiaxing City to pay a visit to the famous Red Boat, aboard which the CPC’s first national congress was held 100 years ago. Immediately after the series was broadcast, Clancy recommended it to his friends.

Tim Clancy(江添文)




Nicolas Armand is a wine trader from France, who moved to Hangzhou two years ago. He is very interested in the Chinese history and Zhejiang’s developments. He watched the series with his friends upon hearing that the series was on.

Nicolas Armand



《100年·外国人眼中的浙江记忆》融媒传播节目于7月1日起在浙江国际频道ZTV WORLD、英语传播窗口ZTV NEWS、“中国蓝新闻"客户端英文频道NEWS、中国蓝国际融媒矩阵精彩开播。

该融媒系列还将在CGTN、央视频、国际在线等央媒以及中国浙江、印象浙江英文网等平台更新。同时,在Facebook及YouTube上搜索#100 Years•The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners' Eyes#,也能观看该节目。