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加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco),简称UCSF,位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山, 是美国加利福尼亚大学系统的第二所公立大学,是世界著名的生命科学及医学研究教学中心。


Postdoctoral position in Liu lab at UCSF

A postdoctoral research position is available to study the molecular and cellular basis of nutrient specific appetite in Drosophila. Animals can exhibit hunger for not only total calories but also specific nutrients.

Food selection driven by nutrient specific appetite can be essential for survival and fitness, yet there is a profound gap in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

We use multidisciplinary approaches in the fruit fly to study the genes and circuitry underlying nutrient specific appetite.

To carry out these studies, we combine molecular and genetic approaches with high throughput behavioral analyses, immunohistochemical techniques, functional imaging and electrophysiology techniques.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and be energetic and highly motivated.

Preference will be given to candidates with experiences in functional imaging, electrophysiology, or metabolic analysis.

Representative publications:

Liu, Q*., Tabuchi, M., Liu, S., Kodama, L., Horiuchi, W., Daniel, J., Chiu, L., Baldoni, D., Wu, M.N. (2017). Branch-specific plasticity of a bifunctional dopamine circuit encodes protein hunger. Science 356, 534-539. ( equal contribution)

Liu, S., Liu, Q., Tabuchi, M., Wu, M.N. (2016). Sleep drive is encoded by neural plastic changes in a dedicated circuit. Cell 165, 1347-1360. (* equal contribution)

Liu, Q., Liu, S., Kodama, L., Driscoll, M.R., and Wu, M.N. (2012). Two dopaminergic neurons signal to the dorsal fan-shaped body to promote wakefulness in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 22, 2114-2123.

Lab website address: qililiulab.science

To apply: Please send CV and the names of three references to Dr. Qili Liu (Qili.Liu@ucsf.edu).

Qili Liu, PhD

Assistant Professor

University of California, San Francisco, Department of Anatomy

Rock Hall Building, Room 348D

1550 Fourth St.

San Francisco, CA 94158