Come on, Parents! Learn and study English with ME (Melting Education) in order to help your kids with the subject - English, out of school.
Out of school at this moment? Mr. Zeng says Yes! We all know that, in kids’ school, it is school teachers’ job and duty to teach your kids to learn English. I know that there will always be the concern that you, as a parent out of school, are wondering how your kid works on the subject with his or her school teacher. You can do nothing about it though you have many questions on schooling English. The reason is simple. Most of you have left school so long that you can’t remember anything about the subject you had ever learnt in school. Or maybe, you are still a man who read, listen, speak and write very well in English, but you are busy in your own business (such man is always busy), and have no time to help your kid with English out of school. So, what can you do?
There was a simple solution for both of you before the double - minus project on our educational system. You were able to send your kid to a training institution, Melting Education (ME) for example, at any time after school.
But now, things have changed. So, what will you do? What will we do? Let’s work together. We, you and me, are sure to find some new way out of school to learn English. Maybe, Parents’ class. No kidding!