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With the extinguishing of the flame in the caldron, the Tokyo Paralympic Games closed on Sunday night, with Team China winning 207 medals to top the tally.The Chinese athletes-40 percent of them first-time Paralympians-won 96 gold medals, 60 silvers and 51 bronzes.9月5日晚,随着圣火熄灭,东京残奥会落下帷幕。中国代表团以96金60银51铜、共207枚奖牌的成绩名列奖牌榜榜首。中国代表团中有40%的运动员为首次参加残奥会。

Great Britain trailed in second place with 124 medals, followed by the United States and the Russian Paralympic Committee.


It was the fifth consecutive time that Team China dominated the Paralympics-it first topped the ranking in 2004 with 63 golds.


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东京残奥会闭幕式的理念为“和谐之声(Harmonious Cacophony)”,约2000名运动员和官员、850位奥运官员及嘉宾,以及2250名媒体工作人员参加了闭幕式。轮椅女篮运动员张雪梅担任中国代表团闭幕式旗手。


The Tokyo Paralympic Games have "not just been historic, they have been fantastic."东京残奥会,不仅具有历史意义,而且非常精彩。

"In 12 magical days, athletes gave the world confidence, happiness and hope," the IPC chief added. "Athletes broke records. Athletes warmed hearts. Athletes opened minds. Athletes changed lives."



She was "overwhelmed" by the astonishing performances of all Paralympians, adding "your impact as Paralympians have a message for all of us. You have inspired many of us to start our own new journeys. You have given us the insight and the power to look at ourselves and shape our own futures."她被每一位残奥运动员的精彩表现所折服,“你们的行为给我们所有人传递了一种信息,激励很多人开启新的旅程。你们带给我们重新审视自己的洞见和力量,让我们可以重新规划自己的未来。”

"I am so glad we hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games. I believe in the value they bring," said Hashimoto. "In 2024, athletes and sports lovers all over the world will be united again. We send the city of Paris our sincerest good wishes for a successful Paris 2024 Games. We will meet again soon."


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The Paralympians have demonstrated how they challenged their limits with determination and resilience, the letter said.运动员们充分展示了新时代我国残疾人运动员挑战极限、锐意进取、顽强拼搏的精神风貌。

"Your brilliant performance has set an example for many Chinese with disabilities, added luster to the cause of sports for people with disabilities and won glory for the nation," it said.


The letter called them a national inspiration as China works to build itself into a "modern socialist country" by 2035, and it asked them to pass down the glory and make continuous efforts.


It also encouraged them to inspire China's disabled community to have more self-esteem, confidence, self-improvement and independence in the face of daily challenges, and to become more involved in social affairs and make their due contributions to rejuvenating the Chinese nation, the letter added.



中华体育精神 Chinese sportsmanship

体育强国 a leading sporting nation

奥林匹克精神 the Olympic spirit

全民健身运动 national fitness campaign

自尊、自信、自强、自立 self-esteem, confidence, self-improvement and independence

奖牌榜 medal tally


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
