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After the founding of the Republic of China, copper yuan continued to circulate in large quantities. In 1914, the copper coins were officially renamed "copper coins". The biggest difference between the copper coins issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty is that the dragon pattern was replaced by jiahe pattern composed of rice ears. Most of the copper coins cast by the provinces are the national flag pattern with two forks, and have the words "founding commemorative coin" or "Chinese people's copper coin".

Double banner two hundred straight tastier version and dividends, brass two. The brass, the casting is exquisite, the text is standardized, the English writing is correct, the ornamentation is clear, when the republic of China 2 years (1913) sichuan coin factory early casting products. Of the existing world shuangqi 200 wen copper yuan, the number of straight brass plate is small, only accounting for one or two percent. Double banner two hundred straight tastier version of the red copper, most of the cast rough, shallow text. English writing varies in size. Double banner two hundred wenhong copper and brass straight tastier version of the comparison, the two very different.

Double flag 200 wen copper because it is not a single casting production, so its format is also more accordingly. There are dozens of different formats. Double flag 200 wen copper dollar can be divided into two types according to the different flag tasles of the double flag hanging on the back of the coin. If the flag tasles are hanging vertically, the belt is called "straight tasles plate". Flagpole around pendulous, commonly known as "tassel version". At that time, 200 wen was cast the least and most cherished. "The military government made Sichuan copper coins" has a larger circulation, a longer circulation time, and more existing in the world today. Its various denominations in addition to ten, twenty, the other two denominations are various, one hundred, two hundred circulation is very few.