


As a fresher student just starting out for the first time at UNNC, I’ve been swept of my feet by the experiences I’ve had so far over the course of Induction Week. As the new semester gets off to a fiery start, let’s take a look back at the amazing events that have happened so far.

I-Week (Induction Week,新生适应周) 专属于宁诺大一新生。不同于其他大学以军训作为大一开学的起点,宁诺的大一新生在I-Week期间由高年级的学姐学长带领,熟悉学校的学习和生活,吃遍校园周边所有的美食,留下这四年内难以忘怀的大学初体验。

I-Week期间,学校和各社团组织会举办各种各样的活动,如Life@UNNC、Show Night、V-Ball、新生博览会等等。

Induction Week is a time dedicated to all the fresher students to get accustomed to their new home at UNNC. Unlike other universities which begin with military training, Induction Week is focused on bringing students together via a range of activities hosted by the university or its clubs and societies.






After completing my first CELE (Centre for English Language Education) lesson, I made my way over to SAIC (Student Activity and Innovation Centre) to visit the Life@UNNC exhibition. Before I even got inside, I was already blown away by the multi-talented crowd of bands, dances, and talk shows that were taking place outside.

After making my way in to SAIC, I was greeted with rows of stall booths all representing the different clubs and societies at UNNC. The stalls were smartly decorated and were giving out a selection of snacks and goodies to draw newcomers in. Each of the stalls were manned by fellow schoolmates who warmly introduced to us the clubs and societies that they were representing.

Color Run





The Colour Run, hosted by the Campus Ambassadors, has to be one of the highlights at UNNC so far. I was one of the first to arrive, eager to get stuck in. After the drum beat signal, we all set off running ahead, enjoying the campus scenery along the way.

Each time we passed a checkpoint, staff members would spray multi-coloured corn flour all over our hair, face, and clothes.


Sports Fair

在体育馆举行的Sports Fair吸引了众多体育爱好者,这里不仅能看到大家熟悉的几大球类运动,我还惊喜地发现了攀岩社、赛艇社、巴西柔术社等小众运动社团。琳琅满目的奖杯、奖状摆满了桌子,旁边还有一些运动器材供我们体验。


这里除了社团的摊位,还有传球计划这样的公益活动和杭州亚运会志愿者招募。Campus Run也邀请我们加入,在周六早上师生一同绕学校跑步,结束后还可以和老师们一起享用咖啡和蛋糕,是我理想中的大学生活了!

The Sports Fair, held in the Sports Centre, attracted all kinds of sports enthusiasts with an array of different activities being put on for show. The familiar ball sports were on show to see, but what was surprising to see was a range of smaller sport clubs such as the rock-climbing club, rowing club, as well as some martial arts clubs. We were really taken aback by the shining trophies and certificates decorated all over the gymnasium. After checking out what was on offer, students had the chance to sign up to join the sports clubs that they were most interested in.


Show Night

在I-Week的最后一天,我攥着好不容易拿到的Show Night限量门票,满怀期待来到新奥迪。主持人们用六国语言说的“你好”中拉开了新生欢迎晚会的序幕。




Shuffle Crew用力量感、动感并存的街舞串烧带来了燃炸的压轴表演,熟悉的音乐和魅力十足的舞蹈让我忍不住尖叫;

最后跟着电音社的《快乐崇拜》,我点亮手机灯光尽情摇摆,学长高喊了一声“Welcome to UNNC”,我的新生周画上了圆满的句号。


On the final day of Induction Week, I made my way to the auditorium after managing to get my hands on one of the limited tickets to the Show Night. The evening was brought alive with a rich variety of performances. The shows included a Modex model catwalk, a light show hosted by the WOTA art club, a choir singing performance, a hip-hop show from Shuffle Crew, and a dance music playlist aired by the Radio society. The entire night was an overwhelming experience for the bustling crowds who came to attend.







This past week at UNNC has produced a rollercoaster ride of unforgettable experiences for all the fresher students who have attended so far.

I can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner.

I’m so glad to meet you, UNNC.

图文来源 | 品牌与传媒办公室学生团队、








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