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Li Xu

BA in English language and literature of Hubei University in China, MA in English language and translation of Sydney University in Australia, MA in French language and Teaching of Lorraine University in France, Living in France, has independent art creation studio

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阴暗中如丝肌肤 手工宣纸数字影像 2019

Silky Skin in Obscurity

Digital image of handmade rice paper


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野蛮的空荡 手工宣纸数字影像 2019

Wild Emptiness

Digital image of handmade rice paper



When I saw, for the first time, the series of photos taken by Xu Li, I closed my eyes. Some time later, I watched them again, and then all the images, one by one, flowed out and composed a silent, poetic stream revealing her secret spirit and her distinctive personality. I have to admit that in the reality, the rationality never stops strangling and suppressing people’s inner world and emotions. Finally we cannot see who we are anymore. The world where we are living actually is chaotic, accelerating, in an explosion of informations. We almost forgot the connection, fusion and interaction between human and nature. The lyric, poetic, romantic spirit since the 19th century till the beginning of the 20th century has faded away in the time and become a legendary memory.

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初春的裸照 手工宣纸数字影像 2020

Nude of Spring

Digital image of handmade rice paper


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无声的律动 手工宣纸数字影像 2020

Silent Vibration

Digital image of handmade rice paper


从许莉的系列的作品中,可以想象在入世的生活中,稍有属于自己的片刻她会从容地回归到大自然的怀抱,去顷听大自然平静的呼吸,并尽情领受大自然真情的爱撫和拥抱。她能做的是从天地之间抽离出那一片又一片孤寂的时分或镜像去观照自己,那怕是波动的水,风动的树,掠过的光或弥漫的雾......尽管许莉用镜头拍摄的影像都貌似平淡,且没有叙事的欲望与宣泄,并丝毫不显时势的印迹。但其作品一经 心灵感应与体察,再通过镜头和快门的捕捉,使镜像透射着出世的神奇和纯净,亦无处不滋润着她自己的灵魂。她试图用围栏编织出一片属于她却不可侵犯的领地,这便是许莉拍 摄的影像深深打动我的地方,因为孤独是需要勇气的。

In Xu Li's series of works, we can imagine, when she has some free moments, she will withdraw from the real world,calmly returns to the embrace of nature, listens to the peaceful breaths of nature, enjoys the simple sincere feeling and caresses in the nature. She extracts the lonely silent instants or images to travel on her spiritual road to observe her own naked inner land. Even if it’s the fluctuant body of silky water, the winter trees in the chilly wind, the flowing-by lights and shadows, or the empty whiteness of diffusing fog. The photos taken by Xu Li seem plain, there's no talk or catharsis; they do not show the trace of current situation or imprint of times. However once the images are telepathic, experienced and then captured by lens, there seems be a strong feeling from another dimension. Her works reflect a beautiful magic and a powerful purity, which do not belong to this world, which nourish her soul everywhere she goes. She creates her own divine, mysterious territory with her wordless works. That is why the images taken by Xu Li deeply touched me, because loneliness requires courage.

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他 手工宣纸数字影像 2020


Digital image of handmade rice paper


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无处不在 手工宣纸数字影像 2020

Nowhere Everywhere

Digital image of handmade rice paper



文/伍时雄 (中国)




I have set foot three times in the sparsely populated areas of the Alps in France, Austria and Slovenia. I drank tears for it's purity. My only regret is that I would never be buried in that pure land. Therefore I can understand what a great courage and strength people needs to lead an earthly life in the real world, and at the same time follow a inner spiritual road. Wish Li Xu face to the Pure Land and continue bravely her journey without hesitation and go further and further.

Text / Steven Wu (China)

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《中国“她”艺术》一书,是中国国内第一本以双语呈现的大型文献巨构。通篇采用中英文双语编辑,主要面向国际读者、特别重视在国际间的学术领域进行推介与交流,因此在学术水准和编辑质量上要求甚高; 在编辑体例和装帧方面也更加国际化。力争做到高端大气,精益求精。在内容方面,我们致力于发掘那些能够代表当代思想高度的精品佳构; 也极为重视身处边缘,具有艺术潜质和创新倾向的实验性作品;更欢迎那些略显生涩、观念新颖、富有朝气的青年新锐的加入。因为我们深知,面向未来,面向世界,向世界发出中国女性艺术家的声音,全面展现中国女性艺术家的风采,全面展现中国女性艺术家的精神世界,就是中国当代女性的文化自觉,就是中国当代女性艺术家的担当与作为。当然,这也正是我们编辑《中国“她”艺术》一书的学术主旨和精神支点。



