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1. 投稿论文应为以本人为主要完成者的高质量学术论文,原则上未曾发表;

2. 文章应主题鲜明、观点新颖、论据可靠、语言精炼、图文并茂、可读性强,并保证论文的原创性,遵守学术道德及规范;

3. 中国院校作者论文语言为汉语,海外院校作者论文语言为英语,篇幅以1500到2500词为宜(词语统计包含注释与参考文献)。来稿需有标题,摘要(100词左右)与关键词(4-5个);

4. 引用及参考文献格式要求。本论文集的引用文献采用注释与参考文献并行的尾注格式。参考格式详见附件1。


书 名:《“向多样的世界提问”——2022国际艺术与设计博士生论坛论文集》

主 编:清华大学美术学院


开 本:850mmx1168mm 1/16





008613810393235 王梦瑶

008618811328522 任 和

008618811363447 邹海萍





[1]Dobbs J M, Wong J M. Modification of Supercritical Fluid Phasebehavior Using Polor Coselvent [J]. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1987, 26: 56.

[2]Mesquita A C, Mori M N, Vieira J M, etal. Vinyl Acetate Polymerization by Ionizing Radiation [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2002, 3: 465.


[1]Kortun G. Reflectance Spectroscopy [M]. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1969.

[2]Rees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000: 67.


[1]Eiben A E, vander Hauw J K. Solving 3-SAT with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms [C]. Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997: 81-86.


[1]Chrisstoffels L A J. Carrier-facilitated Transport as a Mechanistic Tool in Supramolecular Chemistry [D]. The Netherland: Twente University, 1988.

Call for Paper : Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University Invites Papers from Worldwide Doctoral Students for ASK: OUR DIVERSE WORLD – Proceedings of The International Art & Design Doctoral Student Forum

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Hosted by Tsinghua University and the Academy of Arts & Design, the 2021 Tsinghua International Conference on Art & Design Education took place during October 29th to 31st. The conference, focusing on the present and future of global art and design education, is a response to Tsinghua’s call for inter-disciplinary integration and innovation as well as in-depth cooperation among domestic and international education institutions. It provides a platform for exchanges among academic institutions from different backgrounds. In a comprehensive and intuitive fashion, the conference displayed the latest achievements in art and design education worldwide, seeking the value of art and design in the new era through differences and consensus.

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As part of the 2021 Tsinghua International Conference on Art & Design Education, the ASK: OUR DIVERSE WORLD – International Art & Design Student Forum was successfully held on October 31. The forum is an annual event organized by the Academy of Arts & Design. Powered by Tsinghua University’s social and academic resources, the forum was created in a global perspective to promote discipline integration. With an open, practical and innovative attitude, outstanding young scholars in art theory, fine arts and design come together to share their latest accomplishments. Also attended by academic authorities and experts, the forum will, as an attempt to expand disciplinary boundaries, address the issue of “problem awareness”, so that art and design can play a bigger role in a diverse world. As expected, the forum achieved promising results and received positive feedback.

In order to further expand the academic impact and influence of the forum and promote academic exchanges and development in the field of international art and design, andwith the support of top universities, we are calling on doctoral students from international art & design colleges and young scholars in relevant fields to submit their latest academic papers. The selected papers will be awarded a certificate and published in a collection along with other quality papers from the previous forums in 2022.

Doctoral students around the globe are welcome to submit articles and join efforts to find more solutions to a variety of problems, making your contribution to building a better environment for the development of art and design.


Doctoral candidates in Chinese and international art & design colleges; young scholars with a doctoral degree

Requirements for the papers

1. The submission should be a high-quality academic paper with the submitter as the main author, preferably ones that haven’t been published.

2. The paper should have a clear theme, novel viewpoints, reliable arguments, concise language, excellent illustrations and texts, and strong readability. The originality, academic ethics and norms of the paper must be ensured.

3. The paper must be written in Chinese for Chinese contributors and in English for overseas contributors, with its ideal length between 1,500 and 2,500 words (including notes and references). The submission must contain a title, an abstract (about 100 words) and 4-5 keywords.

4. Citation and reference format requirements. As for citations and references, this collection of papers will adopt the format of endnotes with parallel notes and references. Please refer to Annex 1 for examples.

Publication Information

Book Title: ASK: OUR DIVERSE WORLD – Proceedings of The 2022 International Art & Design Doctoral Student Forum

Compiled by: Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

Published and distributed by: China Youth Publishing Group

Format: 850mmx1168mm 1/16


Email address for inquiries and submission: 1966096565@qq.com. Please submit your paper to this email address before 24:00, December 31, 2021 (Beijing time).

The name of the file should be “Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design Paper Submission_Nationality_Name_Title”.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Ms. Wang Mengyao,008613810393235

Ms. Ren He, 008618811328522

Ms. Zou Haiping, 008618811363447

Graduate Affairs Group Academy of Arts & Design Tsinghua University

Annex 1

For foreign language references, please refer to ISO-690, ISO-690-2 international standards, with examples as follows.

1) Periodicals

[1]Dobbs J M, Wong J M. Modification of Supercritical Fluid Phasebehavior Using Polor Coselvent [J]. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1987, 26: 56.

[2]Mesquita A C, Mori M N, Vieira J M, etal. Vinyl Acetate Polymerization by Ionizing Radiation [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2002, 3: 465.

2) Monographs

[1]Kortun G. Reflectance Spectroscopy [M]. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1969.

[2]Rees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000: 67.

3) Proceedings

[1]Eiben A E, vander Hauw J K. Solving 3-SAT with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms [C]. Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997: 81-86.

4) Theses/Dissertations

[1]Chrisstoffels L A J. Carrier-facilitated Transport as a Mechanistic Tool in Supramolecular Chemistry [D]. The Netherland: Twente University, 1988.


论文结集出版:会议主办方会以图书的形式出版论文集 |期刊支持:会议与学术期刊合作或开设专栏收稿 |推荐发表:会议主办方会将部分优秀论文推荐给期刊发表 |跨学科:面向多个学科征稿 |其他关键词还有面向本科生、面向研究生、面向博士生以及各学科专业名词

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