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13、Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威

Meet Mr. Fox. He lives on a mountain with many other animals. Best friends Mr. Butterfly, Mr. Rabbit, and Mr. Monkey live next to Mr. and Mrs. Bird. But there is one animal that is especially important--Mr. Tiger!

All the other animals are afraid of Mr. Tiger because he is big and strong.

You might even call Mr. Tiger the king of the mountain.

One day, as Mr. Fox was napping in the shade of a big tree, Mr. Tiger happened to walk by. He had never met Mr. Fox before, so he was very curious. As he got a closer look at Mr. Fox’s orange, brown, and white fur, his mouth started to water. What a tasty meal Mr. Fox would be!

Mr. Tiger poked at Mr. Fox. “Wake up!” he said, while licking his lips.

“You look delicious, and I can’t wait to eat you up!”

Mr. Fox’s eyes blinked open. “Wha-?” he mumbled, before realizing that he was looking at Mr. Tiger. “OH!” he yelped as he sat up quickly. “Hello, Mr. Tiger, how can I help you?”

“Well...” said Mr. Tiger. “I’d like to eat you!”

Oh no! thought Mr. Fox. What do I do? I don’t want to be eaten! Let me think… Oh! I know!

“Why do you want to eat me?” asked Mr. Fox. “Don’t you know I am more powerful than you?”

“HAHAHAHA!” laughed Mr. Tiger. “Now that’s a funny joke! You, more powerful than me? I am Mr. Tiger! I am the king of the mountain! No one is more powerful than me!”

“Really?” challenged Mr. Fox. “I promise that I am more powerful than you. I can even show you proof! Here, follow me.”

Reluctantly, Mr. Tiger agreed to follow Mr. Fox. As they walked, Mr.Tiger couldn’t help but notice something. Everywhere they went, all the animals scurried away in fear! Could it be? Was Mr. Fox truly more powerful than him? So powerful that all the other animals were afraid of Mr. Fox?

“You see?” said Mr. Fox. “All the animals know I am powerful, so they are running away from me! Now that you see that I am more powerful than you, do you still want to eat me, Mr. Tiger?” asked Mr. Fox.

“I… No, Mr. Fox. I understand now.” replied Mr. Tiger. “I’m sorry. I did not know your power.” Mr. Tiger hung his head in shame and walked away with his tail between his legs.

Once he was sure Mr. Tiger was far away, Mr. Fox burst out laughing.

He had simply borrowed Mr. Tiger’s power. All the animals ran away because they were afraid of Mr. Tiger, not Mr. Fox! But Mr. Tiger had thought the animals were afraid of Mr. Fox because Mr. Fox was walking in front! Clever Mr. Fox had successfully tricked Mr. Tiger. Since that day, Mr. Tiger never bothered Mr. Fox again.

The End


Have you ever used someone else’s talents to make yourself seem better?


nap v.打盹

blink v. 眨眼睛

mumble v. 含糊地说话,咕哝

yelp v. 叫喊,嗥叫

challenge v. 对……质疑,否认

proof n. 证据

reluctantly adv. 不情愿地

scurry v. 急匆匆地走

burst out doing sth 突然说出,突然……起来

trick v. 戏弄,愚弄

bother v. 打扰


















他只是借用了老虎先生的权力。所有的动物都逃跑了,因为他们害怕的是老虎先生,而不是狐狸先生!但是老虎先生认为动物们害怕狐狸先生,因为狐狸先生走在前面!聪明的狐狸先生成功地欺骗了老虎先生。从那天起,老虎先生再也没有打扰过福克斯先生 。



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