Generic name表示“通用名称/商标”,英文也可以写作generic term;generic mark;common descriptive name。在商标法(Trademark Act)中,该术语仅用以表示某类物品而无法用以确定商品的出处,诸如「汽车」、「牛奶」等。在药品行业,指药品的化学名、常用名或在官方药典中的正式名称。Generic name具有显著性和代表性,不能代表某一个品牌的商品,不能继续用作商标。如“Aspirin”(阿司匹林),一般不获承认为商标,而视为一种药物的统称。又如“Yoyo”(摇摇),现在作为“溜溜球”的统称。

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参考例句:The Delegation of Spain expressed its reservation with regard to Section 7.1.2 of the Standard, as it was of the opinion that in addition to the generic name (heat treated fermented milks) it would be necessary to include the names: yoghurt, kefir, kumis, when there was no legislation in the country of destination and when these names are accepted in the country of origin, in order to inform the consumer better.

相关立法、而原产国又接受这些名称时,除了一般名称(热处理发酵奶)之外,还必须包括以下名称:酸奶、酸乳酒、Kumis,使消费者了解更加详细 的情况。

Ask your doctor for the chemical or generic name of your medication, because the drugs you take may have different trade names in different countries.

