
"HOPAK" is a traditional Ukrainian Martial Arts of fighting. An Ukrainian soldier created this type of systematic fighting with a combination of protection and aggression since 1600. In Ukraine, COMBAT HOPAK has been considered as extraordinary cultural heritage and a treasure of Ukrainian sports culture.

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10年前,OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS 先生已经开始尝试在中国展示乌克兰传统武术HOPAK格斗术,这期间,他总是最大限度的在中方组织的,不同的体育活动上推广HOPAK格斗, OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS 先生的老师OLEKSANDR SOKOLOVSKYI先生,是功勋民族舞团“ORLYONOK”的领导者,乌克兰最杰出的文化领域人物,同时也荣获乌克兰总统颁发的国家二等和三等荣誉勋章,自从1992年开始与老师学习乌克兰传统格斗术HOPAK以来,经过长期的训练,OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS 先生也成为了HOPAK 传统和现代格斗术的真正大师级人物。

Mr OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS is the first Ukrainian people who represented "UKRAINIAN COMBAT HOPAK" almost like 10 years ago in China, and he maximum develop HOPAK at different sports event which was held in China from 2010. He is a real master of FOLK HOPAK and COMBAT HOPAK because his teacher Mr OLEKSANDR SOKOLOVSKYI, creater of Folk Dance “ORLYONOK” ENSEMBLE, and distinguished cultural professional of Ukraine who was awarded with second and third class medal of merit from president of Ukraine, gave to OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS professional skills of "UKRAINIAN COMBAT HOPAK" from 1992.

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乌克兰传统格斗术HOPAK大师 OLEXANDR CHEMYKOS先生向学员分享这项格斗术的发展历程和乌克兰文化。

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Ukraine possesses a wealth of cultural talent and a considerable cultural legacy. Numerous writers have contributed to the country’s rich literary history. Impressive monuments of architecture and museums displaying works by generations of Ukrainian artists can be found throughout the country, and art galleries featuring contemporary Ukrainian artists have become commonplace in larger urban centres. The country’s strong tradition of folk art also continues to this day. In addition, high-calibre performing artists and ensembles appear regularly in Ukraine’s numerous theatres and concert halls. Ukrainian HOPAK this is a traditional national dance with which jointly was born a Martial Art and by Mr Olexandr Chemykos he is stay more famous in China since 2010 at Shanghai city. Master Mr Olexandr Chemykos with biggest activity's represented Martial Arts tell these days at China.

乌克兰拥有丰富的文化人才和文化遗产 ,拥有令人印象深刻的建筑,纪念碑和博物馆, 展示几代乌克兰艺术家的作品,以当代乌克兰艺术家为特色的艺术画廊在较大的城市中心也络绎不绝的涌现。 强大的民间艺术传统一直延续到今天。 此外,乌克兰众多的剧院和音乐厅定期有各类表演艺术家和艺术家团体的演出。 乌克兰HOPAK也是一种传统的民族舞蹈,并逐渐衍生出来武术类的格斗形式,Olexandr Chemykos先生自2010年以来,一直持续在中国向大家介绍这项格斗术,俨然也成为了乌克兰HOPAK 格斗术在中国的代言人。