Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet
Ozone Disinfection
Disinfection is considered to be the primary mechanism for the inactivation/destruction of pathogenic organisms to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases to downstream users and the environment. It is important that wastewater be adequately treated prior to disinfection in order for any disinfectant to be effective.
Table 1 lists some common microorganisms found in domestic wastewater and the diseases associated with them.
Ozone is produced when oxygen (O2) molecules are dissociated by an energy source into oxygen atoms and subsequently collide with an oxygen molecule to form an unstable gas, ozone (O3), which is used to disinfect wastewater. Most wastewater treatment plants generate ozone by imposing a high voltage alternating current (6 to 20 kilovolts) across a dielectric discharge gap that contains an oxygen-bearing gas. Ozone is generated onsite because it is unstable and decomposes to elemental oxygen in a short amount of time after generation.
Ozone is a very strong oxidant and virucide. The mechanisms of disinfection using ozone include:
• Direct oxidation/destruction of the cell wall with leakage of cellular constituents outside of the cell.
• Reactions with radical by-products of ozone decomposition.
• Damage to the constituents of the nucleic acids (purines and pyrimidines).
• Breakage of carbon-nitrogen bonds leading to depolymerization.
- 直接氧化/破坏细胞壁,让细胞成分泄漏到细胞外。
- 与臭氧分解的自由基副产物发生反应。
- 对核酸的成分(嘌呤和嘧啶)造成损害。
- 碳氮键的断裂导致解聚。
When ozone decomposes in water, the free radicals hydrogen peroxy (HO2) and hydroxyl (OH) that are formed have great oxidizing capacity and play an active role in the disinfection process. It is generally believed that the bacteria are destroyed because of protoplasmic oxidation resulting in cell wall disintegration (cell lysis).
The effectiveness of disinfection depends on the susceptibility of the target organisms, the contact time, and the concentration of the ozone. A line diagram of the ozonation process is shown in Figure 1. The components of an ozone disinfection system include feed-gas preparation, ozone generation, ozone contacting, and ozone destruction.
Air or pure oxygen is used as the feed-gas source and is passed to the ozone generator at a set flow rate. The energy source for production is generated by electrical discharge in a gas that contains oxygen. Ozone generators are typically classified by:
• The control mechanism (either a voltage or frequency unit).
• The cooling mechanism (either water, air, or water plus oil).
• The physical arrangement of the dielectrics (either vertical or horizontal).
• The name of the inventor.
- 控制机制(电压或频率)。
- 冷却机制(水,空气,或水与油一同)。
- 电介质的物理排列 (垂直或水平)。
- 发明者的名字。
However, generators manufactured by different companies have unique characteristics but also have some common configurations.
The electrical discharge method is the most common energy source used to produce ozone. Extremely dry air or pure oxygen is exposed to a controlled, uniform high-voltage discharge at a high or low frequency. The dew point of the feed gas must be -60℃ (-76℉) or lower. The gas stream generated from air will contain about 0.5 to 3.0% ozone by weight, whereas pure oxygen will form approximately two to four times that concentration.
After generation, ozone is fed into a down-flow contact chamber containing the wastewater to be disinfected. The main purpose of the contactor is to transfer ozone from the gas bubble into the bulk liquid while providing sufficient contact time for disinfection. The commonly used contactor types diffused bubble (co-current and counter-current) are positive pressure injection, negative pressure (Venturi), mechanically agitated, and packed tower. Because ozone is consumed quickly, it must be contacted uniformly in a near plug flow contactor.
The off-gases from the contact chamber must be treated to destroy any remaining ozone before release into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is essential to maintain an optimal ozone dosage for better efficiency. When pure oxygen is used as the feed-gas, the off-gases from the contact chamber can be recycled to generate ozone or for reuse in the aeration tank. The ozone off-gases that are not used are sent to the ozone destruction unit or are recycled.
The key process control parameters are dose, mixing, and contact time. An ozone disinfection system strives for the maximum solubility of ozone in wastewater, as disinfection depends on the transfer of ozone to the wastewater. The amount of ozone that will dissolve in wastewater at a constant temperature is a function of the partial pressure of the gaseous ozone above the water or in the gas feed stream.
It is critical that all ozone disinfection systems be pilot tested and calibrated prior to installation to ensure they meet discharge permit requirements for their particular sites.
Ozone disinfection is generally used at medium to large sized plants after at least secondary treatment. In addition to disinfection, another common use for ozone in wastewater treatment is odor control.
Ozone disinfection is the least used method in the U.S. although this technology has been widely accepted in Europe for decades. Ozone treatment has the ability to achieve higher levels of disinfection than either chlorine or UV, however, the capital costs as well as maintenance expenditures are not competitive with available alternatives. Ozone is therefore used only sparingly, primarily in special cases where alternatives are not effective.
• Ozone is more effective than chlorine in destroying viruses and bacteria.
• The ozonation process utilizes a short contact time (approximately 10 to 30 minutes).
• There are no harmful residuals that need to be removed after ozonation because ozone decomposes rapidly.
• After ozonation, there is no regrowth of microorganisms, except for those protected by the particulates in the wastewater stream.
• Ozone is generated onsite, and thus, there are fewer safety problems associated with shipping and handling.
• Ozonation elevates the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of the effluent. The increase in DO can eliminate the need for reaeration and also raise the level of DO in the receiving stream.
- 臭氧在杀灭病毒和细菌方面比氯气更有效。
- 臭氧处理过程只利用了很短的接触时间(大约10到30分钟)。
- 臭氧处理后没有需要清除的有害残留物,因为臭氧会迅速分解。
- 臭氧处理后,除了那些被污水中的颗粒保护的微生物外,没有任何微生物重新生长。
- 臭氧是在现场发生的,因此,与运输和处理有关的安全问题较少。
- 臭氧处理提高了出水的溶解氧(DO)浓度。溶解氧的增加可以减少再曝气的需要,也可以提高受纳水流中的溶解氧水平。
• Low dosage may not effectively inactivate some viruses, spores, and cysts.
• Ozonation is a more complex technology than is chlorine or UV disinfection, requiring complicated equipment and efficient contacting systems.
• Ozone is very reactive and corrosive, thus requiring corrosion-resistant material such as stainless steel.
• Ozonation is not economical for wastewater with high levels of suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand, or total organic carbon.
• Ozone is extremely irritating and possibly toxic, so off-gases from the contactor must be destroyed to prevent worker exposure.
• The cost of treatment can be relatively high in capital and in power intensiveness.
- 低剂量的臭氧可能无法有效灭活一些病毒、孢子和囊肿。
- 臭氧是一种比氯气或紫外线消毒更复杂的技术,需要复杂的设备和有效的接触系统。
- 臭氧具有很强的反应性和腐蚀性,因此需要耐腐蚀的材料,如不锈钢。
- 对于悬浮物(SS)、生化需氧量(BOD)、化学需氧量或总有机碳含量高的废水来说,臭氧处理并不经济。
- 臭氧具有极强的刺激性,而且可能有毒,因此必须收集处理接触池的废气以防止工人接触。
- 处理的成本在投资和电耗方面可能相对较高。
Belmont and Southport Wastewater Treatment Plants in Indianapolis, Indiana
In 1985, the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, operated two-125 million gallons per day (mgd) advanced wastewater treatment plants at Belmont and Southport using ozone disinfection. The rated capacity of the oxygen-fed ozone generators was 6,380 pounds per day, which was used to meet geometric mean weekly and monthly disinfection permit limits for fecal coliforms of 400 and 200 per 100 ml, respectively.
Disinfection was required at both Indianapolis treatment plants from April 1 through October 31,
1985. Equipment performance characteristics were evaluated during the 1985 disinfection season and consequently, disinfection performance was optimized during the 1986 season. The capital cost of both ozone systems represented about 8% of the plants' total construction cost. The ozone system’s Operation and Maintenance (O&M) cost represented about 1.9% and 3.7% of the total plant O&M costs at the Belmont and Southport plants, respectively.
In 1989, a disciplined process monitoring and control program was initiated. Records indicated a significant effect on process performance due to changes in wastewater flow, contactor influent fecal coliform concentration, and ozone demand.
Previously, ozone demand information was unknown. Several studies were conducted to enable better control of the ozone disinfection process. These included the recent installation of a pilot-scale ozone contactor to allow the plant staff to measure ozone demand on a daily basis. Also, tracer tests were conducted to measure contactor short-circuiting potential. Results demonstrated a noticeable benefit of adding additional baffles. Results also indicated operating strategies that could maximize fecal coliform removal, such as reducing the number of contactors in service at low and moderate flow conditions.
Ozone generation uses a significant amount of electrical power. Thus, constant attention must be given to the system to ensure that power is optimized for controlled disinfection performance.
There must be no leaking connections in or surrounding the ozone generator. The operator must on a regular basis monitor the appropriate subunits to ensure that they are not overheated. Therefore, the operator must check for leaks routinely, since a very small leak can cause unacceptable ambient ozone concentrations. The ozone monitoring equipment must be tested and calibrated as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
Like oxygen, ozone has limited solubility and decomposes more rapidly in water than in air. This factor, along with ozone reactivity, requires that the ozone contactor be well covered and that the ozone diffuses into the wastewater as effectively as possible.
Ozone in gaseous form is explosive once it reaches a concentration of 240 g/m3. Since most ozonation systems never exceed a gaseous ozone concentration of 50 to 200 g/m3, this is generally not a problem. However, ozone in gaseous form will remain hazardous for a significant amount of time thus, extreme caution is needed when operating the ozone gas systems.
It is important that the ozone generator, distribution, contacting, off-gas, and ozone destructor inlet piping be purged before opening the various systems or subsystems. When entering the ozone contactor, personnel must recognize the potential for oxygen deficiencies or trapped ozone gas in spite of best efforts to purge the system. The operator should be aware of all emergency operating procedures required if a problem occurs. All safety equipment should be available for operators to use in case of an emergency. Key O&M parameters include:
• Clean feed gas with a dew point of -600C (-760F), or lower, must be delivered to the ozone generator.
• Maintain the required flow of generator coolant (air, water, or other liquid).
• Lubricate the compressor or blower in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Ensure that all compressor sealing gaskets are in good condition.
• Operate the ozone generator within its design parameters. Regularly inspect and clean the ozonator, air supply, and dielectric assemblies, and monitor the temperature of the ozone generator.
• Monitor the ozone gas-feed and distribution system to ensure that the necessary volume comes into sufficient contact with the wastewater.
• Maintain ambient levels of ozone below the limits of applicable safety regulations.
- 必须向臭氧发生器输送露点为-60EC(-76EF)或更低的清洁供气。如果供应的气体是潮湿的,臭氧和水分的反应将在臭氧发生器的内部产生一个非常有腐蚀性的冷凝物。臭氧发生器的输出可能会因为氮氧化物(如硝酸)的形成而降低。
- 保持发生器冷却剂(空气、水或其他液体)的必要流量。
- 按照供应商的规格对压缩机或鼓风机进行润滑,确保所有压缩机的密封垫片处于良好状态。
- 在设计参数范围内操作臭氧发生器。定期检查和清洁臭氧发生器、空气供应和电介质组件,并监测臭氧发生器的温度。
- 监测臭氧供气和分配系统,确保必要的量与废水充分接触。
- 保持环境中的臭氧水平低于适用的安全法规的限制。
The cost of ozone disinfection systems is dependent on the manufacturer, the site, the capacity of the plant, and the characteristics of the wastewater to be disinfected. Ozonation costs are generally high in comparison with other disinfection techniques.
Table 2 shows a typical cost estimate (low to medium) for ozone disinfection system used to disinfect one mgd of wastewater. The costs are based on the wastewater having passed through both primary and secondary treatment processes of a properly designed system (the BOD content does not exceed 30 milligrams per liter [mg/L] and the SS content is less than 30 mg/L). In general, costs are largely influenced by site-specific factors, and thus, the estimates that follow are typical values and can vary from site to site.
Because the concentration of ozone generated from either air or oxygen is so low, the transfer efficiency
to the liquid phase is a critical economic consideration. For this reason, the contact chambers used are usually very deep and covered.
The overall cost of an ozonation system is also largely determined by the capital and O&M expenses. The annual operating costs for ozone disinfection include power consumption, and supplies, miscellaneous equipment repairs, and staffing requirements.
Another consideration for the cost is that each ozonation system is site specific, depending on the plant’s effluent limitations. Chemical suppliers should be contacted for specific cost information.
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