A whole wall of photos, different styles of decorations, unfinished sketches... It was in this studio that Fan Bo, Vice President of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, discussed art with students. Although he mainly works in oil painting and cross-media contemporary art, he also enjoys traditional Chinese art and gets inspiration from it. This is the same as the attitude of Fan Bo towards art, which is both tolerant and innovative, constantly exploring the boundaries of art, and trying to express himself through the appropriate artistic language and media.

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充满回忆的照片墙、风格各异的器物摆件、即将完成的纸本绘画……广州美术学院副院长范勃就是在这间工作室与学生共同探讨艺术。范勃表示虽然自己以油画与跨媒介当代艺术创作为主,但内心也热衷中国传统艺术,并在其中汲取养分。这一如范勃对艺术的态度——兼纳包容 努力求新,不停地探索艺术的边界,努力用恰到好处的艺术语言和媒介去表达自己。

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来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派

责编 | 梁泽铭