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设计是一项全球共通的语言,跨越国家与宗教之别回归人类共融。盛古开始在国际上崭露头角,用4款作品叩开了MUSE Design Awrads 的大门…


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一铂三金·屡获大奖 」


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继此前在Pentawards、iF、A' Design





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感怀于MUSE Design Awards着重独创性的设计精神




盛古 4 款作品品斩获Muse设计大奖!

其中 3 款获 GOLD 金奖

1 款折桂,斩获 PLATINUM 铂金奖(最高奖)!


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»» Muse Design Awards

|| 全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一

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MUSE Design Awards创办于美国纽约,由历史悠久的国际奖项协会International Awards Associates(IAA)主办,旨在发掘和表彰建筑、室内、时尚等六大设计领域的杰出者,以严格的评审体系和高质量的评判标准著称,每年吸引众多全球知名品牌与设计师争相参与。

Founded in New York by the historic International Awards Association International Awards Associates (IAA) , the MUSE Design Awards aims to identify and recognize excellence in six areas of Design: architecture, interior, and fashion, famous for its strict judging system and high quality judging standard, it attracts many famous brands and designers from all over the world to participate every year.

作为国际著名设计大赛的MUSE Design Awards,他们的独创性和透彻的作品使其他人敬畏,并在此过程中重新定义了界限和范围,就像缪斯女神一样。

As the internationally renowned Muse Design Awards, their originality and clarity inspire others to awe and redefine boundaries and boundaries in the process, just like Muse.

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▲ MUSE 奖部分评委

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▲ 2022年新的MUSE小雕像

»» Sungoo Design

|| 承古盛今 · 自然由心

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盛古创意,由知名设计师付木强先生于2013年创立。秉承“承古盛今 · 自然由心”的先锋设计理念,挹先人之规、悟通变之理,将传统经典文化与现代科技艺术融为一炉,在平和简静,淡雅自然的氛围中,以文质相谐,刚柔相济的个性,与时俱进而又不拘一格的全身心致力于中国酒业创意整合服务。

八年于酒类设计行业深耕以来,我们持续开源创新,迄今已服务过茅台集团、五粮液、泸州老窖 、剑南春、汾酒、习酒、酒鬼酒、西凤酒、四特、远航酒业、金六福、江小白、钓鱼台、国台、河套、景芝酒、匀酒、古贝春、今缘春、糊涂酒业、李渡酒、云门酒业、红太阳、婺酒、仙秦酒、山谷春、亿度烧坊等上百家知名酒类品牌。

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「 在过往的岁月里,我们本着务实的态度埋头于设计,为每一位客户的作品精益求精,没有参与到国际设计奖的评选中来。如今,秉承着为客户负责的服务精神,我们加入到国际评比中,所幸,不负众望。


»» Sungoo获奖作品

|| 2022 Muse Design Award x 4

很高兴我们的3 款作品荣获了 MUSE GOLD 金奖,还有 1 款斩获了 MUSE 最高奖项 PLATINUM 铂金大奖!令人惊喜的成绩,感谢 MUSE 评委会对“盛古创意”作品的肯定与认可!


穿山岩酒窖 | 盛德若愚,灵韵天成

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The design of this liquor packaging for "Chuanshanyan Wine Cellar" relies on design elements to express premium quality and "Shengde Ruoyu,” which in Chinese means a virtuous and modest gentleman always looks simple in appearance.

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The packaging draws from this leitmotif through its simple lines with its simple and atmospheric design style. We use the irregular rock rings of Chuanshan rock to build a spherical bottle body, and then carve Guilin's unique scenic spots. Another feature is the outstanding mountain shaped bottle top, which shows the wonders of Guilin's mountains and rivers, and also highlights the difference of wine texture and design.

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GOLD · 黄金奖

川魁 | 川蜀魁首,生态清新

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Sichuan, China, is surrounded by mountainous mountains and dense bamboo forests. It is one of the important birthplaces and protected areas of China's national treasure "Giant Panda". Therefore, in the design of this wine, we used the image of panda and green bamboo to convey the design concepts of "environmental protection", "ecology" and "freshness".

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On the bottle, a panda image illustration is the basis of the whole design. It is composed of emerald green bamboo leaves, which is full of vitality and life, combining the panda's naive attitude with the natural elegance and beauty. In another part of the design, a "panda paw" can be found. The hollow design adds panda elements, which is also ergonomic and easy to take.

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GOLD · 黄金奖

婺酒 | 立体工业,徽派飞檐

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Wu brand old wine, based on the local culture, renewing the old and renewing the old taste, the design expression of the three-dimensional industrial style concept, exploring the balance of traditional ancient quintessence and cutting-edge style, and obtained this work. Reconstruct traditional culture with modern methods. The characteristic "Flying Eaves" of ancient Huizhou architecture is the cultural characteristic that we are looking for based on Wujiu.

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The black and white style of Huizhou architecture coincides with modern minimalism, spanning thousands of years. The overall bottle shape uses the minimalist expression of "modern vertical grid" to present the right style and sense of hierarchy. In the final presentation, we combined the "Huizhou style cornice" with the "modern vertical grid" to create the ultimate three-dimensional industrial style.

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GOLD · 黄金奖

匀酒匀香 | 宝石之翼,超级符号

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We dig deep into the wine heritage and find the unique local cultural foundation of the wine in order to recreate a super symbol of Chinese wine culture.Among them, the totemized vision has become a super carrier of its own culture. We use totemization to polish the super symbols of Chinese wine culture, to build a cognitive resonance based on aesthetics, and build a super memory of a new era.

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Gathering in local culture. We add the elements of herbal medicine, emeralds, and Miao silver ornaments: imitating the charm of emeralds, coloring hundreds of times, and illuminating the unique life color of emeralds on the transparent bottle of Yunjiu

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