从这件宋汝窑瓷器瓜棱扁瓶里随意取一件观察,发现在不同的光线下它们显色有色差。这个瓜棱扁瓶这时更显天蓝色,这是北宋清凉寺汝窑瓷器的共性,即在不同的光线下都有色差。 北宋清凉寺汝窑瓷器中琢器都是预制合成成器的,此瓜棱扁瓶是由底部和器体前后两片共3部件合成后上釉烧造而成。 北宋清凉寺汝窑瓷器天蓝釉瓜棱扁瓶是无纹的汝窑瓷器。据说无纹汝窑瓷器尤好,和台北故宫收藏的汝窑瓷器水仙盆一样,此天蓝釉瓜棱扁瓶没有明显的黑色纹路,只有近看到无色的细小的蟹爪纹,同样是尤为难得。

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何为蟹爪纹,过去好多人不清楚,其实就是曲折纹,螃蟹的爪子也就是它的脚是细长曲折的。一般瓷器的没有重叠的开片基本上都不会曲折,这是汝窑瓷器和其他瓷器的区别, 蟹爪纹是清凉寺汝窑瓷器的独特细小开片,是和其他开片分布有致在开片群里不重叠的纹片。这是和其他瓷器所不同的地方,是仿制者所做不到的。

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此品敞口,花瓣形唇口,束颈,瓜棱鼓腹,矮直圈足。满釉,釉质沉厚细腻,渣斗,一般用于盛装唾吐物,或置于餐桌用于盛载食物渣滓,小型渣斗亦用于盛载茶渣。此器型形制规整浑圆,制作精巧,造型别致。 窑,为宋代五大名窑之魁,以地处汝州而得名。具有“青如天,面如玉,蝉翼纹,晨星稀,芝麻支钉釉满足”等典型特色。汝窑所烧陶瓷精美绝伦,传世真品稀少,在中国陶瓷史上享有盛誉。 汝窑,为宋代五大名窑之魁,以地处汝州而得名。具有“青如天,面如玉,蝉翼纹,晨星稀,芝麻支钉釉满足”等典型特色。汝窑所烧陶瓷精美绝伦,传世真品稀少,在中国陶瓷史上享有盛誉。

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Taking one of the melon edged flat bottles from Ru kiln porcelain of Song Dynasty and observing it at random, it is found that they have color difference in different light. This melon edged flat bottle is even more sky blue at this time, which is the common feature of Ru kiln porcelain in Qingliang temple in the Northern Song Dynasty, that is, there are color differences in different light. The porcelain carving utensils in Ru kiln of Qingliang temple in the Northern Song Dynasty were prefabricated and synthesized into utensils. This melon edged flat bottle was made by glaze firing after three parts were synthesized from the bottom and the front and rear parts of the utensil body. Northern Song Dynasty Qingliang Temple Ru kiln porcelain sky blue glazed melon edge flat bottle is a kind of Ru kiln porcelain without grain. It is said that the Ruyao porcelain without grain is particularly good. Like the Ruyao porcelain Narcissus basin collected in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, this Tianlan glazed melon edge flat bottle has no obvious black lines. Only the colorless small crab claw lines can be seen recently, which is also particularly rare. What is the crab claw pattern? Many people didn't know in the past. In fact, it is a zigzag pattern. The crab claws, that is, its feet, are slender and zigzag. Generally, the opening of porcelain without overlapping is basically not tortuous, which is the difference between Ru kiln porcelain and other porcelain, Crab claw pattern is a unique small opening piece of Ru kiln porcelain in Qingliang temple. It is a pattern piece that does not overlap with other opening pieces. This is different from other porcelain, which can't be done by imitators. This product has an open mouth, petal shaped lip, tied neck, melon edge, bulging abdomen, short and straight Circle feet. Full glaze, thick and delicate glaze, slag bucket is generally used to contain spit, or placed on the table to contain food residue, and small slag bucket is also used to contain tea residue. The shape of this device is regular and round, with exquisite manufacture and unique shape. Kiln, one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, is named after its location in Ruzhou. It has typical features such as "green as the sky, face like jade, cicada wing pattern, rare morning stars, sesame nail glaze satisfaction". The ceramics fired in Ru kiln are exquisite and rare. It enjoys a high reputation in the history of Chinese ceramics.