ASP诗苑讯:伦·托马斯(Dylan Thomas)出生于 1914 年 10 月 27 日,于 1953 年 11 月 9 日去世,享年 39 岁。生前住在威尔士和英格兰,并在爱尔兰、意大利、捷克共和国、伊朗和美国等地旅居过。 尽管他的生命短暂,但他却完成了丰富的文学、戏剧等方面的创作,包括:数百首诗歌、超现实主义的短篇小说、关于他童年的精彩广播、一部小说和一部为声音而创作的剧本……所有这些都是在他四十岁之前完成的。

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“Love the Words”是每年“国际迪伦-托马斯日”的一部分,也是一年一度的对文字魔力和力量的庆祝活动, 今年的主题是“水”。 由于迪伦的意思是海洋之子,而这位诗人出生在海滨小镇斯旺西,后来住在拉格恩河口,因此我们寻找赞美我们的海洋、河流、湖泊和池塘的诗歌 ,任何关于各种形式的水的诗歌,从瀑布到喷泉,从浴缸到饮用水,都是受欢迎的。欢迎世界上任何地方、任何年龄的人们,发送一首不超40 行的优秀诗歌参与庆祝。

ALL SOULS POETRY 诗社是目前唯一一家受邀入驻意大利“形象与诗歌文学运动”网站的国际华语诗社,在“国际迪伦-托马斯日”主页上拥有了自己的专栏。





       By Tang Chengmao (Shen Zhen, China)

By Tang Chengmao (Shen Zhen, China)

The thunder has been dismembering the sky from yesterday.

The thunder has been dismembering the sky from yesterday.

Some classical leaves are falling down.

Some classical leaves are falling down.

Some luxurious expectations are fading away.

Some luxurious expectations are fading away.

The simple yet profound rains, in a pose of humility, Rinse off worries and anxieties.

The simple yet profound rains, in a pose of humility, Rinse off worries and anxieties.

The raindrops beating on the body give a pain that goes deep into the marrow.

The raindrops beating on the body give a pain that goes deep into the marrow.

The pain with depth is called happiness.

The pain with depth is called happiness.

The clouds descend again,

The clouds descend again,

Letting us have happiness and sorrows again.

Letting us have happiness and sorrows again.

The careless rains wash away the cosmetics.

The careless rains wash away the cosmetics.

Life becomes tragic, heroic and boundless.

Life becomes tragic, heroic and boundless.

The rains walking on the tiles

The rains walking on the tiles

Are rendering the stories under the tiles into romances

Are rendering the stories under the tiles into romances

Standing under the tiles, you put life in a lower position.

Standing under the tiles, you put life in a lower position.

What's concerned about vanity cannot be soaked by rains.

What's concerned about vanity cannot be soaked by rains.

Certain things cannot avoid the rains,

Certain things cannot avoid the rains,

Such as love and status.

Such as love and status.

Before the rains,

Before the rains,

Standing is another fate of man.

Standing is another fate of man.

And that handkerchief with floral prints—

And that handkerchief with floral prints—

So long as it slightly wipes the moist spot of your life, Your life will be much, much cleaner.

So long as it slightly wipes the moist spot of your life, Your life will be much, much cleaner.

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 By Marco Sonzogni (New Zaeland)

By Marco Sonzogni (New Zaeland)

My mouth was green, disse, e non una parola

My mouth was green, disse, e non una parola

more in the face of the most diverse interpretations.

more in the face of the most diverse interpretations.

It is not enough to retrace one's steps, to turn around

It is not enough to retrace one's steps, to turn around

stones as they turn their backs... The viper

stones as they turn their backs... The viper

does not sleep, the mistake leaves no stone unturned

does not sleep, the mistake leaves no stone unturned

to the wanderer. First Communion had caused

to the wanderer. First Communion had caused

anorexia: the host that does not find the lips,

anorexia: the host that does not find the lips,

with his fingers the priest who does not want to touch her,

with his fingers the priest who does not want to touch her,

his language, not even with the best intentions,

his language, not even with the best intentions,

and neacnhe with the tip of the runny asperges —

and neacnhe with the tip of the runny asperges —

            E in molti modi, attraverso i tempi,

E in molti modi, attraverso i tempi,

            hai preparato l'acqua, tua creatura,

hai preparato l'acqua, tua creatura,

            ad essere segno, disse, e la cintura

ad essere segno, disse, e la cintura

            dei pantaloni si fece serpe tra serpi —

dei pantaloni si fece serpe tra serpi —

                        Dove un tempo c'era la chiesa crescono

Dove un tempo c'era la chiesa crescono

                        ora solo ortiche ma anche loro tacciono  —

ora solo ortiche ma anche loro tacciono —

 诗人简介:马克· 松兹诺,新西兰诗人,翻译家,作品被广泛出版并获奖,现任惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言和文化学院翻译及研究员,他关于但丁的作品包括与蒂莫西·史密斯(Timothy Smith)和但丁的量子(2021)共同编辑的《地狱与回归》和更有利的水域。

诗人简介:马克· 松兹诺,新西兰诗人,翻译家,作品被广泛出版并获奖,现任惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言和文化学院翻译及研究员,他关于但丁的作品包括与蒂莫西·史密斯(Timothy Smith)和但丁的量子(2021)共同编辑的《地狱与回归》和更有利的水域。

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“THIRSTY FISH”   Mixed Media on canvas by Sue Zhu ( NZ)

“THIRSTY FISH” Mixed Media on canvas by Sue Zhu ( NZ)

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“ FLOW ” Acrylic on canvas by Sue Zhu ( NZ)

“ FLOW ” Acrylic on canvas by Sue Zhu ( NZ)

3.    WATER VARIATIONS (A group of 3 poems)

3. WATER VARIATIONS (A group of 3 poems)

       By Sue Zhu (New Zealand)

By Sue Zhu (New Zealand)



No need to award me a  crown

No need to award me a crown

People without a sense of crisis

People without a sense of crisis

Praise me like beautiful chaos

Praise me like beautiful chaos

Give me such nicknames:

Give me such nicknames:

Magical fog gathering clouds,

Magical fog gathering clouds,

silent drops in the spring breeze,

silent drops in the spring breeze,

timely snow promises a good year,

timely snow promises a good year,

ice cube with clear jade bones

ice cube with clear jade bones

But,  really I am

But, really I am

just the bitter tear, shed from heaven

just the bitter tear, shed from heaven

For the thirsty lip of Gaia*

For the thirsty lip of Gaia*

To touch your lost soul

To touch your lost soul

*Gaia is the goddess of the earth in ancient Greek mythology

*Gaia is the goddess of the earth in ancient Greek mythology



May the tide only bring the love in

May the tide only bring the love in

for lonely rock, a miracle

for lonely rock, a miracle

soft dreams afterward

soft dreams afterward

May the wave only sway the boat

May the wave only sway the boat

for the traveller, a destination

for the traveller, a destination

shortened to no distance

shortened to no distance

May the tears flow

May the tears flow

for lovesickness, a tale

for lovesickness, a tale

extend to life’s end

extend to life’s end

May it make everything possible

May it make everything possible

to be eternal, but nevertheless

to be eternal, but nevertheless

Try not to cry much

Try not to cry much

not to waste it

not to waste it



Women are made of water

Women are made of water



Which drop of water am I?

Which drop of water am I?

From the sky to the sea

From the sky to the sea

I'm afraid to accept your love

I'm afraid to accept your love

in zero degrees, or in one hundred degrees

in zero degrees, or in one hundred degrees

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       by Jinquan.Hu(Shang Hai China)

by Jinquan.Hu(Shang Hai China)


Piles of snow

Piles of snow

Melted by the sun

Melted by the sun

Lots of clear springs

Lots of clear springs

Have no fixed shape

Have no fixed shape

But it is useful for everything

But it is useful for everything

It confluence with the tide

It confluence with the tide

Eventually forming the sea

Eventually forming the sea

The waves were blossoming

The waves were blossoming

It used to turn the pages of classical books

It used to turn the pages of classical books

The waves came in waves

The waves came in waves

The chanting sounded as if one could see the heat rising

The chanting sounded as if one could see the heat rising

Watch overhead

Watch overhead

The words have always been there

The words have always been there

Shining before everyone's eyes

Shining before everyone's eyes

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By He Zhongjun ( China)

By He Zhongjun ( China)

If I were a floating croucher

If I were a floating croucher

I must have two sisters

I must have two sisters

One in the Moon Palace

One in the Moon Palace

One in the Donghe River

One in the Donghe River

I'm still the Polygonum flower

I'm still the Polygonum flower

With the rhythm of the Donghe River

With the rhythm of the Donghe River

Breathe. Only I know

Breathe. Only I know

How many joys and sorrows are buried in the spring water of a river

How many joys and sorrows are buried in the spring water of a river

Fishermen, chased by schools of fish

Fishermen, chased by schools of fish

Banana trees are in the south wind

Banana trees are in the south wind

Flapping its wings

Flapping its wings

Those who swear by water

Those who swear by water

All have flowed eastward

All have flowed eastward

In Donghe, we are

In Donghe, we are

One drop of water closing in another

One drop of water closing in another

One river flooding another

One river flooding another

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诗人简介:何中俊,中国诗歌学会会员、中山市网络作家协会副主席。“每天一首原创诗”诗歌运动发起人,中国诗歌网“现代诗歌”栏目首席版主,主任编辑。作品见《诗刊》,《星星诗刊》,《诗歌选刊》,《诗歌月刊》,《作品》等国内外报刊。出版有:散  文 集:《路上开放的丁香》报告文学:《王道》。

诗人简介:何中俊,中国诗歌学会会员、中山市网络作家协会副主席。“每天一首原创诗”诗歌运动发起人,中国诗歌网“现代诗歌”栏目首席版主,主任编辑。作品见《诗刊》,《星星诗刊》,《诗歌选刊》,《诗歌月刊》,《作品》等国内外报刊。出版有:散 文 集:《路上开放的丁香》报告文学:《王道》。



By Han Xinyu(Singapore)

By Han Xinyu(Singapore)



You are wind, ogling over the prairie you blow over

You are wind, ogling over the prairie you blow over

you are fog, moistening continuously the green valleys

you are fog, moistening continuously the green valleys

I chase after you with the unchanged rhythm of the seasons

I chase after you with the unchanged rhythm of the seasons

Pouring love into the desert

Pouring love into the desert

every piece of the rocks is unyielding

every piece of the rocks is unyielding

every grain of dust diffuses with warmness

every grain of dust diffuses with warmness

flowers and leaves open with worship,

flowers and leaves open with worship,

fresh dews hidden with blessing

fresh dews hidden with blessing

You are hidden in the undulating mountains

You are hidden in the undulating mountains

incarnating as birds and flowers

incarnating as birds and flowers

as the herdsmen shout and swing their whips

as the herdsmen shout and swing their whips

the cattle, sheep, horses and camels broke into gallop

the cattle, sheep, horses and camels broke into gallop

like looming over the blue sea

like looming over the blue sea

You are mothers, pastures and farmers

You are mothers, pastures and farmers

you are the calves mooing

you are the calves mooing

you are dandelions over the mountains and wild

you are dandelions over the mountains and wild

Your beauty is so glorious yet quiet

Your beauty is so glorious yet quiet

like the pilgrims, profoundly pious

like the pilgrims, profoundly pious

nourishing lives for thousands and millions

nourishing lives for thousands and millions

What be used to move you?

What be used to move you?

with the torrents of the Irtysh River

with the torrents of the Irtysh River

open with her surging passion

open with her surging passion

raise up the tall pines of the Altai

raise up the tall pines of the Altai

with your purity and clarity

with your purity and clarity

When you are locked by snow

When you are locked by snow

you would pick up the colours of red, orange,

you would pick up the colours of red, orange,

yellow, green, blue and purple

yellow, green, blue and purple

you sing aloud joyfully to the great nature

you sing aloud joyfully to the great nature

when the spring spreads with endless greenness

when the spring spreads with endless greenness

your vast kindness would sprinkle on every grain of grass seeds

your vast kindness would sprinkle on every grain of grass seeds

Kanas, you are my affectionate lover

Kanas, you are my affectionate lover

let me crawl at your feet, praying at your bosom

let me crawl at your feet, praying at your bosom

lift up your majestic soul

lift up your majestic soul

so that I could roam on your great thinking

so that I could roam on your great thinking

against the extensive sky, the earth, every diligent life

against the extensive sky, the earth, every diligent life

pour down

pour down

lasting prosperity and wealth

lasting prosperity and wealth

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7.    DRIFT


by Xiu Shi(Hong Kong)

by Xiu Shi(Hong Kong)

No idea if it was me drifting on the curve of the river yesterday

No idea if it was me drifting on the curve of the river yesterday

Those floral faces of summer, sighs that mimic rain drops at dusk

Those floral faces of summer, sighs that mimic rain drops at dusk

Are but a chaotic mess of fine yarn—the reflection of clouds in the water

Are but a chaotic mess of fine yarn—the reflection of clouds in the water

Passing underneath the cold and dismal street lights of a small town at night

Passing underneath the cold and dismal street lights of a small town at night

Still, that wasn’t me drifting on the curve of the river today

Still, that wasn’t me drifting on the curve of the river today

April, when a bunch of crooked branches all bear thorny fruits

April, when a bunch of crooked branches all bear thorny fruits

The curve of the river never ever runs dry. Tomorrow will be my turn to drift on it

The curve of the river never ever runs dry. Tomorrow will be my turn to drift on it

Strange flags already line the streets of the town, everywhere a deluge of humanity

Strange flags already line the streets of the town, everywhere a deluge of humanity

Drowning is the best way to end this, when all who drift reach the yonder shore

Drowning is the best way to end this, when all who drift reach the yonder shore

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“ 上善若水The highest goodness is like water”  Chinese seal carving by Ma Junhua (China)

“ 上善若水The highest goodness is like water” Chinese seal carving by Ma Junhua (China)

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8.    Dream of the Sea

8. Dream of the Sea

 By Mei Fangzi (Shanghai, China)

By Mei Fangzi (Shanghai, China)

You want to shrink yourself    Shrink into a lake

You want to shrink yourself Shrink into a lake

Shrink into a pond     Shrink into a flower

Shrink into a pond Shrink into a flower

A little girl

A little girl

Chasing waves, running

Chasing waves, running

(Translated by Xue Hong)

(Translated by Xue Hong)

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9.    About Water

9. About Water

By Xu Jian gang ( Hu Bei, China)

By Xu Jian gang ( Hu Bei, China)

it is said

it is said

Seventy percent of the human body is water

Seventy percent of the human body is water

it is said

it is said

Seventy percent of the earth's surface is also water

Seventy percent of the earth's surface is also water

Therefore, there are a lot of legends about water

Therefore, there are a lot of legends about water

For example, Da Yu controlled the flood

For example, Da Yu controlled the flood

For example, women are like water

For example, women are like water

For example, water being like tenderness

For example, water being like tenderness

For example, water is the source of life

For example, water is the source of life

The painter strokes water by his brush

The painter strokes water by his brush

The poet writes about the water in words

The poet writes about the water in words

The musician composes the music for the water with the musical notes

The musician composes the music for the water with the musical notes

The chemist writes the molecular formula for the water

The chemist writes the molecular formula for the water

And the water, never stay for whoever

And the water, never stay for whoever

Water flows into rivers, lakes and seas

Water flows into rivers, lakes and seas

Like the Atlantic Ocean, or the Pacific Ocean

Like the Atlantic Ocean, or the Pacific Ocean

Forming the Amazon, the Nile, the Mississippi, the Yangtze and Yellow rivers

Forming the Amazon, the Nile, the Mississippi, the Yangtze and Yellow rivers

Life is constantly disappearing and multiplying

Life is constantly disappearing and multiplying

Water, continues its flowing

Water, continues its flowing

Direction, always toward the fixed sea rushing about

Direction, always toward the fixed sea rushing about

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诗人简介: 徐建纲(1961年1月-):男,内蒙古包头市人。1983年毕业于华中师范大学外语系。2004年毕业于华中师范大学外国文学与比较文学研究生班。2004年澳大利亚布里斯班大学访问学者,2008年美国孟菲斯大学交换教授。现任职于湖北三峡大学外国语学院,英美文学教授,硕士导师。1983年4月年在《星星诗刊》发表处女作。 2013年出版诗集一部,《一首老歌——徐建纲的诗》。被《中国诗》杂志及中国网络诗歌学会评为2013年度中国诗星。 2015年5月出版第二部诗集《悲歌欢唱-徐建纲的诗》。 2017年出版第三部诗集《老船长咏叹调》。现任职于南昌职业大学人文学院教授。

诗人简介: 徐建纲(1961年1月-):男,内蒙古包头市人。1983年毕业于华中师范大学外语系。2004年毕业于华中师范大学外国文学与比较文学研究生班。2004年澳大利亚布里斯班大学访问学者,2008年美国孟菲斯大学交换教授。现任职于湖北三峡大学外国语学院,英美文学教授,硕士导师。1983年4月年在《星星诗刊》发表处女作。 2013年出版诗集一部,《一首老歌——徐建纲的诗》。被《中国诗》杂志及中国网络诗歌学会评为2013年度中国诗星。 2015年5月出版第二部诗集《悲歌欢唱-徐建纲的诗》。 2017年出版第三部诗集《老船长咏叹调》。现任职于南昌职业大学人文学院教授。

10.    Baizhangji Waterfall

10. Baizhangji Waterfall

         By Bing Jie( Mongolia, China)

By Bing Jie( Mongolia, China)

This 3,000 feet of flying white

This 3,000 feet of flying white

This immeasurable majesty

This immeasurable majesty

This turbulent flow

This turbulent flow

This cave of water

This cave of water

How much pain is poured into the waves that crash against the rocks

How much pain is poured into the waves that crash against the rocks

How rich is the test paper handed to you by the years

How rich is the test paper handed to you by the years

You are so small in front of it

You are so small in front of it

The wall, the cliff, the waterfall

The wall, the cliff, the waterfall

Its loneliness is sharper than yours

Its loneliness is sharper than yours

It burns far more fervently than you

It burns far more fervently than you

It wraps its wounds in its own steep whiteness

It wraps its wounds in its own steep whiteness

It hits the ground a million times, just to round out the earthly practice

It hits the ground a million times, just to round out the earthly practice

The first river is the springboard for life's lofty goals

The first river is the springboard for life's lofty goals

The second river is the depth of precipitation

The second river is the depth of precipitation

The third river is the tolerance of the sea

The third river is the tolerance of the sea

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         By Gui Qingyang ( Shang Hai, China)

By Gui Qingyang ( Shang Hai, China)

I say

I say

The slimmest sea on the earth

The slimmest sea on the earth

Looming in South Australia

Looming in South Australia

Like a strip of jade

Like a strip of jade

Supports no more than one person

Supports no more than one person

You say

You say

The tiniest sea on the planet

The tiniest sea on the planet

Looming in your eyes

Looming in your eyes

Like a little pool of clear water

Like a little pool of clear water

Accommodates me

Accommodates me

Perhaps only the heart of mine

Perhaps only the heart of mine

I say

I say

I discover in your eyes

I discover in your eyes

The green hills, blue waters, red leaves

The green hills, blue waters, red leaves

Yellow flowers and grass white

Yellow flowers and grass white

You say

You say

One's eyes are one's outer mind

One's eyes are one's outer mind

So long as one's soul is super

So long as one's soul is super

His eyes are super as it might

His eyes are super as it might

Your heart can be a tiny sea

Your heart can be a tiny sea

Capable of supporting only me

Capable of supporting only me

Your heart can be a broad sea

Your heart can be a broad sea

Holding not just emotions of mine

Holding not just emotions of mine

But all seasons of my life

But all seasons of my life

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         By: Henry Zhao (USA)

By: Henry Zhao (USA)

“A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it”

“A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it”

-       Dylan Thomas

- Dylan Thomas



wild flowers, wild flowers

wild flowers, wild flowers

all face the ocean waves

all face the ocean waves

for the same music?

for the same music?



How to cheer the delight?

How to cheer the delight?

between wild flowers and ocean waves

between wild flowers and ocean waves

side by side, facing each other

side by side, facing each other



Sunset in white-sand beach

Sunset in white-sand beach

a little girl teasing the waves

a little girl teasing the waves

steps on the sky

steps on the sky



Sunset in the ocean

Sunset in the ocean

takes away their names

takes away their names

the birds and the rocks

the birds and the rocks



Sunday afternoon, pages of Haiku

Sunday afternoon, pages of Haiku

brighten and dim, and brighten again

brighten and dim, and brighten again

with the passing clouds

with the passing clouds

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         By Liu Hejun (Zhuhai, China)

By Liu Hejun (Zhuhai, China)

The sky, the rock, the river

The sky, the rock, the river

It's all his path

It's all his path

Let the fire rust and the sword nail the time

Let the fire rust and the sword nail the time

Push a mountain or wear a stone

Push a mountain or wear a stone

Reincarnation a sad earth, with decadence

Reincarnation a sad earth, with decadence

Cultivate bright temptress, cultivate softness and hardness

Cultivate bright temptress, cultivate softness and hardness

Cultivate mother surname and male, cultivate in complete

Cultivate mother surname and male, cultivate in complete

I will not refuse

I will not refuse

Soft alive

Soft alive

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香港名师名家名人坛, 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节, 香港圆桌诗刊, 野火诗刊, 中国长衫诗社, 诗坛壹周, ASP诗苑

香港名师名家名人坛, 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节, 香港圆桌诗刊, 野火诗刊, 中国长衫诗社, 诗坛壹周, ASP诗苑

供稿: 意大利“形象与诗歌”文学运动,国际迪伦-托马斯日组委会(英国),ASP 诗苑

供稿: 意大利“形象与诗歌”文学运动,国际迪伦-托马斯日组委会(英国),ASP 诗苑

本期编辑、制作: 晓芳

本期编辑、制作: 晓芳
