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On January 11, 2022, THE WORLD BANK released the latest Global Economic Prospects report saying that the global growth will slow to 2023. According to the report, compared with 5.5% in 2021, the growth is expected to decelerate to 4.1% in 2022 due to the continued outbreak of COVID-19, which is 0.2% lower than the previous forecast. From a specific analysis, the global economy is moving forward amid the epidemic, and the pace of economic recovery varies across countries. Global economic growth is projected to soften further to 3.2% in 2023.

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* 数据摘自世界银行2022年发布《全球经济展望》

建筑行业是全球覆盖面最广,影响力深远的重要组成部分。据牛津经济研究院估计,预计全球建筑市场在 2020 年至 2030 年间将增长4.5万亿美元,预计撒哈拉以南非洲地区的建筑增长最快,其次是新兴亚洲。然而,增长将集中在少数国家。在2020年至2030年期间,仅中国、印度、美国和印度尼西亚这四个国家就占全球建筑业增长的58.3%。在未来十年 4.5万亿美元的增长中,前十大市场占了近 70%,全球行业复苏的断层扩大。

The construction industry is an important part with the widest coverage and far-reaching influence in the world. According to the estimation of Oxford Economics, the global construction market is expected to grow by $4.5 trillion between 2020 and 2030, with Sub-Saharan Africa expected to see the fastest construction growth, followed by Emerging Asia. However, the growth will be concentrated in a few countries. China, India, USA and Indonesia will account for 58.3% of the global construction industry growth between 2020 and 2030. Top 10 markets account for nearly 70% of $4.5 trillion growth over the next decade. Gap widening in global industry recovery.

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The industry is still facing challenges in 2022, and this is precisely a moment of survival of the fittest. In the most difficult period of the industry, there are still a number of high-quality works that continue to emerge, raising the design level of the industry. Since CREDAWARD is initiated in 2014, it has gradually received more and more attention and recognition from overseas design firms, and is regarded as "one of the most challenging international awards".


According to the data analysis by DJSER:




Under the situation that the working mode has changed and many overseas offices have been forced to close down, there are still many high-quality overseas design companies and developers committed to China's urban development, actively design innovation and excellent works.

* 按国别、同国别下品牌名首字母顺序排列

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The above data is only taken from the list of overseas design institutions participating in the 8th CREDAWARD.


The number of overseas participating design companies has increased year by year, with an increase of 2% compared with the seventh award.

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The global economy continues to change. With the advent of Generation Z, the era of extensive expansion has come to an end. The industry has transformed from rapid development and expansion to urban regeneration and planning. City, life, culture, public space, and other elements have become important trends in the development of future projects. Diversity, urbanization, globalization, have also begun to become the themes of many companies participating in CREDAWARD.

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*以上数据来源:第八届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 申报系统数据(截止至2022.1.24)


*The above data source: The 8th CREDAWARD Application System Data (as of January 24, 2022)



2022 is coming without notice.

Perhaps we will still be living in winter for a period; perhaps the real challenge has yet to come.



But we always believe:

There is always the sense of mission and responsibility that architects have in their hearts; the patience and the will to keep breaking through.

Live Goes on~~

Let’s go Tigers!