

Every time I'm in a bad mood, my mother will say, "keeping a good mood is tantamount to making money. Many physical problems are related to my mood, so I'm in a good mood. Don't mess with myself, which is the most important."

That's true.

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I hate that I am always cranky, inexplicably upset, inexplicably sad and sad.

But after calming down, still tell yourself it doesn't matter. You can still be yourself. Your mood is inevitable, and change also needs a process.

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I'm still very grateful for the existence of music. Many unclear emotions can be interpreted. You can also bring two people's hearts closer by sharing music.

I think music has a memory, and it is everyone's special and unique memory. It can always be pulled back to the scene when hearing a song, as if it were exclusive background music.

Even if the other party's face has been blurred in my mind, the first few minutes of listening to the song together will always be clear.

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When you are in a bad mood, you should find a way to dredge yourself. You can't let your emotions cause trouble at will.

Listening to music, running, watching movies, or going shopping in supermarkets are all good methods.

How to say, bad emotions are also a part of your life, or you should learn to get along with your bad emotions.

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I think the most magical thing in the world is that every girl will have a different omen before she comes to her aunt!

As long as I start eating carbon water + edema, I will come to my aunt in a week!

I have friends who want sweets very much before coming to my aunt. Others have acne, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bad mood.

It seems that everyone is different, but everyone has their own rules. This thing is too unified!

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我心情不好的时候就换头像换背景图,朋友圈设置仅三天可见,然而并没有人在意 ,只好过两天默默改回来。

After three days, I didn't care about the background, but I had to change the background after two days.

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Originally, life is to do our best. Although others seem to have nothing to worry about, they are actually doing their best to live.

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Anyway, you shouldn't give bad emotions to those who love you.

Indeed, they will be tolerant, but we should not.

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You can laugh wildly, laugh, smile, smile bitterly, fake smile, don't laugh, even cry, anger, as long as it's your mood.

Any emotion is worth taking care of, including those you can't understand for the time being.

So you don't have to hide anything, feel what you feel, admit it, respect it, accept it, and get along with it.

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