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在这个疫情肆虐、压力激增的年代,人人都向往一块远离尘嚣的净土来安放尚存的对美好生活的期许。除了郊野的田园生活外,岛屿生活也是一个不错的选择。并非所有的私人岛屿都要开发成海岛度假村才能值回购价,一个能够满足日常所需的私人的精神领地或许更加弥足珍贵。今天带大家认识一座风景如画的地中海小岛——Trinity Island

In this era of rampant epidemic and surging pressure, everyone yearns for a place away from the crowd to fulfill their remaining expectations for a better life. In addition to rural life, island life is also a good choice. Not all private islands need to be developed into island resorts to be worth the money, and a private spiritual place that can meet daily needs may be even more valuable. Today I'd like to introduce you to Trinity Island, a small picturesque island in the Mediterranean Sea.

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远观Trinity Island,是离主城不远的世外桃源

Trinity Island位于希腊南部的埃维亚海湾,距离历史悠久的埃雷特利亚只有10分钟的车程;距离雅典只有90分钟的车程,从雅典乘直升机只需10分钟左右就可以到达。这个小岛不仅交通便利可以确保医疗救助与其他需求的及时性,同时这个隐秘的地方也保障了完全的隐私。

Trinity Island is ideally located in the gulf of Evia in southern Greece, just a 10-minute drive from historic Eretria. It is only a 90-minute drive from Athens, which can also be reached in about 10 minutes by helicopter. Not only is the island conveniently located to ensure immediate medical assistance and other needs, but this hideaway also offers complete privacy.

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Trinity Island周边地图

曾经有人这样评价Trinity Island,“这个世外桃源是外出度假的最佳地点,在这里你是自己岛屿上的国王。”也正是如此,这座面积为50316平方米的岛屿成为一大批标志性宾客喜爱的远离国家事务的绿洲,希腊王室成员以及温斯顿·丘吉尔等国家领导人经常到访。披头士乐队也曾由于这个岛屿的形状酷似一把吉他而一度想要购买它,将其视为一个鼓舞人心的涅槃。

Trinity Island was once described as "the ultimate idyllic location for off-site vacations, where one is king of one’s own island." As such, the 50,316m2 island has become a much-loved oasis away from state affairs for a host of iconic guests, including members of the Greek royal family and state leaders such as Winston Churchill. The Beatles were particularly interested in buying the island because of its resemblance to a guitar, seeing it as an inspiring nirvana.

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俯瞰Trinity Island,岛屿外形酷似吉他

Trinity Island到底有多美才使得这些名人政要趋之若鹜?不同于典型的多岩石的希腊岛屿,这个岛屿地势平坦且有植被覆盖。该岛长650米,最宽处150米,与海平面的高差高达6米。岛上还有三条总长度为1100米,宽3米的沥青公路。岛上种植着丰富的观赏植物和农作物植被,包括约350棵橄榄树,很多开心果树、松树和柏树,以及各种果树(石榴、杏子、桃子、杏仁、无花果),还有夹竹桃和芙蓉等观赏灌木。岛上有三个海滩,虽然没有大鱼,但螃蟹、银鱼、贻贝、蛤蜊和虾一年四季都很丰富。

What indeed is it about Trinity Island that makes it so attractive to celebrities and politicians? Unlike the typical rocky Greek island, the island is flat and vegetated. It is 650 meters long and 150 meters wide at its widest point, with an elevation difference of up to 6 meters from sea level. There are also three asphalt roads with a total length of 1,100 meters and a width of 3 meters. The island is rich in ornamental and crop vegetation, including about 350 olive, many pistachio, pine and cypress trees, as well as a variety of fruit trees (pomegranate, apricot, peach, almond, fig), and ornamental shrubs such as oleander and hibiscus. There are three beaches on the island, and while there are no large fish, crabs, whitebait, mussels, clams and shrimp are plentiful all year round.

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远观Trinity Island,仍可以看到岛上笔直的沥青公路

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Trinity Island的水电等基础设备完善,足以满足日常所需。岛上建有一座占地约115平方米的主要住宅,一座复古的海滩小别墅以及一个员工住宅。此外,主要住宅的西侧房前有一片可爱的大草坪,适合至少50位客人在户外就餐和娱乐,北侧有大片铺砌区域,适合200位客人的大型聚会和庆祝活动。岛上还有一座由希腊著名画家Spyros Vassiliou装饰的私人教堂,这座美丽的地标见证了许多的婚姻和洗礼。日落时分,人们还可以登上岛屿西侧一座建于17世纪的瞭望塔欣赏埃维亚湾的壮观景色。这座威尼斯瞭望塔就像一个孤独的哨兵,俯瞰着岛屿西部的蓝绿色水域,同一侧的两个码头非常适合停泊,甚至可以用作直升机停机坪。东侧的第三个码头是水上运动的跳板。岛屿周围的水域是游泳、皮划艇、滑水、滑翔伞、浮潜、水肺潜水和各种钓鱼的理想场所。

Trinity Island has adequate infrastructure such as water and electricity to meet daily needs. The island has a main residence of about 115 square metres, a vintage beach cottage and a staff residence. In addition, there is a lovely large lawn in front the west side of the main house, ideal for outdoor dining and entertaining of at least 50 seated guests, and a large paved area on the north side of the house, suitable for large parties and celebrations of easily 200 seated guests. There is also a private chapel decorated by the famous Greek painter Spyros Vassiliou. This beautiful landmark has witnessed many marriages and baptisms. At sunset, spectacular views of Euboean gulf can be enjoyed from a 17th-century watchtower on the west side of the island. Like a solitary sentinel, the Venetian watchtower overlooks the turquoise waters to the west of the island, with two piers on the same side perfect for mooring and even serving as a helipad. The third dock on the east side is a useful springboard for water sports. The waters around the islands are ideal for swimming, kayaking, water skiing, paragliding, snorkeling, scuba diving and all kinds of fishing.

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Trinity island田园诗歌般的生活为那些希望逃离一切的人提供了完全的隐私与自由。而更重要的是,这座迷人的小岛仍在出售中!售价为750万欧元。该岛没有抵押贷款也没有产权纠纷希腊政府可以提供出售所需的所有文件和许可。该岛还拥有400平方米的建筑许可证。你心动了吗?更多信息可私信咨询哦~

The idyllic life of Trinity Island promises total privacy and exclusivity for those who wish to escape from it all. And what's more, this charming island is still for sale! The price tag is 7.5 million euros. The island is free of mortgages and property disputes, and all the necessary documents and permissions from the Greek Government for a sale can be provided. A building permit for 400m2 is also available. Are you interested in it? For more information please send me a private message.

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Thanks for your time! Until next time!




Global Domain 「岛鸣国际」是私人岛屿生活方式的倡导者,致力于提供全球范围内真实有效的私人岛屿销售信息及配套服务。在疫情和地缘政治冲突风险加大的新时代背景下,为高净值人群对资金安全和人身安全的双重需求提出创新性的解决方案。
