

Carry forward the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting, carry forward the Chinese spirit, and promote the exchange and dialogue between Chinese culture and the world. To present the ink images of Chinese calligraphy and painting to the world, and to show the dialogue and exchange between Chinese artists and international culture.

In order to enable foreign art lovers and collectors to have a deeper understanding of China's traditional culture and art, new media specially planned the art theme of "Chinese art masters going global". This theme is divided into Chinese and English versions. It is believed that this symposium will bring a wave of art to Chinese painting and calligraphy overseas!

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Shen Xiaoping is from Dongkou, Hunan Province. Contemporary famous calligraphers, poets, sinologists, collectors, the world's top ten most influential writers and artists, the top ten representatives of the century's literature and art, and world celebrities. At present, he is a member of the Chinese poetry society, a member of the Chinese collectors association, a writer of special level works of Chinese poetry, a chief artist of the Chinese Calligraphers Research Association, a national first-class artist, a national first-class calligraphy master, a national first-class poet, an academician of the United Nations Peace Academy of calligraphy and painting, a lifelong president of Beijing Songzhuang International Academy of calligraphy and painting, a lifelong honorary president of Huaxia literature and Art Publishing House, an honorary president of the Chinese traditional art society, an artistic director of China Art Baidu Vice president of the Chinese poetry alliance, vice president of the Chinese contemporary literature society, honorary president of the China International Federation of calligraphy and painting artists, honorary president of the Chinese Academy of literati, lifelong honorary president of the world Confucius Institute, honorary editor in chief of the China Guoli publishing house, vice chairman of the jury of the second China literature and art supreme award, etc.

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

几十年来不断加强道德文化修养,酷爱书法、收藏和格律诗词的钻研。书法方面:从小临帖不绝。行、楷、隶、草、篆博取众长,勤学苦练,承古创新;运笔刚柔相济,用墨浓淡相宜,布局疏密巧妙,而且面目繁多,富于变化,各自独成一体。达到笔笔有来历,字字有意境,篇篇有韵味,令观者震撼。书法和人名辞条重点入编大型纪念特集典藏《大匠之门——当代书画名家权威推荐》(对外发行20万册,齐白石、吴贯中、黄永玉、欧阳中石、申小平、靳尚谊六人集)、《国际杰出华人艺术家》(黄永玉、申小平、李铎、欧阳中石、冯远、范曾、张海、刘大为八人集)、《国家相册》、《领航者(上下册)》(与全国企业界精英一起入选20位封面人物之一)、《企业收藏指南》(十九大期间宣传时本期封面人物)、《中国名片》(入选单照封面人物)、《举世宏图——艺术界领路人物大典》(中央编译出版社出版,入选单照封面人物,封底入选作品)、《不忘初心 继续前行——2018年翰墨书盛世 名家贺新春》(国家领导人及申小平、欧阳中石、刘大为、范曾入册)、《2018中国三大杰出代表》(庆祝建军九十周年台历,国家领导人、申小平、马云入册)、《中国艺圣——启功、申小平双人集》、《百年经典大师风范》(沈鹏、申小平、苏士澍、靳尚谊、刘文西、黄永玉入选,申小平题写书名并入选封面人物)、喜迎建党100周年《祖国山河一片红——书画界领军人物大典》(齐白石、李可染、范迪安、欧阳中石、孙晓云、申小平入典,并由申小平入选封面人物及封底作品)、《中国影响力人物》(袁隆平、钟南山、靳尚谊、何家英、沈鹏、权希军、申小平、任正非、马云、杨澜入选》、喜迎建党100周年《永远的丰碑--中华优秀儿女》(入选单照封面、新版《世界名人录》(入选单照封面人物)等等。

Over the past decades, he has continuously strengthened his moral and cultural cultivation, and loved calligraphy, collection and study of metrical poetry. Calligraphy: he has been imitating calligraphy since childhood. Xing, Kai, Li, Cao and Zhuan have won many advantages, studied and practiced hard, inherited the past and innovated; The brushwork combines hardness and softness, the ink is appropriate, the layout is dense and ingenious, and the faces are various and varied, each of which is independent. The writing style has its origin, the words have their artistic conception, and the articles have their lingering charm, which shocked the viewer. Calligraphy and personal name lyrics have been included in the large-scale commemorative collection "the gate of great masters - authoritative recommendations of contemporary calligraphy and painting masters" (200000 copies have been issued to the public, including the collection of Qi Baishi, Wu Guanzhong, Huang Yongyu, Ouyang Zhongshi, Shen Xiaoping and Jin Shangyi), the collection of international outstanding Chinese artists (the collection of eight people including Huang Yongyu, Shen Xiaoping, Li duo, Ouyang Zhongshi, Feng Yuan, fan Zeng, Zhang Hai and Liu Dawei), the national album The Navigator (Volume I and Volume II) (selected as one of the top 20 cover figures together with the elites of the national business community), the guide to enterprise collection (the cover figure of this issue during the publicity of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China), the Chinese business card (selected as the cover figure of the single photo), the grand ceremony of the world's grand vision - the leading figure of the art world (published by the Central Compilation and Translation Press, selected as the cover figure of the single photo, and selected as the works on the back cover) "Don't forget your original intention and continue to move forward - 2018 Chinese New Year celebration by famous calligraphy masters" (national leaders and Shen Xiaoping, Ouyang Zhongshi, Liu Dawei and fan Zeng are included in the book), "2018 China's three outstanding representatives" (national leaders, Shen Xiaoping and Ma Yun are included in the book on the Taiwan calendar celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army), "China's art Saint - Qigong, Shen Xiaoping's double album" The demeanor of a century old classic master (Shen Peng, Shen Xiaoping, Su Shishu, Jin Shangyi, Liu Wenxi and Huang Yongyu were selected, Shen Xiaoping wrote the title of the book and was selected as the cover character), the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (Qi Baishi, Li Keran, fan Dean, Ouyang Zhongshi, sun Xiaoyun and Shen Xiaoping were selected, and Shen Xiaoping was selected as the cover character and the back cover work) "Chinese influential figures" (Yuan Longping, Zhong Nanshan, Jin Shangyi, he Jiaying, Shen Peng, Quan Xijun, Shen Xiaoping, Ren Zhengfei, Ma Yun and Yang Lan were selected), the "eternal monument -- Chinese outstanding children" (selected as the cover of the single photo) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, the new edition of "world famous people" (selected as the cover of the single photo), and so on.

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works


In terms of collection, he has deep research on porcelain, high ancient jade, bronze, bronze mirrors and dZi beads, and has the dual skills of a collector and connoisseur. There are nearly 5000 pieces of various collections; In terms of poetry, nearly 1000 works have been published in famous large-scale poetry journals and newspapers, such as the world of poetry, friends of poetry, Chinese poetry, one hundred poets, the country of poetry, the home of poets, Chinese poetry in the world, and 3 co authored works such as the library of Chinese writers and the selected poems of the top ten Chinese poets have been published. He has successively become a propagandist poet in the poet's style column of the world of poetry magazine, the poet's column of the Chinese poetry monthly magazine, and the recommended xianzhai column of the world Chinese poetry magazine.

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works


Over the years, poetry and calligraphy have won many awards in domestic and international competitions and exhibitions. They have successively won the "century glory · national highest achievement award in literature and art", "literary and art leader · national highest honor award", "Republic glory Chinese cultural treasure Award", "the first Chinese Literature and art supreme Award", "national culture giant award of the Republic", "lifetime achievement award of famous artists in the golden age", "International Art Award of the Forbidden City" "Outstanding contribution award of world education, science and culture", "the first international cultural and art master communication award of the Belt and Road", "national culture and Art Award", "National Model Award for literary and art teachers", "the highest achievement award of the first Chinese literati Award for culture and art", "national 14th five year plan Cultural Construction Award", "the highest award of the 9th China culture and Art Festival", "golden bull Award" Lifetime Achievement Award "," Da Vinci International Art Award "Gold Award "United Nations Lifetime Achievement Award in art" and so on; It has been awarded by professional groups such as culture and art at home and abroad "Inheritor of Chinese art, Chinese poet with both virtue and art, meritorious figure of the Republic's red inheritance, Ambassador of red culture image, Ambassador of peace and public welfare calligraphy and painting, master of art with both virtue and art, top 100 poets, top 100 poets, pioneer of the Republic, national cultural meritorious figure, backbone of the Republic, Gold Award artist, Great Wall artist of China, outstanding artist of the Chinese nation, Chinese legend, famous poet of poetry, famous poet of the whole world Artists specially recommended by the two sessions of the National People's Congress, ambassadors of Sino US cultural and art exchanges, ambassadors of Chinese cultural communication, artists with the greatest wealth investment potential in China, masters of calligraphy and painting with the greatest collection value in contemporary China, powerful artists in contemporary China, outstanding calligraphers in contemporary China, Chinese legends in 2017, leaders in calligraphy and painting, Chinese poetry, outstanding Chinese artists in the world, models of national treasures in Huaxia Thirty influential figures and sons of the Orient -- the people's favorite Gold Award artists, Chinese art masters, Chinese art masters, Chinese literary and art leaders, the most influential Chinese in the world, Chinese art saints, leading figures in the art world, China's international art giants, grandmasters, hall level art masters, international art masters, national ceremony art masters, China's top ten Cultural Ambassadors, top ten literary and art pacesetters Top 10 military and civilian artists, national cultural meritorious figures, people's art meritorious figures, top 10 national treasure level artists, 19 leading masters of calligraphy and painting, Chinese contemporary literary and art leaders, top 10 representatives of Centennial literature and art, Centennial masters, Chinese leading artists, national first-class art masters, Republic literary and art pioneers, national treasure level writers and artists, China's top 10 supreme art masters, people's literary and art pioneers First class literary and art masters of the Republic, outstanding cultural figures of UNESCO, the most caring and socially responsible artists in China, international cultural and art contributors of the the Belt and Road initiative, international cultural and art communication ambassadors, national cultural and art figures, national first-class calligraphers, national first-class literary and art instructors, National literary and art pioneers in the new era, pioneer flag bearers of national 14th five year plan cultural construction, world art meritorious figures He has won many honorary titles, including the United Nations culture and art medal, China's aerospace art science popularization ambassador, the top ten gold medal artists who have influenced the world, the meritorious figure of the world's peace culture, the great master who has built the party for 100 years, and the top ten most influential writers and artists in the world.

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

欧阳中石 评价 申小平 书法:


Ouyang Zhongshi commented on Shen Xiaoping's Calligraphy:

Calligraphy can build art on the brush and ink and express the temperament of the calligrapher. Different calligraphers have different experiences and cultural connotations, so their works will have different characteristics and styles. Mr. Shen Xiaoping's calligraphy has a profound theoretical foundation of calligraphy, full of passion, compatibility and intercommunication at the spiritual level. His pen is simple, steady and innovative. His writing style is very rigorous and flexible. It reflects a kind of righteous atmosphere and masculinity, which is extremely rich. This is not exactly the same as what we usually say about bookiness. His calligraphy skills are mostly expressed in dripping natural brush and ink. He dares to break the set of traditional thinking and pursue a new beauty of harmony when creating. I think he is still practicing. His practice itself has played a leading role in the development of traditional Chinese characters. Our times need this kind of calligraphy atmosphere.

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works

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▲Appreciation of Mr.Shen XiaoPing's works