

Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.

——Quyuan's Li Sao

Destiny is an incredible thing. Although people have different aspirations, they often encounter many difficulties in realizing their ideals. They are not afraid of difficulties and hardships, and thus succeed in one fell swoop.

—— Matsushita Yukiko


The significance of this project design is that it provides a benign problem-solving model for the life market of Chinese young people with great prospects, so that more young people can have a real space and life belonging to young people.

每个人都在人生长河中沉浮奔波,为了生存,生活,为了或大或小的目标,日复一日地工作学习。但机械的重复不是生活的意义,于是,我们将这里用心打造成了一个亦是办公室,亦是家的空间,摒弃机械化 的紧张运作,注入美好舒适,自由,慢节奏的氛围。

Everyone is ups and downs in the long river of life, working and studying day after day in order to survive, live, and achieve big or small goals. However, mechanical repetition is not the meaning of life. Therefore, we have carefully built here into a space that is both an office and a home, abandoning the tense operation of mechanization and injecting a beautiful, comfortable, free and slow-paced atmosphere.


What we hope is that this space is an interactive life atmosphere, a natural and comfortable dynamic atmosphere, a perfect integration between architecture and people, and a dynamic design to reflect the vitality of the work. Depict a full and vivid life with a minimalist, ecological and humanistic pen. This is the design concept that Yijian design has been adhering to, and it is also perfectly integrated into the daily living space. In a simple and comfortable environment at home, you can get rid of impetuosity and anxiety, and you can have unrestrained inspiration.


"To achieve perfection is not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to remove." We all know that a really good design is not to fight against complexity and simplify it. It is only true, complete and humane that we should consider the dynamic interaction between people and space as much as possible to complete the final work; Life is not to avoid boredom and busyness, so that the initial design is peaceful and beautiful.


The charm of design is to often try to break the boundaries and inherent limitations, make the space more possible and interesting, and make people in the space try different experiences. Public space becomes an art space, and humanistic discourse is added to shape such a unique temperament. Therefore, art should not be an unreachable luxury, but a daily product, just like food for life.


In the sense of space, we want to create a public atmosphere in an instant, which becomes perfect with the participation of people and behavior, an unplanned perfection; This unplanned and artificial order is the nature of space, because the relationship between time and people is changing; This unknown state of change is also interesting and worth exploring.


A "big opening" on the top of the house is to allow the maximum light to enter the space, which is the best way to strengthen the intimate dialogue between space and light. Its material, the whole frame, has been carefully considered and evaluated for its environment, but it is durable and allows rapid inhalation of fresh air. The direction of the "big opening" is close to the center of the crowd. When the light beam shines downward, natural light is the best architectural atmosphere.


In fact, no matter what age they were born in, the main tone of young people's life is the coexistence of anxiety and hope. Young people, whether you agree or disagree, are destined to grow up with the times. But life is characterized by changes and leaps, full of sudden changes in fate. Some people like this change and uncertainty, while others fear it. Every time we look back over an era, we will find that the road we have taken is a process of turning uncertainty into certainty.


The tide of the times can always cross mountains one after another, and so is personal destiny. Running water should be the first, relying on the continuity; Even if we are ordinary, as long as we don't end up, we will keep moving forward with the tide of the times.


Looking at next year and many years to come at the end of the year, we can believe that we can become a part of this great era after all by staying true to every seemingly ordinary choice.


Young friends always blindly pursue their dreams, but ignore the importance of health. Of course, this is not an excuse for people who don't work hard. Self realization is an eternal Road, but on the way, we should also calm down and examine our bodies to see if we can withstand such intensity and pressure.

项目名称 | 人才公寓

主案设计 | 杨克友 王绍鹏

参与设计 | 邵明防 李开启

软装设计 | 柒待美学

项目地址 | 江苏省 常州市

Project Name | Talent apartment

Main Case Design | Yang Keyou , Wang Shaopeng

Participated in the design | Shao Mingfang , Li Kaiqi

Soft decoration design | Aesthetics

Project address | Nanjing City,Changzhou City
