Hello Slushers : )

S 创中国来啦!!!



2015年至今,Slush China已成功在北京、上海、深圳和南京等科技创新最活跃的城市举办十余场国际创新大会,迎来海内外35000+高科技人才、3000+志愿者、4000+初创企业、500+位演讲者参与到科技创新活动中,成功对接了2000+个科技项目和投资机构以及大企业。如今Slush China致力于服务本地和海内外高科技顶尖人才、初创企业、投资人、大企业与媒体的完整生态体系,致力于帮助和培养敢于改变未来的创业者,为创业项目提供高效沟通与资源共享的对接平台。Slush China每年在上海举办的科技创新大会已成为亚洲最国际 规模最大 影响力最强的科技创新大会之一,被福布斯杂志评选为中国顶尖国际初创和科技行业大会。

Since 2015, Slush China has successfully held more than 10 international innovation conferences in some big cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Nanjing, attracting 35,000+ high-tech talents, 3,000+ volunteers, 4,000+ startups and 500+ speakers from home and abroad, and successfully matching 2,000+ technology projects with investment institutions and large enterprises. Nowadays, Slush China is committed to serving the complete ecosystem of top local and overseas high-tech talent, startups, investors, large corporations and media, helping and nurturing entrepreneurs who dare to change the future, and providing a platform for efficient communication and resource sharing for entrepreneurs. It has been named by Forbes Magazine as one of the top international startup and technology industry conferences in China.

然而在过去几年时间里,Slush 全球战略布局受到很大影响,因此Slush中国和芬兰团队将经商讨后共同决定:

However, over the course of the past few years, Slush’s strategy has changed. Going forward, the so-called ‘global events’ are not part of the strategy of Slush. For this, the teams in Finland and in China have discussed and decided to:


2. Slush China团队决定将品牌升级为“S创”同时替换原本的“Slush China”作为新的活动品牌,而Slush芬兰团队给予全力的支持。

3. 随着新品牌的启用,Slush 芬兰团队决定终止此前与上海星燃文化科技有限公司签署的品牌授权协议。

1. continue building entrepreneurial communities independently as two separate entities and brands.

2. Upgrade Slush China brand to a new, independent brand S 创 for future events in China. And Slush Helsinki teams gives the new brand its full support.

3. terminate the brand licensing agreement signed by Slush Oy and Northstar Co., Ltd on November 26th 2019.

Slush 芬兰和S 创中国团队,仍然是彼此重要的合作伙伴。作为全新的篇章,S 创中国团队将秉承创新精神,扎根中国创新热土,Slush 芬兰会持续助力中国科技创新和创业社群发展;未来双方将帮助更多的合作伙伴,开拓更深层的跨国交流,共同帮助志在改变世界的下一代创新者获得成功!

Slush Finland and the S 创 team remain important partners for each other. As a new chapter, the S 创 team will continue to be rooted in the spirit of innovation in China, and Slush Finland will continue to support the development of China's technology innovation and entrepreneurial community; in the future, the two companies will help more partners, develop deeper cross-border exchanges and work together to help the next generation of innovators who want to change the world to succeed!

Slush 大会及活动独立授权文件


After seven years of hard work, Slush China has become what it is today. This has been made possible by tens of thousands of volunteer-Slushers and the efforts of the former CEO, Ms. Wang Chen, and her team.

Slush China 总裁宋宇辰先生作为“S创”的创始人,将带领Slush中国团队,整合各方资源,厘清发展思路,重塑发展力量,全面创新“S创”品牌。除了以往被大家熟知的大会活动以外,更多业务版块也在不断上线ing。

As the founder of S 创, Mr. Song Yuchen, the president of Slush China, will take lead the Slush China team and innovate the brand in all aspects. In addition to the well-known Slush conference , more innovation sections are also being launched.

S 创将包括

the S创 family include:

S创中国(Slush China)大会

S创中国(Slush China)大会以“重启未来”为主题,作为S创中国(Slush China)最大的活动,将吸引10000+参会者,包含1500+初创企业、1000+投资人、150+演讲嘉宾等齐聚上海。大会内容丰富多样,包含主题演讲、圆桌论坛、炉边对话、初创企业路演、企业展位、互动体验区、匹配对接区等,配合前中后期大量周边活动、after party,以酷炫设计+电音渲染整体活动气氛,为中国科技创新生态搭建跨界交流的场景,促进科技创新生态的整体活跃与发展。

As a new member of the S创 family, the Concrete&Grass Music Festival is the most beloved and life-oriented international music festival in China. The 2016-2018 Concrete Music Festival brings together outstanding musicians and bands from home and abroad to create a joyous celebration comparable to any carnival. S创 China will join hands with Split Works and Endeavour China to open a new chapter of the Concrete&Grass Music Festival.

月度路演 S Monthly Pitch

从2020年2月起,Slush China团队推出了月度路演品牌,每个月围绕一个科技创新细分领域,以投融资高效匹配对接为特色组织路演活动,迄今已举办20+场,涵盖物联网、半导体、企业服务、智能制造、汽车科技、碳中和、新能源、消费科技、医疗科技、文娱体育科技、生物科技、食品饮料科技等赛道。每期约400-500名专业观众,累计吸引了12000+初创企业、投资人、大企业、媒体等参与,帮助路演企业平均获得40+次的精准匹配对接,获得了科技创业圈的一致好评。

Since 2020 February, the Slush China team has launched Monthly Pitching, which has been held in the feature of high efficient Investment matchmaking and focuses on one tech innovation field every month. So far, 20+pitching events were held. The Pitching topic covers IoT, Semi-Conductor, SaaS, Smart manufacturing, AutoTech, Carbon Neutrality, New Energy, Consumption Tech, Health Tech, Sports & Entertainment Tech, BioTech, Food & Beverage Tech, etc. Each Pitch attracts about 400-500 professional attendees and we have a total of 12,000+ start-ups, investors, large enterprises, media, etc. to join Monthly Pitching, which also helps pitching startups to get an average of 40+ times matchmaking.

社群日 S Community Day

S创中国(Slush China)团队通过独特的“社群的社群”文化理念,与国内外大量科技创新社群建立了良好关系。通过与合作伙伴联名打造组织社群日活动,为科技创业圈的社群伙伴们提供一个交流、沟通、对接的机会,鼓励社群伙伴们在社群日中结识更多志同道合的朋友,以此创造更多合作的机会,并激活特定领域的社群创新生态。

The Slush China team has established a good relationship with a large number of scientific and technological innovation communities at home and abroad through the unique cultural concept of "community of community". By co-founding and organizing community day activities with partners, it provides community partners in the technology entrepreneurship circle with an opportunity to communicate, communicate and connect, and encourage community partners to meet more like-minded friends in the community day. Create more opportunities for cooperation and activate the community innovation ecology in specific fields.

S Talent Talk


另外,Talent Talk与复旦大学北欧中心、复旦大学创新创业学院和北欧创新机构Demola联合开设的最新课程:北欧企业创新创意实践,这是一门和企业高管面对面,学习企业创新,和队友一起开发新的理念和产品,激发自己的职业潜能的全新教育创新实践。

Talent Talk connects young people with entrepreneurial aspirations, a sense of innovation and the ability to take action through a variety of online and offline events with different themes. The monthly innovation events are created in collaboration with various youth innovation communities, focusing on youth workplace and life pain points and helping them to meet more friends and life mentors.

In addition, Talent Talk has joined forces with Fudan University's Nordic Centre, Fudan University's School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Nordic innovation agency Demola to offer its latest course: Nordic Corporate Innovation Creative Practice, a new educational and innovative practice to meet face-to-face with corporate executives, learn about corporate innovation, develop new ideas and products with your teammates and inspire your own career potential.

科技音乐节 S Festival


The S-Tech Music Festival integrates technology and music elements, and aims to inspire and inspire young people to innovate. Taking the Yangzhou Science and Technology Music Festival as an example, the duration is half a day and it is divided into indoor and outdoor venues. During the day, the music performance will be interspersed with the sharing of technological innovation content, and the content broadcast + food market will be carried out outdoors. The main performance is to push the event to a climax.



TECOM is the first international technology and innovation conference established in China. Our goal is to bring together members of the local and international communities to build a more diverse and inclusive community that expands year by year. Each year, TECOM brings together the most dynamic, cohesive and influential tech entrepreneur communities to showcase their values and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the tech entrepreneur community.TECOM will not only assist, strengthen and promote the development of the international technology and innovation sector, but also provide the connection and integration between large companies, start-ups and professionals in related industries, so as to make innovation endless.

创始人早Founders Breakfast


Founders Breakfast is a weekly meetup connecting startups and founders to the entrepreneurial ecosystem via expert talks and trustful connections. Every Friday entrepreneurs connect in-person with their peers to learn, grow and support each other throughout their respective entrepreneurial journeys. They are encouraged to share their startup stories, discuss current challenges, and seek support from fellow entrepreneurs. Founders Breakfast, powered by weHustle, is a community to connect, exchange, support, grow and achieve goals together. Founders Breakfast gives the stage to seasoned professionals, industry experts, and serial entrepreneurs to share insights, trends, and tips that help us become better and more successful founders.

Between Meetings

Between Meetings 是一档即兴采访节目,采用在车上移动演播厅的形式。在这档节目中我们会与嘉宾们一起讨论中国速度下的创新技术和创业精神。我们邀请⾏业领袖、企业家和企业创新者,在城市穿梭中分享他们⿎舞⼈⼼的故事、个⼈经历、⾏业⻅解和实⽤建议,以帮助未来的创业者在中国及其他地区取得成功。

Between Meetings is a series of on-the-go interviews in which we discuss innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. Our guests are industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and corporate innovators. We catch them between meetings. In a car ride across town, they share inspiring stories, personal experiences, industry insights, and practical advice on how to scale your way to success.


作为新加入S创大家族的版块,混凝草音乐节被认为是国内最注重生活体验的国际音乐节。2016-2018年的混凝草音乐节汇集了国内外优秀的音乐人和乐队,打造了堪比嘉年华的欢乐庆典。S创中国将与Splirt Works 和Endeavor 中国携手,为混凝草音乐节开启全新的篇章,把激情、爱和分享重新组合,焕发生机。

As a new member of the S创 family, the Concrete&Grass Music Festival is the most beloved and life-oriented international music festival in China. The 2016-2018 Concrete Music Festival brings together outstanding musicians and bands from home and abroad to create a joyous celebration comparable to any carnival. S创 China will join hands with Split Works and Endeavour China to open a new chapter of the Concrete&Grass Music Festival.