看一道19年GCSE的考题,英文原题如下: In this question, all lengths are in centimetres. A is a point on a circle, centre O. B is a point on a different circle, centre O. AB = 20. The equation of the larger circle is x2 + y2 = 144. Radius of smaller circle : radius of larger circle = 4:5. Work out the size of angle AOB.

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中文翻译,本题所有长度单位均为厘米。A是一圆上的点,圆心为O,B是另一圆上的点,圆心也是O。AB=20,大圆的方程为x2 + y2 = 144,小圆半径:大圆半径为4:5。求∠AOB的角度。
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