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Dubbed "Qatar prince" by Chinese netizens, a upset Qatar youngster at the opening match of the World Cup amused audiences in China, inspiring netizens to create interesting memes and icons. The teenager, in response, recorded a thank you video expressing his gratitude for Chinese people's love.


"Hello, this is my message for all of my Chinese fans. I'm here just to say thank you for all of your beautiful comments and all of your beautiful videos. I've seen all of them. Thank you so much and you're more welcomed to Qatar. You can experience and watch this amazing event — the World Cup. Thank you. " “大家好,这是我想说给中国网友的话。我想在这里谢谢你们,谢谢你们有趣的评论和有趣的视频,这些我都看到了,谢谢你们,欢迎你们来卡塔尔,和我一起感受这一场盛会,一起关注世界杯。”

@ afjalthani1 还在自己的Instagram中发布了一幅手绘表情包,坐实了自己“馄饨皮”的形象。

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2022年卡塔尔世界杯吉祥物拉伊卜 (La'eeb),阿拉伯语意思是“技艺高超的球员”。其设计灵感来自于卡塔尔人的传统服饰,它鼓励人们相信自己,也寓意着它将带领所有人享受足球的快乐。
