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美国有线电视新闻网icon(CNN)官网3月22日报道:美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯周三表示,如果俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京到任何已加入国际刑事法庭的欧洲相关国家访问,就应该逮捕他(any European country that is a party to the International Criminal Court (ICC) should arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin if he visits)。

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布林肯不愿透露,如果俄罗斯总统来到美国时,美国当局是否会将其移交给国际刑事法院庭,而是指出“美国不是国际刑事法庭的当事方”。布林肯说:“我认为他没有任何计划很快前往这里”(Blinken would not say whether the US authorities would turn the Russian president over to the ICC if he were to come to this country, noting that the US is not a party to the court. “I don’t think he has any plans to travel here soon,” Blinken said)。