On March 28, the Greater Bay Area (Foshan) Tour organized by the Yangcheng Evening News started. The president and editors-in-chief of renowned media at home and abroad first visited Runhe Jujin Science and Technology Park in Chancheng District, Foshan City, to get a close look of the local government's achievements in building a high-end industrial park.

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As the core of the "Thousand Acre Accelerator" in Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Chancheng District, the park covers an area of about 103 mu, with a construction area of about 120,000 m². At present, the project commits to function as an important industrial base for incubating innovative enterprises and applying scientific and technological achievements to industrial products. In the next stage, it will focus on introducing enterprises specializing in high-end equipment, intelligent manufacturing, and digital economy.

At the second stop, media experts will arrive at Meitao Bay Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster to explore scenic spots, such as the Nanfeng ancient stove, Guangdong Shiwan Ceramic Museum, and No. 8 Art Pier.

At present, as a model of urban renewal in China's industrial pioneer areas, Meitao Bay is building a complete industrial ecosystem of “culture + creativity + cross-border + fashion + experience” around the two positioning of a national cultural industry demonstration park and a national 5A tourism scenic spot.

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"To revive traditional Chinese culture in this era, we should not be a standpatter and be proud of it. Instead, we ought to advance with the times,” said Wu Xinxiong, deputy director of the China Affairs Department of International Daily News. He believes that as the "southern capital of pottery", Foshan should make ceramics its "industry card", and vigorously promote the integrated development of cultural tourism and traditional culture development. In this way, the city will have a promising future in the innovation of modern industries.

On the same day, they also went to Shunde, Foshan, and visited the Shunde Happy Coast PLUS, the Shunde Gourmet Museum, the city landmark Shunde Eye Ferris wheel, and other places. At the Shunde Food Museum, the media "big shots" had an in-depth understanding of the historical development of Shunde food, and praised the local government's emphasis on promoting food culture.

"It is an impressive experience to systematically learn the history of Shunde cuisine in diverse forms," said Ma Limei, Executive Director of Puxin Media and President of Journal Puxin. She expressed her hope that in the future, more overseas Chinese will be able to enjoy authentic Cantonese cuisine locally. "As an overseas Chinese media, we will also continue to play our media advantages to publicize domestic food culture, Lingnan culture, and other outstanding cultures."

At the end of the first day, media professionals went to the Dragon Boat Square in Sanlong Bay Science and Technology City and boarded the boat "Sanlong Bay No. 1".

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"Sanlong Bay Cruise" is the first Chinese cruise project featuring "Lingnan Water Culture". The tour route is about 14 kilometers long. With the time-honored Lingnan culture as the center, the route links the landmarks of the city to construct a golden corridor on the water.


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“三龙湾游船”是国内首个以“岭南水乡文化”为主题的游船项目,整个游船线路全长约14公里,以悠久的岭南文化为底,串联景城地标形成特色游线,打通水上黄金走廊。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 吴泳 通讯员 黄佩莹

图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 梁正杰 杨苑莹 蔡嘉鸿


责编|戚美青 王瑜瑛

翻译 | 刘佳慧