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If people understood how good the driving experience is with a @Tesla, they'd never be able to build enough at any price. My trip to Texas to see @SpaceX's SuperHeavy/Starship initial launch was my first time driving a Tesla Model Y for an extended trip.

I drove 1500 miles across Texas, from San Antonio to Brownsville, and then all the way up to near Fort Worth over 10 days. For 7 of those days, I camped out in the back of the Model Y using its "Camp Mode", keeping me cool in the heat and humidity of the Texas Gulf Coast. All of that driving and the AC only cost me $151.

The integration with your phone is amazing:

1) You never have to lock your car, it locks it when you walk away, and unlocks it when you return.

2) Want a comfortable car when you get in, turn the climate control on from your phone.

3) Some idiot parked too close to your driver's door? Just use your phone to back it out.

I can't wait to get mine! Starting July 1st, Colorado will provide a $5000 rebate to the $7,500 federal rebate. This means that you'll be able to get a base Model Y for $29,740. Note: The price below only includes $2000 Colorado's 7/1/2023 $5000 rebate.

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如果人们了解@Tesla的驾驶体验有多好,他们将永远无法以任何价格建造足够的汽车。我去德克萨斯州观看@SpaceX的 SuperHeavy/Starship 首次发射是我第一次驾驶 Tesla Model Y 进行长途旅行。

我驱车 1500 英里穿越德克萨斯州,从圣安东尼奥到布朗斯维尔,然后在 10 多天内一直到达沃思堡附近。在其中的 7 天里,我使用“露营模式”在 Model Y 的后部露营,在得克萨斯州墨西哥湾沿岸的高温和潮湿环境中保持凉爽。所有这些驾驶和空调只花了我 151 美元。


1) 永远不用锁车,走开锁上,回来开锁。

2) 上车时想要一辆舒适的汽车,请通过手机打开空调。


我等不及要得到我的了!从 7 月 1 日开始,科罗拉多州将对 7,500 美元的联邦退税提供 5,000 美元的退税。这意味着您将能够以 29,740 美元的价格获得基本的 Model Y。注意:以下价格仅包括 2000 美元科罗拉多州 2023 年 7 月 1 日的 5000 美元回扣。
