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4.海马疗法:通常建议 2 岁及以上的儿童进行海马疗法。有节奏、重复的动作有助于改善肌肉张力、平衡、姿势、协调、力量、灵活性和认知技能。这些运动也产生了类似于走路的反应。此外,调整和适应治疗的运动增加了感觉运动的整合。

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Research indicates early diagnosis and therapies may reduce the duration of tube feeding and prevent early obesity in Infants with PWS. Early intervention in children under age 3 years, particularly physical therapy, may improve muscle strength and encourage achievement of developmental milestones.

Physical Therapy

Physical is helpful to improve balance, coordination, and strength. Your physical therapist will work with your child to improve gross motor skills such as lifting his head, sitting, crawling, and walking.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy primarily assists with fine motor skill development and hand control. Occupational therapists will also perform activities to help with sensory integration and may perform oral motor exercises to improve sucking strength in preparation for pre-speech.

Speech Therapy

Early assessment and intervention are critical to the development of functional communication. Parents are strongly encouraged to begin oral-motor therapy in infancy to assist with feeding and the acquisition of the oral-motor skills necessary for babbling and speech. If your child is receiving a diagnosis later in childhood, a speech and language assessment should be made as soon as the diagnosis is made.


Hippotherapy is commonly recommended for children ages 2 and above. The horse’s rhythmic, repetitive movements work to improve muscle tone, balance, posture, coordination, strength, flexibility, and cognitive skills. The movements also generate responses that are similar to (and essential for) walking. In addition, adjusting to and accommodating for the horse’s movements increases sensorimotor integration.

Infant Massage

Research shows infant massage is beneficial in improving blood circulation, aiding digestion, enhancing the development of the nervous system, stimulating neurological development, increasing alertness, and improving immune function.







