去年12月,影视产业观察开始上线英文国际版“中国内容观察” (China Content Weekly),每周通过邮件向近3000位海外同行推介由编辑团队精选出的6档国内新节目,覆盖综艺、纪录片、剧集、动画等,让国际市场看到中国内容的成长。













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In Search of Ancient China



The two-parter delves into the history of the ancient kingdom Dian, exploring its establishment, development, and integration into ancient China while highlighting the great Bronze Age created through cultural exchanges.


Piecing together fragments from ancient sites, historical records, figures, and artifacts in a youth-skewing manner, the documentary vividly brings to life the ancient civilization of Dian. Through a combination of the host’s on-site visits and CG reconstruction, it presents the ancient kingdom in real-time and interactive ways, taking viewers on an immersive and engaging exploration. With new technologies like free viewpoint system, 3D scanning of large-scale scenes, and XR+, it unveils both comprehensive views and intricate details, offering many lesser-known yet interesting facts throughout the visually stunning experience.

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Wonderland S3



The season invites 17 celebrities, who are mostly strangers to each other of different ages, genders, and personalities, to build an ideal community in a remote settlement in 21 days.

借用陶渊明《桃花源记》里的概念,该节目看起来创造了一个现代版的乌托邦式的桃花坞。然而,跟原作中的田园诗意相反的是,这一群背景迥异的明星带来了许多尴尬场面、搞笑误会以及矛盾冲突等等。通过让大家一起泡澡、No Push匿名投票等新引入的规则,节目促使明星们进入到不同的社会关系情境当中,既催生出娱乐效果,又能观照现实生活中的人际交往,很好地把握住了“真”与“秀”之间的微妙平衡。

Referencing the secluded magical village in Tao Yuanming’s The Peach Blossom Spring, this show is seemingly a modern version of that utopia. However, instead of the idyllic harmony of the old fable, it nurtures awkward interactions, amusing misunderstandings, and strained tensions among a diverse group of TV personalities. As a social experiment, it well balances between “reality” and “show” with its new devices—asking them to take a bath together and conducting anonymous voting, etc.—that push the cast to engage in various social activities, creating an entertaining spectacle and a reflection of real-life interpersonal communication.

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Wonders Beyond Words



To win charitable funds, celebrity guests participate in quizzes about the “Wonders” of culture, technology, or engineering. Each question is initially worth 20,000 CNY, and the current prize money is halved for each incorrect answer.


The show wraps the cultural core with an engaging quiz variety format, exploring the wonders in various fields including traditional culture, intangible heritages, high tech, and significant mega projects. Questions are derived from short videos submitted by netizens, tapping into the current trend of cross-screen content curation. With visually appealing on-location footage and live performances, it showcases the knowledge and significance behind each question, boasting the beauty of the long-standing Chinese civilization. Randomly selecting participants with a moving camera also adds excitement and entertainment to the show.

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In Later Years



The series depicts the multitude of internal and external pressures the Ni siblings face as they enter middle age, offering a panoramic view of the warmth and joys, as well as the challenges and sorrows, within a Chinese family.


Family dramas, a significant genre in Chinese TV, have stood the test of time by closely depicting the lives of ordinary people and reflecting societal realities. This drama follows suit, exploring the personal and social anxieties faced by middle-aged individuals—such as soaring housing prices, marital crises, aging, career limitations, and emotional solitude—in a relatable manner. Beyond common life issues, the incorporation of suspenseful elements and the complexity of each character inject abundant dramatic conflicts and plot twists into the storyline, while the presence of a stellar cast of accomplished actors adds the finishing touch of excellence.

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Prosecution Elite



A new-grad female prosecutor joins forces with a determined police captain to track down cyber criminals and expose the elusive mastermind in a series of high-stakes battles for justice.


The series brings novelty as it is the first Chinese drama that spotlights female prosecutors and tackles the theme of combating new forms of cyber-crime. Based on true crime cases involving internet gambling, predatory student loans, cross-border telecom scams, and so forth, it captivates viewers with its significant real-life relevance amidst the backdrop of rampant cybercrime in recent years. Intertwining cases of different scales and investigations of different phases, it provides a comprehensive portrayal of the entire legal process and a gripping ride of overcoming evil, unfolding in its suspense-filled storytelling.

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Yes! Boss



The future heir of a group joins the struggling film subsidiary as an intern, determined to work together with the team in achieving remarkable results to revitalize the company.


Against the backdrop of the film industry, the 22x8’ short series unveils the industry's chaotic realities and the workplace challenges faced by ordinary individuals. With a satirical and comedic touch, it hilariously highlights the absurdities and unreasonable operations of leaders, companies, and clients that resonate with many viewers. In particular, a variety of unexpected twists and turns are included as the undercover over-aged intern and his vibrant co-workers navigate through a rollercoaster of rebellion and reactivation, leaving viewers entertained while not shying away from the seriousness that lies beneath the issues.


作者 | 黄琪琪

主编 | 彭侃

排版 | 石琼渝